Stop using derogatory terms to refer to other people

Stop using derogatory terms to refer to other people.

>Americans are not "shartinmarts"
>Indians are not "pooinloos"
>Frenchmen are not "frogs"
>Swiss are not "mountain jews"
>Canadians are not "leafs"
>Jews are not "kikes"
>Blacks are not "niggers"
>Australians are not "dingofuckers"
>Poles are not "toilet scrubbers"
>Italians are not the "Mexicans of Europe"
>Spaniards are not "paellaniggers"
>The Irish are not "potatoniggers"
>Scots are not "vile, drunk abominations unto the Lord"
>Swedes are not "cucks"
>Finns are not "Asian half-breed mongrels"
>Germans are not "Krauts"

If you use any of these terms, it just proves that you have no argument. You are better than this, Sup Forums

fuck off kraut

fuck off kraut

>just proves that you have no argument

and highly creative

regardless of having no argument these insults are BTFO trump cards

Italy isnt the mexico of europe, poortugal is

Fuck off Ahmed.

Wow, Germany's censorship filter is pretty hardcore

Pretty entertaining list, but I notice you left sandnigger off that list. Nice try mohamed.

nice try oven dodger

What do you call a German with a Lewis gun in 1916 somme?

>a leaf blower


No hate man, but if we throw shit at other people in safe environment like here it makes our will stronger

Imagine this situation:
>always live in safe space
>there is love everywhere
>people tell only complements on Sup Forums
>you go out of your house
>some bum tells you that you are jerk
>you can't take it
>it is too strong
>you cry like baby
>piss your pants
>then die from heart attack

Also it makes us more resistant to certain arguments

Stop it. You are making us look dumb. Those were British weapons you idiot.



In years of browsing here i have not been called this once

When's the last time your best friend gave you a normal compliment to your face?
I bet he called you a turd sclupter or something and it made your day

>Germans are not "Krauts"
No, you're turks

I love sour kraut

>Germans are not "Krauts"
They are called cucks now

>Americans are not "shartinmarts"
>Indians are not "pooinloos"
>Frenchmen are not "frogs"
>Swiss are not "mountain jews"
>Canadians are not "leafs"
>Jews are not "kikes"
>Blacks are not "niggers"
>Australians are not "dingofuckers"
>Poles are not "toilet scrubbers"
>Italians are not the "Mexicans of Europe"
>Spaniards are not "paellaniggers"
>The Irish are not "potatoniggers"
>Scots are not "vile, drunk abominations unto the Lord"
>Swedes are not "cucks"
>Finns are not "Asian half-breed mongrels"
>Germans are not "Krauts"
But OP sure is a fag.

>1 post by this ID


Is it me or the empty side of the globe looks like a monster ?

Is there a full list for every nationality?

Здpaвcтвyйтe. Пoшёл нa хy..

>Dutch aren't Aquafresh

(we are)

We are the mexicans of Europe Fritz !

you don't say? do Lewis guns have nationality safety devices?
really that joke was just shitty and not funny
Me and my friends just call Lewis guns leaf blowers so I thought I could spin that into a joke



Go suck merkels cock fgt

what a garganual faggot
are all krauts, jerries, huns, boches, retarded?

I thought Spain was the Mexico of Europe

I've never seen anyone call me "dingofucker"

>the sky is not "blue"
>water isn't "wet"
>iq doesn't make you "smart"
>your parents loved "you"
>and OP is not a "faggot"

Saying something doesn't make it true, especially when it's the exact opposite of the truth

Fuck off you dingofucker; kangaroocucker; wollabywanker; emu-emasculator; etc.

Normally your friend's give you compliments... I think whoever called you all those racial slurs may not be your friend, dumbass.

So Germany is just Canada now?


Ignore this postI thought you were OP for a second because I misinterpreted your comment to be something somewhat condescending and moronic. I hadn't realized you were saying the exact opposite of what I thought you were saying.

> nah m8, I call my friends kankerlijers, it's about intonation.

I like to be a paellaniggers, why dont u like to be so nazi?

I will gladly be called "Asian half-breed mongrel" if that is the price to pay for being able to call blacks niggers and swedes cucks.

Fuck off you living embodiment of diarrhea

>>Swiss are not "mountain jews"

They are now

No you're not kraut, you're a cuck, faggot.

Were more like argentina, full of liberals and sitcunts who do nothing more than spray bullsit propaganda on the media, o no wait, our goverment dont kill ppl right now, you win.

Yes, they are.

Piefke pls.

Don't expect much from Sup Forums.

The political times of Sup Forums are dead. We are the new Sup Forums now

Thanks arabbro


shut up krautnigger

all of this was written by an Indian just hoping to stop pooinloo

>"g...guys let's not use mean names such as frogs and niggers and oh pooinloos yes that as well"


One people, one planet.
Do you see what I see?

You're not even sincere, just b8ting. So fuck off Kevin.


That's not a country though.

I am a leaf, a maple leaf check your phylum privilege.

Not an argument

Proud mountain jew here.

LOL swedes are cuks doe
Canadians are fucking irrelevant leafs
and you
you are for sure a goddamn fucking Kraut

Why the fuck have you left us snaggle-toothed Brits out, you stupid bosch sausagenigger?

>tfw called my friends faggots and other names all my life
>tfw they took all of it seriously because they're too stupid not to take everything at face value

Chav please....

Thank, I picked up a couple of new ones :DD

But Czechs are Pepiks and Knedlicki

Fuck off i want to be called an island nigger and a beaner that is why i come here you cuck.

>sneakily squeezing
>Jews are not "kikes"
>Blacks are not "niggers"
>in there
Fucking krauts everytime.

Shut up, kraut. Go back to cucking you're country.

>Americans are not shartinmarts



Kraut-cuck globalist scum SJW faggot antifa terrorist Illuminati-agent self-hair-cutting, runny-nose jackface

>argies are not "white"

So 4/8 b8, m8


Fuck off Kraut

Ironic, because actual Scottish people, and not the memes spouted here on this echo-chamber shithole, which I'm thankfully growing out of, are mostly moral, respectful and decent people, the likes of whom will make you feel embarrassed at their kindness and open-hearted friendliness -- except if you're a shit-eating dunderhead shit-for-brains anglo

What about the Brits you fucking Kraut.

Fuck off Ahmed