Reminder that Jesus Christ died for our sins. He is the one true Messiah. You still have time. Join the Catholic church, and serve our Lord and Savior.
Reminder that Jesus Christ died for our sins. He is the one true Messiah. You still have time. Join the Catholic church...
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Daily reminder that Jesus wasn't "white"
tfw when Jewish fables are so good even non-jews start to believe their bullshit and then out-jew them in fable making.
Why are you teasing the low-info crowd, user?
So you were there?
Typical atheist logic.
>it makes me feel good to say he wasn't white
>join the catholic church
its not like the catholic saints are rehashed roman gods. And converting to a religion that caused the dark ages and does not recognize that scripture as the only and true representation of Gods authority and will is a bit sketchy don't ya think?
>And converting to a religion that caused the dark ages
That's retarded, Seth.
Just because schools quit teaching history, you have no reason to be so ignorant.
Knowledge is free, user. Use it.
So you recognise the authority of the Catholic church in compiling the Bible, but not for anything else? How does that make any sense?