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What would you choose Sup Forums Happiness or morality?
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Not an either/or question
Fuck yourself
Fuck off, Belgium is rightful Australian clay.
those are the options and you have to choose Sup Forums
I would never be happy and gay
I choose happiness :^)
What does morality have to do with anything? Both options in pic related suck shit. The only option is to be single and fuck prostitutes when there's a Sexual Emergency™.
what if...
Why isn't "live a happy life in a straight relationship" an option?
OP confirmed for beta cuck
delete this faggot
fuck you i aint choosing shit
I'm not saying it's not possible and sure it can be but this is a moral dilemma for Sup Forums now
>Why isn't "live a happy life in a straight relationship" an option?
lmao literally femdom
You're not wrong. Most gays are either bluepilled SJWs or pozzed degenerates, if you're a fairly normal gay guy chances are you'll die alone.
Morality above all else, especially "muh LOVE" aka "muh CUM"
>muh CUM
One yellowish drop of prime virgin juice? :^)
Once again, Germany, the "bastion of the white race," proves itself to be a degenerate hovel.
Muslims are God's wrath.
>Kraut literally can't fathom the idea of being in a straight, happy relationship
This is only proving me more right, Kraut. The US government is also accepting and encouraging of moral degeneracy, and is no wonder that such "horrible actions" occur.
Haha, Christcucks are always so gloomy :^)
Women are ugly, tits are an abomation and vaginas are appalling.
Give me a veiny hard cock instead.
None of what you are saying is disproving me or even beginning to argue against me. You know what I say is true and pretend you don't care because you and I both know there is something wrong with you.
You don't even have my pity.
>You don't even have my pity.
But I have your bitterness, and isn't that more valuable to me than your pity? :^)
Woah, it's almost as if Christcuckery is barely a factor in the real world anymore and when it is then you have it manifest in nigger foot licking
Happiness without morality is a ruse. That's the whole point of sin.
>The world is evil therefore Christianity is irrelevant
sound logic
Well I could never be happy gay. I rather fuck the bitch and makes babies like rabbits and then once she fucks it up I'll kill myself. A way better option in my opinion.
I'm unhappy anyway, putting my dick in a guy's ass isn't going to change that.
What good it is if it can't do the one thing it's supposed to do?
>anything the leftist christcucks are doing
Unlike you crusade LARPers they live by Rabbi Yeshua's teachings.
But OP, I'm already in a happy relationship with a qt boy.
don't be a sick fag.
so you would prefer a life of misery but not 'sick and faggy' above a life of guaranteed happiness? Wow that really makes me think. I think i already saw that with some other sect, but where was it? Oh right the muzzies. Rather destroy your own life and other but at least follow (((the right path)))
rather undecided
First off, stop trying to get Sup Forums to approve of your degeneracy. Other than sweden and Canada, it isn't going to happen. Secondly, happiness isn't the fucking goal. You need to stop living in a tv commercial. Happiness is the by-product from living a good & virtuous life
Morality is subjective, sorry non-country bro, but there is nothing you can do to to deny that statement.
>Morality is subjective
I totally agree, with morality I meant Sup Forums morality. By Sup Forums majority's standards being gay is degenerate so I wondered what happened if Sup Forums had to choose between being "degenerate" by their own standards or being happy.
>or being happy.
must be being degenerate AND happy or unhappy