International Terrorist George Soros Loses $1BN Betting Against Trump Economy

Ha! Look at that little head, what a dummy. It's no wonder why he is on the losing side. So he inherited big amounts of money, he has baby bird brains.


What kind of genius loses 1 billion dollars?

reminder george soros is the good guy who wants a world without war united under one flag while retards like drumpf cause never ending conflict

>International Terrorist George Soros Loses $1BN
Of taxpayers money no doubt

In 2 weeks no less, he only has about 22bil left in his arsenal, lets hope his rage gets the better of him and he bets against the economy and loses it all.

loved that moment

>loses 1 billion
1 billion is pocket change to Soros, the real damage would be his pride. Soros never loses and is totally in control, not this time though , he was wrong, he was defeated this time. He isn't totally infallible

>Everyone in this thread not knowing how trading works

Kill yourselves. He trades with this kind of money all the time. He's lost billions and won billions.

Pick up a fucking textbook.

hahaha fuck that guy he's killed who knows how many people

he's wanted in russia

>puts up shit tons of money betting against U.S economy
>spending shit loads of money propping up Hillary Clinton
>loses shit loads of money when the opponent wins and stock market rallies and economy begins to heal
>dumbass niggers like you still think hes a good guy and forgot how much he made betting against the british pound and propping up politicians there.

Neck yourself, m8.


yet his protege made tons of money on the Trump surge

isn't 1 billion dollars just pocket change for this guy? Isn't he pretty much emperor palpatine?

>After World War II, Soros fled alone as a poor 17-year-old immigrant to London, where he worked at a variety of small jobs. “I broke my leg and was taken care of, free of charge, by the National Health Service,” recalled Soros
>George Soros,Man Who Broke the Bank of England, repays his gratitude to England by breaking it and sending millions of British into eternal poverty and chaos.

Soros acknowledged that if it were not for Britain, he would have been permanently disfigured and walking with a permanent limp.

Thats pocket chnage for him

Why are so many of you Jews so greedy and cruel?

Wrong. He wants war bc he will make money

kike wants russia war


He's gonna die in 2017

something about war only occurring because the monied class makes more money or some such. Not like that has happened before or anything

He actually profited through other ventures but his main cause was dealt a blow for sure. I say this with regret. He is pure evil, but is so diversified that he seriously profits on every major event globally.


He won't die


is u a bong or is you a bagel?

The Jews endgame is South Africa. Niggers murdering whits while they collect the rent from niggers.

oh yeah?

He also bought up our big coal companies for dirt cheap. This guy's plays both sides. He's also lost 1bn before on bets. He probably is going to make money if Trump does indeed bring back coal.

good news,fuck soros