Are you keeping up with 8-chan's complete destruction of TRS? They just exposed Mike Enoch, and discovered that his wife is a Jew - which is a clear contradiction to the TRS's platform. The Alt Right eating itself right now.
TheRightStuff & 8-chan
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Remember, always give your best. Never get discouraged. Never be petty.
Always remember, others may hate you. But those who hate you don't win unless you hate them.
And then you destroy yourself.
Alt right lives in the heart, not in another man's wife.
If you don't like what we tell you to believe in, we'll kill you.
No because 2x4 fags are a lost cause
8pol is terrible run by a spic.
I feel like (((they))) have compromised 8pol. Banning the most intelligent and punching hard to the right.
Hahaha, more. MOAR of this now.
So, you be saying that Iron March was right about TRS?
... he says while TRS bans anyone pointing out the kikes