Was Aragon a race traitor?
>Turned down a blonde haired qt celtic human for woodland fever
>Kids will have pointy ears which will rule over pure blooded humans forever
>They probs consider elvish as the first language
Was Aragon a race traitor?
>Turned down a blonde haired qt celtic human for woodland fever
>Kids will have pointy ears which will rule over pure blooded humans forever
>They probs consider elvish as the first language
Other urls found in this thread:
>Elvish is a subhuman race
user, you need to know something : Elrond was pissed because He didn't want his daughter to mix with a filthy human.
aragon is a piece of shit
he and naples can suck my dick
Also Man became the dominant race in the end so it didn't matter.
Elves and Humans aren't the same species, essentially he was fucking an animal.
That's scary
The elf bitch is the race traitor here m8, humans are the niggers.
Aragorn has elvish blood already. He is one of the Dunedain, a race of men descended from Elros, the mortal half-elven brother of Elrond.
This also makes Elrond his uncle and Arwen his cousin.
Elves and Humans aren't the same species, essentially SHE was fucking an animal.
Numenoreans were already racemixed mongrels
Are... are you a retard, senpai?
She's the same fucking race as him. They're both half elves.
There's like three half elves in the whole setting at the time, Aragorn, Arwen, and Elrond.
Aragorn was literally the nigger in this allegory.
The humans is the lower species.
>be daughter of some rotten King
>meet random dude who has nothing to his name and cannot even afford a haircut
>be all over him "because he's already taken by some other woman!"
Shit, why are women so stupid? There are like 10,000 men around and she picks the one dude who has nothing to his name and has a financé.
They're both the same "race." He should have been pissed that she was going to marry her fucking COUSIN.
What does Sup Forums think of The Silmarillion?
I learned that you don't piss off elves, because they don't fuck about when it comes to vengeance.
>Pure Blood Human
Pick one. Do you faggots even Silmarillion?
This. Does nobody read history anymore?
Its great, my favorite between it, LotR and Hobbit.
Eowyn was objectively the best waifu in the entire trilogy.
Which is why she ends up with best Faramir.
Aragon a shit
elves were basically fucking spoiled bratt in that with the ships and all and burning them after they murdered their own kin for them ect
Aragon in spain
her father was mixed thou.
>woodland fever
aragorn isn't even 100% human
he's like 20% Elf anyway because of his ancestors
he lived until he was 200 somethind was in his 80s when the shit with the ring went down
they are definitely of the same species
It's basically nordic and germanic legends like beowulf for the eternal anglo.
J.R.R. Tolkien was based
Elves are fucking dicks, Human master race, suck my dick elf fucks MIDDLE EARTH, ALL OF IT IS RIGHTFUL HUMAN CLAY
In 1469, the king of Aragon married the queen of Castile - thus forming a personal union between the two kingdoms (with Castile as the main kingdom).
Aragon was litterally cucked into serfdom.
like I said, they don't fuck about.
Considering that Eru created elves as deathless superbeings and humans as "you guys suck at everything, but in return you don't do it for long lol", crossbreeding to create a clan of long-lived superhumans is a great way to outjew the overjew.
Dude Liv Tyler is way hotter than this smelly tomboy, also aragorn was half breed to begin with, he did good imho
Elrond has all right to be butthurt tho tbqhwyp
But user, the elves are supposed to be the celts
>tfw in third age total+mos i invaded rohan and arnor
>nothing to his name
This is why we shouldn't let shitskin Germans post. Have you not paid your monthly TV license? Aragorn is the KING you fucking dumb nigger shit for brains.
Aragon was like a black man trying to come up in the world by finding himself a white bitch, like a nurse on sunthin
Having a wife who never ages and looks like liv tyler, versus having some chick who probably sucks in bed, because shes a tomboy.
Aragorn was literally a nigger and Elrond was trying to save his daughter from the Big Human Cock.
The Elves left because Humans wanted to fuck their women.
no. the elves represent an uncorrupted form of humanity, like man before the fall.
>be elvish
>be directly related to ORCS
fucking kek, just proves elves are the niggers of middleearth
Ever noticed middle-earth doesnt have shitskins? It was basically Tolkien dream utopia after being born in Bloemfontein south afrika
Losses for France and Crusaders: 8. Holy fucking Kek why can't France be that bad ass now adays?
