If he doesn't win I'm killing myself in a Tim Horton washroom. :(
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this guy was pretty cool on sharktank
>TFW shill
>Pro TPP
>Says he'll never bother learning French, thus making him a massive handicap for Quebec
Fuck off.
He's not Jewish? He seems Jewish as fuck. Just look at his hands in OP for fuck's sake.
hes honorary.
he's half-Leb, hence the face/nose
that hand is a power symbol. considering he's a successful merchant, it makes sense
Love the guy, but i believe he could be more pro-immigration than Trudeau.
Good luck Steven- I MEAN
Good luck Ping!
Worse than a Jew, he is Canadian
Not even true. Said he would learn before the next election. Baka
I agree TTP is retarded. Clearly he needs to be pushed to not support it.
Other than that, explain the shilling faggot.
Canada cannot survive without immegration. You white people mate like pandas. Start fucking and maybe they'll change policy. If it wasn't for immigration we wouldn't have O'Leary. Don't fall for the North America for North American meme.