yeah i bet muslims would never allow such thing in their prayer shitholes. Why do we have to put up with this?
Yeah i bet muslims would never allow such thing in their prayer shitholes. Why do we have to put up with this?
>Muslim Mayor
In case you haven't noticed, areas that haven't experienced the hell that is brown people are ignorant to how bad they are.
We're all in this boat together. Stop being a faggot.
Protestant faggots BTFO
Kill yourselves
I just don't see how any congregation of Christians could all violate the 1st commandment so passively. It just doesn't make sense.
You don't based Motherland
>build relationships
with people that don't drink?
how, and what the fuck for?
face it, we've nothing common
lets just stick to our own communities
>and a kilt
Christian leaders have become weak and desperate appeasers. Just look at the state of the Pope.
It's the passage that was the most offensive. The bishop may have been extending a hand but the muslims took the opportunity to spit in our faces by reading a passage there that said jesus isn't the messiah.
That church is desecrated.
Glasgow is know to be a multi-cultural hell...
Many really weird traitors there...
Time to get the cross for this fuckface
What passage got read? That's pretty shitty if they deliberately picked a verse that contradicts Christianity, but I'm not surprised
Koran’s Surah 19 it says here.
>Verse 23 of the translated verse reads: “She said, ‘I am so ashamed; I wish I were dead before this happened, and completely forgotten.’”
>The girl singing the passage finishes by reciting verse 35 and 36, which translates as: “It does not befit God that He begets a son, be He glorified. To have anything done, He simply says to it, ‘Be’, and it is.
>“He also proclaimed, “God is my Lord and your Lord; you shall worship Him alone. This is the right path."
Just further it's the Feast of the Epiphany where Christians celebrate the baby Jesus being visited by the 3 wise men.
This is a significant date in the calendar and they came in and basically said jesus is bullshit
Just to clarify: the passage in question read from the koran denied the divinity of Christ, and this scottish faggot bishop can't see what the issue is?
>Invite a Muslim to read a passage from the Quran to foster ties between Christians and Muslims
>She deliberately picks one that discredits and contradicts the religion of the people who invited her
Anyone who still thinks these people are well meaning or have good intentions have rocks in their heads. If you extend your hand in friendship and they pull shit like that it's time to wake up
I know. It's a good example of every other way they abuse our hospitality.
They're not even pretending to try to fit in, it's clearly hostile.
Also this, is Scottish Faggot mad at his clergy since they saw it as hostile despite muh unity?
fucking traitors to the faith
"Deeply distressed" ... this is the language of cucks and women. What's next? Christcucks telling the media, "YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT!"
Does anyone have the article/video of the muslims denying Christ's divinity during that event?
>Episcopal Church
Of course. How do we uncuck Anglicanism.
Remove the Clergy.
That what you got by bulding church on lust of king
The problem is the western sensibility is that people are inherently good and civilized and if you show people compassion and tolerance they will naturally reciprocate. Which isn't true, these people only understand force, they see they get away with acts like this and it makes them believe the west is weak, because they thumb their nose at the people who invited them and they do absolutely nothing. Whereas in their home country they probably would've gotten stoned to death for pulling shit like that in a Mosque.
These people are essentially children who are constantly pushing boundaries and getting absolutely no resistance from the countries they live in. Because the liberals think all they need to be is coddled more when coddling them is exactly what has made the situation so bad, they can act like spoiled brats, do whatever they want and not have a single repercussion. Until the west recognizes that they're not cracking down hard enough these people are going to keep treating the natives like trash, because they see weakness and they do not respect people who are weak
As opposed to building a church on the faggot lust of priests? Go lick a Muslim's feet like your Papa.
In order to survive Christianity is going to have to detach itself from the modern world. I think Orthodox Christianity does this but that's mostly a Slavic thing
The only way to deal with this is to wipe out their home countries once and for all. Fucking destroy their people entirely
>part of efforts to build relationships
like the "I'm invading you now" relationship
thats what happens if you explicitly allow fags to become bishops.
Episcoshit went to hell long time ago.
Because religious freedom.
When you are free to choose, leaders will compromise ideology in order to curry favor with sinners in order to retain power and influence.
In the modern day west it's more important to be tolerant than to stand up for yourself.
Exactly, and yet we're all supposed to fall in line with what the globalists/lefties/whatever shit fits them best want.
>The cathedral said it was part of efforts to build relationships between Christians and Muslims in Glasgow.
I'm sure it was followed up by praising Christ as savior in a mosque right?
>cuck pope
Christians can't even get along with each other in Glasgow