Can Humans be cucked by Animals?
Can Humans be cucked by Animals?
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Yah, watch any Blacked video and see for yourself.
What the fuck do you think regular cucking usually involves?
Top Bantz, Bhutan
Delet this
Is she really drinking horse cum? Is that healthy? I mean there could be becteria...
How''s that GDH treating you? What do you think the media will have to say about the king of Bhutans cousin posting on Sup Forums?
(Anime = Cancer) < Niggers
I'd gas you before any kike or nigger, I swear
Someone shopped the bottom left photo and then juxtaposed it with two of her drinking
What the fuck is GDH and who the fuck is Bhutan?
The Aussies have been humiliated on the front line by emus only to discover, back home, that they also had been cucked by kangaroos.
This is my fetish.
your flag n00b
aw, the power of juxtaposition.
Luisa Zissman
How can Australians ever complete?
On a serious note isn't it dangerous to get that close to a kangaroo? Can't their claws gut you with one kick
You seem sharp for a Brazilian.
yep. i certainly wouldn't be that close to one. however this is probably at a zoo and used to humans
Alright, that's it.
I'm sick and tired of this fucking joke. You think this is fucking funny? You don't realize this could be triggering to some people?! Well, let me tell you a a thing then.
Each time. Every single time I see this bastard's fucking face, I get the worst panic attack you can imagine. That's right, I can't breathe. When he was on the news I almost died. I have a past, a past that I'm not gonna elaborate on this imageboard. I have nightmares about this sick fuck.
But no, this is just another funny joke, right?! No, it's not! I'm sick of this.
If you insist on using his picture, at least make a trigger warning and put a spoiler on his picture.
This is not ok.
Ironically this shiksa cucked her Jewish husband
Wew rare fpbp
Gross Domestic Happiness is apparently what the dictator of Bhutan uses to analyze his countries well being as opposed to le evil GDP. And Bhutan is the name of the country your proxy is telling Sup Forums your posting from. Unless of course I'm right and some member of the royal family is the only person in Bhutan with access to the internet and you don't wan't to piss of your cousin the king for posting on a neo nazi image board.
Makes sense but even still I wouldn't risk being around a lion, wolf, or bear like that either.
Who is the person?
You got me curious user.
This thread made me think - I really don't see lesbian beastiality. Why do women not want to put on rubber dongs and fuck horses?
Why does horsey have an erect peenor ?
>literally no legs
That one Canadian with the GF with bad teeth.
She just finished jacking him off.
asking the REAL questions here, Slovenia
You need to digest a healthy amount of bacteria to promote gut bacteria diversity.
Oh, thank God. I was about to heave.
>Unless of course I'm right
Has that ever happened for you?
>gut bacteria diversity
>yfw a girl would rather have sex with an animal than you
>bacteria diversity
Any woman who owns a horse has, at minimum, thought about riding that horse cock.
> Every single time I see this bastards fucking face
Da fuq?
Were you sexually assaulted by Mr. Ed?
Horse whores are the worse.
We all know the real reason why they just so happen Love horses so much, posting them all over their instashits and everything
And no, it's not because they think "omg they're just amazing creatures!"
Yes, you never heard of blacks?
yes but not virus diversity
>dat pic
White girls are fucking NUTS. There is not a single more degenerate, shallow, deceitful, careless, disloyal, dishonorable being on this planet than a young white woman.
I have, but our ((((Scientists)))) really demand they are the same species as us...
Because... Of the so OBVIOUS similarities
Is this what "we wuz kangs" really means?
horses have always cucked men since the day women started riding them
Ah yes, the chimps. I have sure taken fond of these creatures, observing them from far away in their natural habitat, the United States of America.
severely underrated
>We all know the real reason why they just so happen Love horses so much
>that arm
is there another kang there? It must be fucking huge, no wonder white girls are craving the roo dick
ausfags BTFO
pretty sure this is milk.
they tamed it by providing virile young women for mating
Wow, so bacteriaphobic. You are literally invalidating the experiences of opressed bacteria right now. Implying some life is more valuable than other life is super problematic and colonialist.
