White women hate thread
White women hate thread
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White Women are all trash
Hard to hate that ass.
Rest easy knowing the toll will be paid.
Not White facial structure.
this make me hard asf
Not White either.
she's a fucking redskins fan what did you expect?
Kill yourself sandnigger monkey
Greater enemies abound at the moment
Women only value.
And than 30-40s hit.
The Aussie knows
holy sheet.
all those white women are fuckable or cute af...unlike Asian gf of white men.
I want a divorce
There's no image to measure this amount of hilarity.
Women never realize they are worthless by 35 and men will be in their prime at that age. SHE'LL BE DUMPED
wtf are those lips
Some may be cute, but their attractiveness dropped 5 points and they lost all traces of fuckability when they contracted multiple STIs.
I hate thots..
I cant tell if there is even a human
Did she really bring a homeless crackhead inside for a selfie?
I'm not even shocked anymore. I see these things on the train every day
>recommend katherine to a friend
All those pictures of uncovered women you have stored must be a capital crime, Yusef
>crusty & white?
This bitch don't understand that niggers have to constantly apply lotion to their elbows and shit pr else they crack like dry earth
Niggers have the worst hair, worst skin, worst looks
But muscles and dick brah... sure.
Half of this women posted here are not even white.
They are all mixed.
Gives me hope that in the future these women will pay one way or the other
Either they burn coal and the coal kills them/impregnates them
Or when they're all 40 they won't be able to settle down because no white man with any common sense will date them and they will end up hitting menopause before they can spawn little coal burners
Dumb fucking cunt.
LOL. No, your 3-month-premature crack baby will be lucky if it doesn't drop out of elementary school.
It's physics. Nogs can't be fathers
Also, s-stop it
I've seen this story at least 10 times but it still gets to me
Notice how all these women are American
All white guys, if you can call Italians in long island white.
i fucking bet it does, swedistan
>they're all manlets
Jesus, this can't be real, can it?
nice edit
Yeah keep telling yourself that sven.
you're being a retard with your whiteness tests. skin is white means she's white. stop being a complete moron.
every single snapchat like this is 100% faked lel
I swear women have the ability to deceive like no other. I sincerely hope there's a special place in hell for these people.
>manufactuerd in 2015
not so much of a slut then
I wish I hadn't read this
Sup Forums
>one lib and a troll youtube account was the american counter
Hello there, Amhed
is that her brother on the left
Jesus fucking christ
Considering her circumstances that may be a lot sooner than she thinks.
I'm so glad we don't really have minorities so white bitches "have to" date white guys.
>eu flag
Wow how did she get her phone to be lined up vertical perfectly like that? Rest of photo is wonky
hello, jamal.
OC from instagram. Too bad because I actually liked this girl when I first met her.
I'm assuming the queen of spades makes it clear but in case someone here doesn't know what that means:
that looks more like /LGBT/ to me
>pic related, thats what the average LARPing Sup Forumsack looks like
So what? I'll take a 5/10 faithful asian girl over a 10/10 white whore anyday. I just want wife and kids and a calm, traditional family life.
i second this
I didn't come here for the feels.
T H I S.
yes goyim,hate your own women while overlooking degeneracy of your own men instead of coming together to do better as a race.
i come to Sup Forums to hate, not to feel. fuck you
Get that eu flag away you faggot
Oh I meant pol are the two guys on the right
Fun fact; these are all american girls
Your entire country is my counter... kek.
>literally the people who hate secular governments and leave the middle east because of it coming in hordes to Europe
Why is this allowed?
Europe isnt just taking in Arabs and muslims. We're taking in the WORST of them
>United Arab Emirates
Have you ever been to Helsinki? We have more than enough sand people and nignogs here for the whole country.
Blacks are superior. Im glad more and more people realize it.
>a sheikh so salty because a porta-pootty refused to crap on his chest
Can't make this shit up, literally