>A 24-year old from Belfast in Mpumalanga was beaten to death by a group last Friday in what appears to be mob justice.
>from Belfast
His last words:
>They're always after me lucky charms.
>A 24-year old from Belfast in Mpumalanga was beaten to death by a group last Friday in what appears to be mob justice.
>from Belfast
His last words:
>They're always after me lucky charms.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck. That looks like my fucking brother. NO FUCKING NO. FUCKING NIGGERS. MY FUCKING COUNTRY. ffffffffffff. I'm fucking shaking man. This will not fucking slide.
this shit will not be taken to kindly in belfast....
Did his pistol jam or what?
I doubt it. Irish are so pro-Immigrant.
>Rapefugees welcome here!
Your brother looks like a dog
this is from july. stop sliding nigger.
Judging on his outfit I guess he's a FUCKING SJW shit, it's not necessarily a bad thing after all.
Necker? I don't even know her!
>literally beaten to death in the name of social justice
>somehow a sjw
Its just a word without meaning now, isn't it?
So why was he beat to death?
You have to carry your chimp gun if you are going into the nigger continent, never relax
>voluntarily going to South Africa
>French name yet "from Belfast"
He's an upper-middle-class SJW.
Are people fucking retarded, he's not Irish, he's South African. There's a town in SA called Belfast. FFS
I wear your country as a hat at summertime.
got it. so he was genocided
Is that a gun near body?
Prolly he was beaten after attempt to save himself and get negroes outraged.
Also, aren't handguns forbidden in State of England?
They probably thought he was an evil wizard from his hipster get up
oi you limey cunt stop ignoring the plight of the irishman.
Explain this meme
>Those dreads.
To be fair, he looks a bit mixed. Perhaps he was considered 'colored' in SA? Furthermore, his dashing ascot and other style factors like the gay earrings seems to denote an affiliation with the left. (major SJW) do you think so?
Handguns are 5 years for possession, he probably had no idea how to even use the fucking thing
The "best use of a meme" award goes to.....
wow and i can't find this story on any of our news sites...
africa booty scratcher!
Do you have weapons?
Why do people say "like a dog".
Unless you're a chink or a nog, most treat dogs humanely.
How is this an expression?
I'll answer that in another way.
I'm white and in south africa and i'm not dead yet. What do you think?
looks like a fag
When do we get qt Boer refugees?
How dangerous is your particular neighbourhood?
Any stories?
If he's Oirish, why does he have nigger hair?
Also, what a fucking gay cravat.
He was obviously a liberal douche, serves him right.
For me, I think your family photo looks something like this.
America under Hart-Cellar. No white immigrants allowed.
>Irish are pro immigrant
That's only the republic, not Northern Ireland with the based DUP in power
what kind of gun is the man holding? it looks cool.
Looks like a FAL to me. Shoots .308 rounds, military standard weapon from the 70s era.
FAL or L1 with a 30 round mag
My latest one people just don't believe...
I'm a lawyer that has to go to the inner city for court.
Basically what happened was I survived an attempted hijacking by doing the shit i learned in a video game(GTA)
>Inner city traffic is shit, minibus taxis fucking everywhere. Bumper to bumper
>I'm alone in my car in the middle of a crowded street surrounded by these taxis.
>It looked dodgy as fuck so i started packing away all my valuables under my seat while traffic is still bumper to bumper
>I start checking my mirrors every second, since i know by now hijackers come from the blind spot.
> Instead of driving forward when traffic moved i left at least one car space open between me and the taxi in front of me
> Explain this meme
c: unless mexico
>someone murdered him while he was writing the green text
>As i was checking over my right shoulder i hear a knock on the window
Hijackers knock on windows to have you look outside and in that instant they bash the window in with a baton, meaning the driver is now disorientated and partially blind as well with glass in his eyes.
>So i saw him knocking on the window before he could smash it in.
>Leaned forward avoiding the glass burst, put the car in first and drove to the space i left in front of me as he tried to open the door through the window.
Just like in GTA where you can drag the cops along the car if they try to open the door while you drive from a idling state.
>Drove back and fourth in that tight spot just to avoid him and his accomplice
>when he took out his gun the people on the street realized it and started panicking
>So i drove the car into the side walk and past the bumper to bumper traffic
>People scattered everywhere, kept my head low, still no idea how i didn't drive someone over
>Made it out
This a few months ago. If i hadn't proactively left that spot open and anticipated it i don;t know what would have happened.
Zulu's kill, they don't just steal.
And you live there still...why?
Shit man, glad you made it out okay. Hope you keep all your blood in ya.
Well if it makes anyone feel better 5 out of my 7 closest family members already moved to either Canada or australia.
I stay here because a part of me knows the more fuck ups they make, the more money i can make off of them as a lawyer.
And the other part of me... kind of likes the excitement.
Will probably change when i start thinking about getting kids. But jezuz leaf its hard to immigrate to a country like yours.. The costs involved is just crazy.
Thats why i laugh at the migrant crisis in europe. Sometimes i think i should just jump in a dingy and hope some coast guard finds me and also gibs me dat money money money
where in australia did they move?
Don't tell the poster from Aussieland, Mick, it's a South African nigger under it who wants to go after your family.
Yeah, getting into this country blows financially unless you're a rapefugee.
But most South Africans I know (primarily Doctors and Pharmacists) head up to Northern Alberta. They make sick cash, in addition to a Northern Living allowance from the govies.
