Millennial Woes, Ghoul, Bulby and Sven were all pretty much who I expected them to be (though I had heard Ghoul had longer hair)...but Mike Enoch? If the dox are true...feels bad pham.
I won't post any links but I'll assume you all know how to find them. Let's go through just some of the mindfucks I've come across after just an hour or of digging.
-His wife's Jewish. We know this because she literally said so. He himself might very well be Jewish as well. He at least isn't Scandi-German-Anglo with a last name like that. He might be Russian instead of Jewish, but that still means he lied about his background.
-Some fat bitch and fag were singing songs from FIDDLER ON THE ROOF at his wedding.
-He had a black/mulatto guy as a groomsman.
-His wife has a tramp stamp.
I honestly wouldn't care if he were Jewish and had been honest about it from the beginning. I listened to that Reactionary Jew guy on Red Ice and thought he was cool. It's just the flat out deception that has got me feeling majorly blackpilled and paranoid.
John Roberts
Mike literally mentioned in every show he was a "Libertarian" most of his life and just recently became "red pilled" ... did you expect him to divorce her (which likely meant she'd dox him in court over this show) this is the equivalent of "grab her by the pussy" .. in a few days you will not give a fuck .. I don't hold anything against Mike or the TRS guys .. they are producing high quality (commercial free) educational radio .. you're getting gas lighted by Soros shills (he's paying for these doxings)
Benjamin Hill
but whhhhhhyyyy go so hardcore on the JQ in every single podcast if he knew it was only a matter of time before people figured out his wife was a Jew?
>inb4 he must really hate his wife lol
Jared Taylor's wife is rumored to be half Jewish. I don't even necessarily believe it, but if it's true, Jared's response seems pretty reasonable. Don't criticize Jews too much so you don't look like a hypocrite and liar when people finally found out. Mike's approach (signal against Jews as much as possible) was so reckless that I'm thinking he must be either retarded or an agent. He's like that fag-hating pastor who turned out to be blowing guys for meth.
I've listened to Mike talk about Tim Wise enough to know that he considers even part Jews to be complete untrustworthy outsiders. So why stay married to a Jewish woman when he knows his children will be Jewish??
Gah this is so fucking disorienting. It's nothing like "grab her by the pussy" because I was always well aware that Trump was a womanizer and I actually found it entertaining. This is just a complete shock.
Chase Sanchez
He was an ancap libertarian his whole life til 2013ish. He married 10 years ago >gee id better divorce my wife of several years who I've built a life with and made a sacred vow to because some fags on the internet might not like her
Xavier Carter
cmon. You know what I'm trying to say. It's not just that he changed his political views. He purposely built up a community of people who share a common interest in meming about putting Jews in ovens. If my wife was a Jew and I knew it was only a matter if time before people found out, there's no way I'd name my podcast the Daily Shoah and play oven drops every 30 seconds. That was either incredibly stupid on his part or some kind of masterful Jew trickery.
Thomas Stewart
t b h .. I think you're a "concern troll" .. there's nothing left for us to talk about (I'm sorry on a human level but there are too many coincidences in your post for me to ignore)
Austin Hughes
You mad your honeypot operation was exposed?
Jose Anderson
I honestly just found out tonight. I'm on TRS but the mods keep such a tight grip on controversy posting that it's impossible to stay in the loop unless you're PMing people. People on TRS are going on as if nothing has happened.
John Gomez
I wonder if all their donations got sent to the government, bitcoin isnt so stupid looking now
Aaron Allen
>LITERALLY EVERYTHING is an NSA/FBI undercover honeypot or trojan horse to undermine the movement Fucking schizophrenic I swear