Country love edit when?
Non-humanoid beasts cannot impregnate your wife, and they can hardly spread to her STDs, especially if you own said beast and keep it clean and healthy.
Fucking a dog is on the level of masturbating with a dildo, and so magnitudes less wrong than fucking a nigger ( or any other humanoid males, even human males, in fact ).
The dog is man's best friend.
Guarding the home is not simply keeping bad people away, but keeping the feral whore inside your wife too.
>I wouldn't risk being around a lion, wolf, or bear like that either.
I am literally shaking.
No really, i am having a shivering attack. Must be because of that filthy immigrant bacteria.
Gas the bacs!
Med war now!
Think about what's going to happen when Kurzweil etc lead us into a world where animals can have their intelligence augmented to human levels.
t. stoned shitposter
That bear is trained af.
this is milk you fuggin pervert :D:D
top tier bait
Haha that photo is hilarious but I wouldn't trust a grizzly
Keep defending your cuckoldness degenerate
All animals can be trained. All species can be domesticated, with effort.
inb4 triggered Jared-cucks jump to say muh zebras
ur not Finland... :(
I would like to see you train a fucking white shark.
That would be amusing. Do not forget to stone your brain out beforehand, nethercuck.
This desu
Done. Any other requests?
Over time, yes. One random animal that is fine around humans will often chimpout and attack
See USA for example
Its also had all its teeth and claws ripped out
Aussies get Roo'd everyday, nobody wants to talk about it though
Wow. Just noticed that. Why'd they do that? Just to live with it?
Pitbulls aren't animals. They're a mistake of breeding and totally psychotic by design.
>a bear needs teeth and claws to maul you
Quick someone make an edit dog posting this
>This desu
Cuckholdry is bad BECAUSE it bring the very real possibility of you paying for another man's child.
This is the crux of cuckholdry, and why women cannot be cucks themselves, since there is no way a man fucking around mean the child she have in her womb isn't half her.
This is why the instinct of revulsion for cucks, and anger for cheaters, exist in the first place.
Now, a woman fucking animals is a big red flag because for each animal dick she takes, she probably take ten human dicks.
I.e. she's a whore.
In a perfect world, no woman would be a whore. Everyone would be faithful.
But the world is not perfect, so get a dog, film her in the act, and make sure to playfully make her imagine how her friends or her parents would react to seeing her like that.
The whore get her out-of-wedlock dicking, you get blackmail material to make sure fear keep her faithful.
Everybody wins.
I was making a black joke
I'm cucked by my dog, and that's fine with me. I'm better off knowing she sometimes fucks my property than random Jamals.
Oh. That went over my head.
Hello FWG
>simply does not attack him and allows him to pet him without ripping his limbs off
Try that with a big fucking specimen that has not eaten for two days.
Next species:
Orca whale
Blue whale
Wild Boar
Your move, faggot.
That bear has claws dude..
That makes me feel old.
Does she still hangs around Sup Forums ?
HOLY SHIT Sup Forums is going full blown degenerate
I don't think I've seen her for at least 4 years
Fucking animals is degenerate get over it frechie france
Yes, I imagine there actually is a relationship out there somewhere where a guy and girl have a dog and they let the dog get into the "pack leader" state of mind and the dog constantly fucks the girlfriend instead of the guy.
Theres a whole lot of degeneracy on this planet.
I've got them all except
Seriously, what the hell
Yeah but its peaceful .
Burgerbro gets it.
Fucking retard.
The question of the OP was "Can Humans be cucked by Animals?".
And the answer is objectively no.
Deal with it, Tyrone.
I can fap to this
>objective no
>white women
you moved the goal post nigger, any hungry animal is prone to attack including a fucking cat