Decent people, good hunting, decent place to raise a family.
If you're a lawyer you could probably move to America pretty easily. Depending on where you moved to cost of living could be low, too.
I had this exact thought.
Add mudslimes to the list of pupper adversaries.
>the story is about nogs so there's no issue here
White lives in the animal pen become as worthless as animals, and die as randomly
Social justice never had meaning, you either have justice or injustice
Based. Great that you're still alive, mate.
did they take his lucky charms?
Found this interesting:
>A reliable source said that gang justice “works” for the community because the public no longer trusts the police.
Blacks in South Africa are similar to ones in America - they hate the police and would rather police themselves.
They found them in his brains.
Screencapped for future reference.
>nigger music
Why do europeans debase themselves like this?
any prospect of things getting better in SA?
is a white revolution realistic or will you simply die out?
Come home white man.
M8 this place is becoming zim 2.0.I will be surprised if there is not a full out white genocide in the next decade
>mob justice
What did he do?
Sad.. Always had a fascination with SA and figured it was one of the few African countries that you could visit in relative safety to observe the nature
Look how easily it is to anger Sup Forums
Legit Autists filling up the board.
It's not that fantastic a story leaf, the morbid ones usually involves your house and pets.
White revolution is immigration. When you pull the immigration statistics from statssa.co.za you'll see my people are just leaving.
There will be no race war, it's like a frog in a boiling pot. To keep it from fucking out you just turn the heat up gradually.
Boere are the frogs.
Used to make me sad thinking about my culture and people just fading out of history.
But you got to remember we as a people have done some amazing shit and lived through some great times. Thousands of cultures have died out in history.
Ours doesn't deserve special protection from the world.
We made a mark on africa and as a people jumped from simple and uneducated farmers to soldiers that gave an empire a run for its money to professionals and professors that could make a slight impact on various technological sectors of the modern age.
Thats enough for me to keep the blood pressure down
We have a South African doctor where I live and he's fucking fantastic. Every South African and second generation Afrikaaners i have met here have been great people, I absolutely wouldn't mind more of them coming here
>t. Riak "Melbourne's best"
In all honesty why would one ever travel to a place called
>That hair
Either part nigger or part jew
Who cares?
Does anyone know why he was in South Apefrica? Was he 1/64th black or was he just down with the program and thought niggers were humans?
Can't help for hoping that once whites leave, the now all black SA will spiral into turmoil, poverty and war.
Could act as a testimony to the influence of whites on society - and the breaking down of the same by Africans
If it's any consolation. Once whites have completely left Africa, a century or two later whites will take another crack at colonising the shit out of it and will probably do a better job.
When you do leave, just make sure to teach your future wife and kids the language and history. Make them proud and they'll never forget who they are [spoiler] like the Jews [/spoiler]
>They're always after me lucky charms
He probably lived there, very south african name and he looks like a classic local libtard
That's all but certain to happen, but the media control will be airtight on it. Just like they did with Tunisia, Libya and some other Arab spring hotspots, once the "good guys" won the media shut up tight because the normies didn't need to see what actually became of those countries.
This isn't just a lone women, it's a movement and they are called fallists
South Africa is fucking done mate
No, were not, just because a couple of wankers want to look progressive to be relevant in the current political climate doesn't mean the rest of us want the country full of immigrants, the government knows that hence the reason they only took in a small amount and still the people are having none of it.
our political leaders wouldn't give a shite about this if both your countries weren't leading the agenda
>he looks like a classic local libtard
Yeah that earring made me think he was down with the program.
I know it's your home, but there's no place for you there senpai. You don't want to be there when things go especially wrong
Potato niggers gonna nig
>South Africa is fucking done mate
And negro apologists will never learn. I wonder what excuse they will make for South Africa when there isn't a single white man alive there to oppress the blacks and they're back to practising their "de-colonised" voodoo magic instead of science.
He looks like a leftist. Definitely had it coming.
if you boil it down, all it is, is the niggers taking the resources yous created, just like they do in america and now europe, fucking hell we need a pan european revolution to sort this mess out
>ITT: People who saw "Belfast" but didn't see the bit about "Mpumalanga"
This is South Africa, not Ireland. There aren't gangs of niggers in Ireland.
Thank you at least some anons noticed this
desu I thought it was a Irish tourist at first
>There aren't gangs of niggers in Ireland.
There are a lot of Nigerians in Ireland actually. They took advantage of Jus Soli and had a lot of anchor babies.
happened 3 weeks ago. was drinking coffee at around 7 in the morning in the kitchen. in waltzes a nigger. he is about half my height and a third of my weight. 25 ish. i shout "wat de fok!" and he bolts. he jumps the wall and runs. I grab my gun and jump in my car. catch him 3 blocks away at a petrol station. proceed to vent all my anger of the past years out on him. i litterally mauled him out of his clothes. come to my senses and see a crowd of about 20 niggers standing around laughing. they didnt give a fuck. If they caught him doing the same shit in their house they would have killed him.
did all this in my boxer shorts, no shoes on etc. still smiling.
kek, what city?
>tfw been hijacked 3 times.
fuck kaffirs
He does not look white.
>Pierre Etienne De Necker
He must be Belgian
Interesting twist.
post pics of your hyena
They relaxed and though that segregation was a bad idea, just like in USA, just like in Sweden... i mean, they wanted to kill and rape whitey.