It's gotten to the point where my cousin comes home crying from school because what she hears and sees at school is too...

it's gotten to the point where my cousin comes home crying from school because what she hears and sees at school is too much for her. this sex-ed is insane and way too explicit and it's driving me nuts too. and we have no option whatsoever to avoid these cases. guys, she's coming home crying. like seriously...

Sup Forums, what. the. fuck. do. i. do. ?

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bump. please Sup Forums i know i'm a leaffag but we're people too.

beat the teacher to death with your instructional dildo, then use their blood to decorate the walls

Do they not have private schools in leafland?


Is grade 7 really a bad idea? Most middle schoolers know what it is- you might as well tell them how dangerous it is.

You need to home-school her

You gotta bang her out now so it's not a big deal when she learns that the thing you put in her ass is called a peepee

Reminder that this sex ed was drafted by a convicted pedo Ben Levin. He's in jail now. He'll probably be out early because the OPP are big Liberal supporters.

