Can women be saved from degeneracy?
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No. It is a DNA issue its already baked you cant unbaked bread now can you user?
if you could remove the profit from it, yes
but you can't so no
>too late
It is in their nature. The only way to do it is to take away their rights.
So no, they can't be saved because the only way we'll ever see their rights taken away is if the refugee crap gets so out of hand it becomes too obvious that they are the enablers and the civilized world is staring destruction in the face.
>those facial structures
every time without fail.
no. it's a lost cause from here on out.
you can only hope to attract one that hasn't been ruined yet.
Do all girl schools help? Or does it just create carpet ingesters?
makes it worse. represses it then unelashes it
Okay but why don't we bring back polygamy? If bitches love being the sidechick whore so much, why doesn't some ultra chad build his mega harem and protest for polygamy to become legal?
If we allow fucking faggots to marry, why can't we marry multiple women? It's what they want themselves
I don't know the link, its just every single time i see that (and a few other facial structures), they're absolute fucking soulless whores with no character or values.
Its super fucking puzzling because they're not very attractive so how the fuck do they always turn out that way?
That "I've failed as a father" look...
Islam is the only way
The fuck
tell me this is actually porn
So you either get
>High school whore
>collage whore
>or a dyke
Seems like the only way to win this game is not to play.
>tell me this is actually porn
this is America
that just creates more lesbians
Yeah, women are essentially children. They seek to rebel but at the same time crave strong role models. We just need to eradicate those which embrace and nurture their desire to rebel and strengthen the potential role models in their life.
It is not possible to fix overnight. It will take at least a generation or two.
Women born from the last twenty years are a write off. Ignore them.
Oh i see what you are getting at. Young fertile symmetrical faces will always get the seed user
>its what they want themselves
wtf no it isn't. They don't want to share uber Chad.
Women are so delusional and entitled even the below average ones feel entitled to their own mega harem of chads all to themselves
>implying it's difficult to fail as a father of teenage girls in today's world
I never ever want daughters.
>That look on their father's face
Jesus Christ. You can tell how fucking disappointed he is, worked hard his whole life so that his kids don't have to and they just turn out to be whores :/
That photo was taken in the UK.
>Women are so delusional and entitled even the below average ones feel entitled to their own mega harem of chads all to themselves
from an early age they are pumped full of "pretty princess" propaganda. Told repeatedly they are pretty over and over. Constantly fawned over and protected.
A girl needs to get JUST'd to break out of the cycle and see things arent a disney movie.
Why save them when you can replace them with pic related?
Your country is a write off. I'd say kill yourself but your government is doing it for you.
The jews surely got what they wanted didn't they, a society filled with perversion and self-gratification.
He has "man this sucks i wonder if my friends are on steam" face
He's not disappointed, he's nothing about his daughters' sweet little asses in those thongs. My guess is that he suddenly wants to take weekly family trips to the beach.
Why do Americans do things like this?
No, you raise your daughter with good values and reiterate the importance of decency and self respect
People make out that every girl turns out like this, they dont
That architecture looks British and the answer is always Jews.
That photo was clearly taken in the UK.
those look like proper britbongs
They look too attractive to be British
Fuck them and then just leave them behind.
This is what they want. Modern women don't realize that it's them who need a man and that monogamy, marriage and fidelity are only benefits to them.
As a male you naturally want to impregnate as many women as possible to spread your genes. Let some cuck raise your children. It's your instinct. Only through teaching ourselves monogamy we learned to built families to build societies to grow as a species, but if women want to abandon all that let them have it.
Here is in an interesting video that explains how monogamy is benefitting mostly women
How exactly does that picture make those girls whores? You guys are making a whole lot of assumptions
Nice meme
He's right though
Only of they are biologically augmented.
/r9k/ has invaded. I don't even see how a couple of teenage girls who are obviously joking about how they got underwear for Christmas is so bad. Its not even slutty underwear, it's what most women wear unless they're wearing fucking granny panties
Meaning you are either from the lowest possible criminal breed of English, or even worse - Irish.
Or you are a chink.
Learn to keep your drunken mouth closed to avoid attracting attention.
If you knead the dough hard enough, you can bake it in to a different image.
The ones who'd be worth saving are saving themselves and joining national liberalism, classic liberatarians, national socialism etc.
Those remaining will shun you for saving them while begging you to beg them, stating they're strong women.
Let those die off. They are not worth saving unless you're a desperate whiteknighting cuck and will take whatever you can get. If you're not one... just let them die out or save themselves and realize their mistakes.
Look at the father's face, leaf. These are children. Them embracing whore culture makes them whores in training. Assuming this was taken 5 years ago, based on how long I've been seeing the image, these sluts in training have probably been dicked by at least thirty different men by now.
Disgusting degeneracy. Women should be required to wear granny panties to stifle such perversion.
The English are very inbred. it is not their fault. Soon the negroid and Muslims will change the genetic dynamics of that backwater irrelevant island for ever.
