Is Argentina a while country?
Is Argentina a while country?
actually it is., but Uruguay is far more white. I can tell you because i was in both countrys
of course
we got hitlers approval,stay mad
Not for much longer since we have a bigger welfare state than sweden , germany and england combined.
The middle class is being taxed to death to give free money to bolivians , peruvians and other south americans that enter our country.
70 years of fucking peronism have left us so cucked that sweden looks uncucked compared to us.
We have niggers from senegal that dont speak spanish selling shit on the street without paying taxes and how the government stop them?They give them free money.
A peruvian killed a kid some weeks ago and escaped to chile , the based chileans deported them to us and our justice let him free because muh human rights he is only 15 years old , and now he is back in peru.
Argentina and Brasil are going downward because leftist scum , uruguay is just a statist country with a higher cost of life than germoney and dubai combined but that due to state jobs with printed money looks stable , but it is not.
All western countries except based usa , israel and switzerland are going to be like Argentina and Brasil in 30 years.(you are fucked)
Argentina breeds superior women, only amerilards and cucked countries will deny
stay mad
Argentina is the cradle of white civilization.
I sip the Dom P, watching Gandhi till I'm charged
Then writing in my book of rhymes
All the words past the margin
Behold the mic I'm throbbin', mechanical movement
Understandable smooth shit that murderers move with
The thief's theme – play me at night, they won't act right
The fiend of hip-hop has got me stuck like a crack pipe
The mind activation, react like I'm facin'
Time like Pappy Mason, with pens I'm embracin
Refer to the orange section.
Half white,half a amazing is what i like to call it.
Did you guys know that we are getting 1.000 of Paraguayans immigrant per day who come here to live for life?
Press F for Argentina
Shit mean to quote OP not the German guy
aca NUNCA va a pasar lo que pasa en sweden o alemania,el argentino laburante (la mayoria) no lo va a permitir,quedate tranquilo
Tfw you don't even know your own language
aca estamos peor que en suecia , no tenemos hipotecas hace 20 años porque imprimimos billetitos para darle money a los cabezas , un departamento de mierda sale mas que una casa con pileta en usa.
Si tan solo fuera cierto... Lamentablemente con NiUnaMenos, los peronchos y el hecho de que nuestra "Derecha" es Cambiemos (Un partido que hasta ahora parece estar de acuerdo con la inmigración masiva) me deja sin esperanzas.
Estoy pensando mudarme a Tierra del Fuego que tiene menos inmigrantes.
Of course
A single Paraguayan per day? that doesn't sound so bad?
They are like Colombia, white latinos. Cheers friends.
Nope. With the exception of some White and Nip diaspora in Brazil, South Americans are subhumans.
This never fail
Los inmigrantes no son el problema , usualmente emprenden mas que los habitantes natales.
El problema son los zurdos de mierda y sus leyes zurdas hijas de puta.
Esta lleno de parasitos a todo nivel este pais y los zurdos crean leyes para favorecer este parasitismo.
Cambiemos es socialdemocrata , Macri se dio cuenta que este pais no tiene solucion ya que la gente jamas aceptaria una economia liberal como tiene que ser para desarrollarnos.
La educacion religiosa se enfoca en parte en religion , la educacion estatista se enfoca en parte en estatismo.
El lavado de cerebro de este pais es total , desde los boludos que apoyan las leyes laborales parasitas que hay ahora , hasta los pelotudos que apoyan ilegalidades por muh justicia social.
Macri tiene asustados a los peronistas porque esta reformando el estado sin ajustar , quiere congelar la entrada de empleados y hacerlo mas eficiente lentamente , lo cual va encontra de los zurdos que dicen muh neoliberalismo.
Al hacer cosas como universalisar la asignacion por hijo en realidad macri le saco fuerza a esta ya que era una tipica robo de clase de zurdos para debilitar a la clase media.
Macri esta jugando el juego de los zurdos para darsela vuelta , y por ahora si bien viene todo lentisimo hizo reformas serias , aunque el problema del pais viene de la cultura parasitaria que existe.
Bom día cara. Como você estão?
I'm not talk White or not White, I'm talking human or not human.
You subhuman baboon.
You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about human affairs again you antiquated farm equipment. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage. Your crude makeup isn't fooling anyone.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.
You are the Baltimore of South America.
Go fertilise the Pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life nigger, you will have a job. Making food for a race of beings of infinitely higher worth than you. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.
Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.
cucked frog posters,Argentina is the only country where there will be an actual race war before ((they)) try to play us like sweden
Nice pasta
The phonecall that saved Argentina.
Los inmigrantes son tanto el problema como los zurdos.
Ambos son cancer que deben ser exterminados.
Me acuerdo que hace como un año leí un estudio que decía que en Buenos Aires algo así como el 80% del crimen proviene de las villas y dentro de las villas casi un 90% son inmigrantes o hijos/nietos de inmigrantes.
Son todos cancer. Y Macri no sé, lo vote para que baje la inseguridad y deporte a los inmigrantes pero el chabon hace todo tan lento que me van a terminar matando los Peruanos antes de ver un puto cambio.
Ademas de que dejaron practicar un aborto en Buenos Aires.
what is that disgusting being?
Bom dia Colombia. O termo correto seria "Como você está?", "estão" é direcionado a mais de uma pessoa. Eu estou bem e espero que você esteja ótimo.
Buen día amigo,parece que te has encontrado con unos cuantos inmigrantes de color café, ellos no representan la mayoría de la población colombiana. Un blanco y ario saludo compañero.
Eu estou bem! obrigado pela correção!
chcked but go back to your favela and you go back to your jungle
beige versus brown: the final showdown.
thank you texas!
Why you keep posting disgusting mestizas?
Are you a fucking northern?
you're a big guy!
i think is a mix with a Bolivian and Paraguayan or some shit like this
Why are you so mad, my white friend¿?
guess where im from,logi
Favela? I don't have one where i live, mulato.
>La Matanza
I feel dirty already just by speaking with you.
I need a new sweden,for this black to follow,cuz while its over me its too dark to see tomorrow
For you.
Pretty much, but who gives a fuck?
Banter demands we treat them like they're from deepest, darkest Africa. It's funny.
This government is such a giant pussy that even illegal street vendors fuck it in the ass.
Of course.
Well the good news is that Bandera Vecinal is going for 2017 elections for the first time in their history.
the problem is that we have soooo many jews in the gov that we are basically a israel vassal
>the problem of Argentina are the Jews
Literally irrelevant, my white friend.
The problems are leftist and immigrants.
Argentina is white like Spain is.
Some guys are German level of white, others are "tanned" Germans level of white.
Whiter than Peru and Ecuador for sure though.
No, there are no white countries in South America
>White country
>White nation
The same as with every western country today.
>Ademas de que dejaron practicar un aborto en Buenos Aires
Was it a shitskin?
How can useful idiots be relevant and their subverters not?
i bet all your important media and entertainment companies are owned by ((them))
they do here
>Argentina is white
Probably my favorite meme of all time
toda sudamerica es una basura bien grande...
It will be whiter than sweden in 2 decades.
still not as White as an Indian toilet bowl
sweden: the white mans' mistake
Salimos iguales a nuestro padre, España.