don't disappoint me guys
Does Sup Forums know the difference between sunni and shia
I couldn't give a fuck which is which.
they have to go back
One fucks goats, another fucks goats while wearing a suicide vest.
Sunni are stupid goatfuckers and Shia are literal mystical nutjobs, like wiccans with turbans and scimitars
Sunni: Relatively based because they hate the exploding kind
Shia: The exploding kind
One is called one thing the other is called another. Both are degenerate and we need to nuke mecca.
isis is Sunni and they do a lot of exploding, Shia are too busy trying to summon the 12th imam or whatever
It's the other way around
One is disgustingly stupid, the other is stupidly disgusting.
I thought that the Sunnis are the ones with the big turbans.
Are you thinking of sikhs?
Aisha is in Hell!
They split over whom shoul replace their head goat fucker and fought over it.
Both are pretty bad. No such thing as a good Muslim
One believes in a pedo warlord's sons, the other in his uncles or some shit
How's life leb-user
>t. Ayatollah Ladyboya
Oh yeah, I am.
Shia is Kek approved
Sunni: wants to murder whites.
Shia: doesn't want to murder whites.
Mystical nutjobs who don't blow us up
Sunnis are the niggers of Islam
Shia are a mystical branch of Islam in Iran and surrounding areas, while Sunni are the majority of muslims worldwide and their faith is centered around Saudi Arabia more or less
Shia is to Islam what the Hascidum are to Judaism.
Based Iran is Shia.
Based Assad is Alawite (pretty much Shia).
Faggot Saudis are Sunni.
That is all i need to know.
It's the other way around.
>Sunni: wants to murder whites.
>white muslims don't exist
Sunnis invade us and commit terrorist attacks
Shias don't
the wahabbi are pulling all your strings anyway. and mossad is pulling theirs. you goatfuckers are killing each other and the rest of the world for nothing
islam is the biggest scam in history.
the illiterate warlord pedophile goat fucking pig prophet muhammad (pain and agony be upon him) was a false prophet confirmed by the fact that he had worms in his mouth when he died
other than a jetliner here or there, but to be fair the US navy shot down one of theirs by """accident""" and never apologized
but Shia has been on the US Government's shitlist ever since the Iranian Revolution made them look like a bunch of useless helpless faggots and their puppet the Shah got btfo
>based Iran
How many of layers of autism are you on right now?
Sunni: Alcohol yes
Shia: Alcohol no
there both sand nigger religions just like christ cucks and jews.
There is a difference between themselves but to any rational human they are just savages.
Sunni - Arabs
Shia - Persians
One blows people up
The other blows people up and die in the process
Some stupid disagreement about who the rightful caliph was a long ass time ago because Mohammed died without naming a successor because he probably thought he was immortal or some shit, even though I don't see how it matters now because it was like 1500+ years ago. Also have different uniforms and one is more prone to explosions and killing homos and women. Don't remember which. Probably Sunni because there's more of them and Muslims sure seem to like killing homos and putting women in their place.
Of course both sides think they're the 'pure' Islam and the other ones are a bunch of dirty cocksuckers. Shias think Prince Ali fabulous is he Ali Ababwa is the rightful caliph and only he and his bloodline can claim to be leaders of Islam and Sunnis claim only Mohammed's word is law (I think). I think like 90% of Muslims are Sunni.
>Muslims don't murder each other
>Saudi Arabia
>alcohol yes
>traitors don't exist
The US does the Sunni's bidding, Russia is allied with the Shias
Meanwhile both are bent on worldwide domination and the destruction of human civilization
Do not get drawn into their issues, reject Islam entirely for it will be the end of humanity as we know it.
Kick them all out back to their countries.
Poor mooslim (sunni) and stupid mooooslim (shia). It could be the other way around, but who cares.
One is true Islam from mohammy the other is the pervert Islam from aisha.
Again, who cares.
well african christians murder the fuck out of each other
christian cartels murder each other
christian countries murdered each other in WW2
if you look back at all this, i should be the one laughing on your barbarism
how's your argument now?
Both are shit.
However, we should support shiites over sunnis because parity in the Muslim civil war will result in the highest number of casualties.
An Iran vs Saudi war with an isolationist Trump leading the US would be glorious.
I don't care both are cancer.
One believes some illiterate goatherder is the true successor to Muhammad. The other believes another illiterate goatherder is the true successor. The narcissism of the small difference.
