>60 pages in large font
Why is this allowed? In Europe, we call that an article.
>60 pages in large font
Why is this allowed? In Europe, we call that an article.
hahah exactly
she just seen a niche and exploited it
she should do a nude mag, i'd buy
>i'd buy
Therein lies the problem.
>photoshopped ass
Poor whitey
did it took you a whole month to think about this bait Laura?
Even worse is the fact that thristy betas would actually buy this pamphlet because they have a crush on her. Fucking pathetic.
Reminder that she has been CURRIED.
But he's a legit homosexual
His instagram is degen af
Supply and demand.
Does anybody actually read these books?
>is only 21 years old
>looks like 40
do you like to drink rotten milk too?
hopefully not
'Buy this book before liberals ban it - Ann Coulter' I actually had a bit of respect for Ann Coulter. Gone now.
I bought 5 copies
>60 (60!) pages of baby's first diet redpill
>But it's written by muh queen of Sup Forums goy! Buy buy buy!
Jesus Christ.
Who'd want to read a book by a 21 year old milf.
I'd put it in her butt though.
It's not abnormal. Thomas Sowell has a couple books that are really short that I would put into the category of long-form journalism
don't hate on coulter
He also has books that are 1000 pages long and is an extremely prolific writer
Yeah I'm not comparing him to Southern.