Annex Alberta

Alberta is the Texas, the Kentucky, possibly the Venezuela, or maybe the Saudi Arabia of Canada: a petro-state where the Conservatives always win elections.

Of all of Canada, Alberta seems the most in line with mainstream US-American culture, which is to say very right-wing, Christianist, GOP-style, anti-environmentalist, and Reaganite. It attracts great numbers of Yanks to work in its oil industry.

Ted Cruz, who is either a parody of a don't-mess-wit'-Texas conservative or in actuality an extreme form of one, was born there. Steve Harper, the Ronald Reagan of Canada, is from there.

Alberta is either the great bulwark keeping Canada from becoming, y'know, a European social democracy, or culturally a part of the USA in Canada by mistake.

So, I ask you: Should the USA annex Alberta? This is a serious question.

>Conservatives always win elections
>NDP provincial government
>Edmonton is only 70% white and dropping

No. We have Alaska and that hunk of shit is enough headache.

Pic related?

It's not really anything at all like conservatism in the US and our politics are pretty non-religious. Someone like Cruz would never win an election here.

I went there to visit my father. I like it there. I was in Edmonton though so a ton of minorities.

I'm sure I'm missing other things, but Alaska cums natural resources left and right. Great state.

I hope you guys leave.

Alberta is the one hurdle away from a complete liberal canadian paradise :)

have fun living in the 50s as everyone else progresses to social utopia

How is that social utopia working out for ya thus far?

Annex is fancy word for steal.

Americans can fuck off with trying to steal our land

You kidding? I would move there just to be annexed and become american. Fuck this liberal cesspit.

We're in the shaky transition, soon brother Canada will be won.

Sam Hyde & others will form a breakaway rightwing superstate with Montana.

>a petro-state where the Conservatives always win elections.
Didn't Harper lose his own riding?

In fairness that was a 3 way split between two conservative parties and the full retard city dwelling commies.

Conservatives split their vote.

Why is this a good thing ?

Should we have a real thread or turn this into a bunch of Anzu posting? Seriously question.

Because Albertans are conservative in the sense of being reflexively against absolutely everything that left-wing people think is good, including protection of the environment.

This is what Albertans consider to be a natural paradise

It's a good province but there are too many 1994 GMC Sierra loving, hillbilly retard, can't wear a damn hat proper fuck heads here. I wouldn't want to make America suffer with additional idiots.

Alberta is a pretty unique place. I wouldn't say they are the Texas of Canada, but I can see the similarities. The people are totally different.

Canada needs Alberta, and viceversa.

We literally currently have an NDP government, are you fucking delusional?
Sorry Alberta's industry has been supporting the rest of the sack of shit that the Provinces are.

Are you gay?

If you think stopping the production of oil using sophisticated techniques that also take into account for environmental affects on your own doorstep is good, how do you think the rest of the world will react?

That's right, they'll continue on without you and not give one flying fuck about the environment because they don't have liberalism to get in the way. At least in countries like Canada, we have fucking standards.

But no. Hate the money maker of your country. Fill it with farts. I'm sure you smug liberals have a lot of pent-up methane gas you can heat a house for an entire year.