One is the only correct interpretation of Islam, the other is the one true interpretation of Islam. Other than that, they're just run of the mill sandmonkeys.
That Arab looks hideous.
American education.
Only for the royal family maybe....
>how's your argument now?
I'm not a christian.
then you are...?
Shia: Ali ( Muhammad's cousin) should have been caliph.
Sunnis: Abu-bakr (Muhammad's best friend) was rightfully chosen as caliph.
>gypsy education
They are the only Islamic country uncucked by the ((west)) and the name of their country literally means Aryan land.
Also many Persians are white.
more like land trannies, flogging and public executions
you have no idea how iran is like senpai
>Soviet Union
>Nazi Germany, literally an ideology based on LARP
Shiites are pissed that Muhammad's uncle didn't become the second imam after the death of Mo.
He did, however, become the fourth imam, but there were a couple of guys in the succession 1700 fucking years ago they believe did not rightfully belong, so they reject sunni traditions, and blow them up out of butthurt.
both were in Rashidun
>then you are...?
Not religious at all.
Anyways, point is: I don't care that you want to kill each other.
I just want you to leave me out of it.
Shia Muslims respect that.
But Sunni Muslims insist on coming over here to kill us - that's why I hate you.
Hope you get another civil war and your entire family gets murdered.
Both can fuck off and die. I don't care.
1400 years ago
they all need to be subjugated or exterminated
Most of that is pretty much irrelevant to me as Iran is thousands of kilometres away. But as far as their global position is concerned, yes, they are based.
One side believes in koran, hadis and other islamic shit and another side believes only in part of that islamic books.
But both are shit, just one is bigger than another.
t. Common core
Yup and I do know the simularities:
They both don't fit in western culture
>Are you thinking of sikhs?
Sikhs arent moooslims and they are generally based as fuck. I would trade every mooslim in this country for a turbine wearing sikh
sunnis spend their time sucking the caliph's cock
sunni are retards
shia are idiots
Shia girls are easier to sleep with.
sunni are sadistic mass murdering psychopaths
shia are sadistic, mass murdering gangsters.
Blows shit up
Blows shit up
yes nazis,brits,frenchies,poles and americans and other irrelevant balkan countries are christians yet they've been shelling,bombing and gassing each other for years (WW1-WW2) they made a death toll so big that it makes 9/11 and other extremist atrocities a joke
>But Sunni Muslims insist on coming over here to kill us - that's why I hate you.
Oh noooo, let evil mooslims are here to kill u!!
nigger you're so deep down in your fantasies that you're mistaking some retarded criminals and rapists for an organized invasion
get in touch with the real world for some time
no senpai, unlike what Sup Forumsfags tell you, they're equally bad as the US
they've spent a whole decade making their own proxy terrorists (like US's al qaeda) in iraq and yemen just so they can spread their own imperialism in the mid east
>Does Sup Forums know the difference between dogshit and catshit
Shia think the position of Caliph is a supernatural force that passes lineally from Mohammed like the Quickening from Highlander while Sunni believe a complex theocratic government extracted from the Quran except for when they don't and decide to form groups like the Taliban or ISIS to kill everyone who disagrees with al-Goatfucki's "year zero" decrees about how the Quran applies to society.
There is a haddith that says that only a decendant of the prophet can lead the Umma (the muslims people all toghether) The division sunnis shias happened because son in law from the prophet was murdered. Those who took side for him are Shia, the other Sunnis. Shia hold Aisha, the Prophet preferred wife responsible for this, thus dispise her. Last Sunni Muslim king with Muhamad blood, Hachemite lineage in Jordan. Yes, the saoud are fake. This is why Saoudi Arabia protect Jordan with all its might, because he give the blessing not to revolt against them. If he were to die, Only a Shia from Iran would be able to claim to be a direct decendant of Muhammed, which would be a 3rd Muslim holy world war, that nobody wants to see.
Actually, it is the Shia that started with the suicide shit. Sunnis did catch up because they were afraid to look like bitches and because of the enormous gains you can make with such tactics in conventional warefare in a non assymetric war.
Later, Wahabis ruled with the civilians were also legit targets, and now we are with cunts blowing themselves up any time anywhere...
Who the fuck cares you sectarianist fuck? Fuck it either way.
based roach
i respect ur patriotism
To be fair the first Iranian blowed himself in Iran - Iraq war againts a Iraqi military target, not a civ etc