What about Black Númenóreans (Learn the lore faggot!!)
If he had a child with her, he would die but the child would not, because they are elves. The child would not have a father, because he died off way sooner than his son. A child without a father is a nigger. So Aragon just was trying to not be a nigger father.
>elves related to orcs
Didn't Tolkien retcon that ? expect a shitstorm anyway
Do you think any elf pulled an Elliot Rodger and tried to kill humans after he saw the fairest elven maid get the BHC?
he did privately, but never in his published works.
He never retconned it, but he wanted to.
i watched the trilogy last week and i saw exactly one diversity hire extra
black numenoreans are not dark skinned
black refers to their allegiance to sauron you nigger
>what is Haradrim
according to teeths you are orcish
bad people ?
harads are persians
stop projecting
poor niggers living and deserts and jungles
elvish are superior then humans, in fact we use their alphabet and language because we are superior then others as well. elvish masterrace gtfo nordic cucks and americunts
>Rohan is North America
>Gondor is Europe
>together they are the Men of the West
>Orcs are the niggers
>literally we are the kangz now
>Sauron is the Jews
>Saruman represents the Liberals(traitors)
>Aragorn is the saviour of Western Civilization
Say that to my my fucking face, shire master race you orc cuck, prep the orc bull. i'll sit back, smoke some hobbit weed and fuck my hot hobbit bitches
Rohan is vikings you stupid cunt
aren't hobbits really really distantly related to elves too?
I always imagined them being black and Numenor itself gave kinda Egypt-like feel.
They are Kangz to me
leaders don't ride in battle anymore so you can't kill them first and then run a train on cathar fucking shits
no it's not.
>this entire post
it had to be a fingolian
This !
Arwen is the fucking distant cousin of Aragorn !
Which makes Aragorn the inbred King
It wasn't a big part of the book like it was in the film.
But as a Dunedain he would still be a race traitor going with lass from Rohan you moron.
They are called orcs you shithead.
Eowyn is a bad waifu, she cooks very badly
>Numenor itself gave kinda Egypt-like feel
aragorn is a numenorean lad,gondor is the remnant of whats left of numenor
Humans are nigger tier relative to elves brah.
fuck off swedish nigger.
Rohan is literally the anglo-saxons. the white horse of the saxon is the white horse of rohan, the writer is anglo
Strange the bongs are bringing the blitz for once.
Rohan is step people like Avars or Mongols.
No the hobbits are completely different race altogether.
They could be more like germanized hungarians if you really want to find something
But their culture is clearly ancient anglo
proof that elves are degenerate cucks
yes, they're the master race
She wants the BOC
Hello disgusting elfgrel, how many tree stumps have you fucked today?
How many innocents have you killed for cutting down trees to build homes?
elves are arguably superior. i mean if i was a nigger i would probably want to get with an aryan. same concept
How can humanbois even compete ?
Why Aragorn is mortal then?
Elves is a decadent race of depressed people that aren't capable of recovering from a war that happened thousands of years ago
They also got PTSD if they come close to the sea or hear seagulls
Pope Innocent III was a bigger race traitor to whites. He fought against Catalans, Occitans and Byzantines.
qouting the describtion of the battle:
>King Peter rode to the front line, forsaking his royal armour for the plain armour of a common soldier. His army was disorderly and confused. When Montfort's first squadron charged the field, the Aragonese cavalry was crushed and Peter himself was unhorsed. He cried out, "I am the king!" but was killed regardless. With the realization that their king had been killed, the Aragonese forces broke in panic and fled, pursued by Montfort's Crusaders.
truly an autistic king
>Why Aragorn is mortal then?
The half elves could choose to live as elves or humans. Elrond chose elf, his brother chose human. Arwen is Aragorn's great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather's cousin.
Halfbreeds must make the difficult decision whether to be an ageless respawning beautiful alpha or to gain the awesome ability of withering away into decrepitude and dementia before finally dying.
>Historical revisionism
>We all descend from one race
We wuz ancient elf before dose mofo white albinos stole Rivendell (it was named Rivendor before)
Why choose to be mortal?
I always thought the Uruk Hai were elven, while the standard Orc was human, with Goblins being comprised of halflings and dwarves.