Their fate is sealed.
Australian degenerate doesn't see anything wrong with 12 year olds wearing sexually attractive adult underwear.
how do those buildings look anything american wtf
plus the yellow plate on cars
Underrated post right here
The jews gleefully drill a hole in the bottom of the boat as we sail along.
God bless you user
Barbara Spectre detected.
consider the fact that we still made a country with the damn near highest living standards in the world, and if what you're saying is true, you're pretty much a country of mongrels by comparison
deal with it perez
This is why im scared of having kids. Imagine if i try, try and try and in the end i end up with 3 daughters...
So, gook or criminal?
'You' didn't do anything.
The British rulers funded that prison isle.
All 'you' did was drink yourself to a slow death and breed with aborigines.
Not anymore, Londanistan. You're trash and you let shit skins overturn your trash country without a whimper. Fucking garbage.
Its pretty normal underwear, mate.
Think of it this way, surely around 12 years old you started to want to wear boxer shorts instead of tighty whiteys like you had as a kid. Same sort of thing.
Don't worry, you'd soon end up with three dindu sons.
No, you can only make them pretend to be less degenerate at heart.
Sorry fernando im half Russian half Pole, you're a sandnigger to me
It might be average, now. It doesn't make it sane or normal.
The back of them is a 5mm wide string that goes between the arsecheeks.
Because you find it sexually exciting, doesn't make it normal.
Perhaps they can wear stilleto heels and full makeup with tassels on their titties too.
Then send them off to work the streets of the local ghetto.
it's a well known FACT that evert girl older than 9 is a insufferable cunt and you shouldn't bother with them.
American geography.
>slippery slope fallacy
Not an argument
Russia meaning 50% gook.
Pole, the Nigeria of Europe.
I don't even consider you human.
Flat faced squatting chink.
All can be saved.
This shit makes me depressed holy fuck.
I feel like killing myself
No, the best we can hope is that Islam takes over, take them down back to where they belong and maybe when western civilization comes back we will not be as dumb.
But again history does love to repeat itself.
Oh great, someone has been studying the pseudo-intellectuals' internet dictionary.
I won't bother to write anything as I have no response, instead I'll just post buzzwords like a faggot.
"Nice strawman." is the next one. Brainless cunt.
Don't forget the trend a while back where young girls wore pants so their fucking thong was exposed in public. Parents that allowed that shit should be whipped in the public square.
Dad likes what he sees
>killing yourself over women
More like this
I'm on a mobile and couldnt see the penal colony stars. My bad indeed.
He looks turned on like he is thinking about them wearing it.
>post-Christian Britain
You are forgiven.
The stars began as penal colony indicators, and ended up as a truer representation of the Chinese population there, currently at 90%
Godanon here.
I'm still working on a revision of female physiological programming. There are definitely some bugs in the first version but mostly I was just trolling you faggots about needing a "help meet" LOL
Oh I almost forgot to tell you that I'm wiping this whole place clean soon.
OK, stay in touch humanity!
People are idiots, those "issues" are being pushed as important, when the real issues are kept off their minds....
fucking stupid bird
The first thing you have to do is get an actual perspective of women yourself, and not only what Sup Forums tells you.
>dem fake eyebrows
Already whores, what a shame. Poor dad seems like he cares, oh well.
The only solution is to punish women that cheat.
Only with the use of force will we fix our problems. Violence is salvation.
Pakis and arabs are way more inbred than any europeans.
With the right dick.
Everything women do is aimed at attaining high value mating partner. This includes degenerate behavior. If you're high value, absolutely all girls will behave the way you want them to. That includes being modest and homey. Most of them behave as a sluts because those few men who get ALL the top pussy - prefere them that way, so they can bang as many as they want and as easily as possible.
Personal anecdote. When i was in college one girl from my class asked me to give her a ride since we headed in the same area. We talk along the way and once she learned i live by myself she started talking how good she cooks, how she wants find long term partner, how she likes to stay home and how she doesn't mind chores. I knew for 100% that this bitch is a biggest whore in my class, she was spitroasted more times than i cared to remember and was going out every day to get wasted. And here she was sitting playing a perfect innocence and dream wife.
That behavior is displayed every time girl deems you as high value and is painfully obvious on dates. They will adopt your religion or abandon theirs, they will completely change their entire set of values, they will do complete 180 on their life. There's nothing they wouldn't do if the stakes are high for them.
The fucks wrong with Slovakia ?
I laugh about anons who claim their gf is "red pilled" or some shit.
>these assumptions
everything i know about women i've learnt from /r9k/ as well as Sup Forums
Really should be publicly executed. Arabs have that part right.
Muhammad could handle a 9 year old so I'm sure you can too user.
>t. descendant of Arab rape babies
Sup Forums Be In Him
The choice is yours.
Pick 3
Cousin fucking is legal there.