If he doesn't win I'm killing myself in a Tim Horton washroom. :(

Other urls found in this thread:

this guy was pretty cool on sharktank

>TFW shill
>Pro TPP
>Says he'll never bother learning French, thus making him a massive handicap for Quebec

Fuck off.

He's not Jewish? He seems Jewish as fuck. Just look at his hands in OP for fuck's sake.

hes honorary.

he's half-Leb, hence the face/nose

that hand is a power symbol. considering he's a successful merchant, it makes sense

Love the guy, but i believe he could be more pro-immigration than Trudeau.

Good luck Steven- I MEAN
Good luck Ping!

Worse than a Jew, he is Canadian

Not even true. Said he would learn before the next election. Baka

I agree TTP is retarded. Clearly he needs to be pushed to not support it.

Other than that, explain the shilling faggot.

Canada cannot survive without immegration. You white people mate like pandas. Start fucking and maybe they'll change policy. If it wasn't for immigration we wouldn't have O'Leary. Don't fall for the North America for North American meme.

the conservatives aren't conservative enough in canada. i remember him posting a tweet about some pro-muslim bullshit or whatever.

also, he's a globalist, so piss off faggot

Fuck off, O'Leary
Only these two can save Canada and you're in the way

The reason Canada is fucked is because you give no good alternative.

What do you want O'Leary to say? Fuck Muslim and I hate Globalisim? He won't win anything
>see Steven Harper

Fucking faggot scum. You're the reason we get shitty politicians. Vote for this nigga or break your neck trying to suck your own dick.

Lmaooo. Canada will never elect them. Learn your own people faggot. If Harper can't win these 2 mormon looking incestious cunts have no fucking chance. They look like slave owners. No one with a brain would ever elect them, let alone walk on the same sidewalk as them. You're living in a fantasy land.

lol fuck off nigger

Don't you have a Chinese man's dick you need to suck in order to pay rent late?


Mad Max is where it's at.

Canada is embarrassing. They want to be cucked forever. Elect him and he'll take us former glory.

But noooooooo

You want to elect fringe faggot Neanderthals that want to be like pre-Civil War America. That will never happen.

Sup Forums has rotted your brains.

Enjoy your Liberal Majority. :(

Maxime? He's not winning SHEEEEEYT

Seek help.

I do like some of his policies tho. Can't lie. Kicking out the CRTC and letting foreign telecom companies compete makes me wet.

>he recoils in fear of mentioning MAD MAX!

>be conservative
>hates liberals
>doesn't vote
>muh fucking mudslims and nigger did it
>goes back to watching NHL

The Muslim population doubled under the Conservatives.

He's a true blue liberty loving Conservative.. not a "beat your head in with a book" nut job.

His policies are great, and could really turn shit around, unlike the rest of the lineup.

I told you I don't mind him, but he's not winning. Lmaooo suicide pact leafbro?

>Has no life
>Does meth
>Proceeds to shitposting

All of Conservative Canadian Sup Forums visitors.. please buy a membership and vote for MAD MAX.

Make Canada Great Again (or closer to how it was, prior to 1970, economically).

>black conservative

When did I say all conservative thought like that. Just the ones who want to elect nutjobs as Party Leader. Harper lost because he tried to pander to cave dwelling faggots that are scared of anyone who speaks a second language and and shade darker than Marilyn Manson. He only started doing this to secure a victory against Trudeau. Not that I believe he would do this, nor has in the past. Clearly it didn't work.

Conservative need to learn. The strategy that Trump did WILL NOT WORK in Canada. Btw I love Papa Trump.


Hi, Englishman here. I know nothing of Canadian politics but I have one question.

Why is anyone from Sup Forums considering voting for the guy in the picture in the OP, who looks 169% Jewish?

>All of Conservative Canadian Sup Forums visitors.. please buy a membership and vote for MAD MAX.

I'm buying a membership and voting for Leitch.

He is 300% Jewish and a globalist shill, but because he was on a reality TV show like Trump and said mean things, this means he will not destroy the country.

This post is fucking retarded for this reason

>Harper lost because he tried to pander to cave dwelling faggots that are scared of anyone who speaks a second language and and shade darker than Marilyn Manson.

He won because he did a bunch of stupid shit that pissed off everyone regardless of party affiliation.

My dad likes them, and he's voted for Harper and Trudeau. Hates Muslims.

>globalist shill
Colour me surprised.

>Canada cannot survive without immegration.

Immigration is the death of Canada. Chinese, Indians, Negroes and Arabs are not and never will be Canadian.

Toronto and Vancouver aren't even Canadian anymore. They are Nowhereland.

>Enjoy your Liberal Majority. :(

O'Leary will sell out to Globalism and the multi-cult. He won't do anything that the Liberals wouldn't do, except maybe delay the Argentinian style collapse by 15 years.

Guy's a manlet who pretends to be a genius investor even though he made his money off of fucking reader rabbit.