Everyone is welcome. Discuss news, ask question, give answers, be kind to one another, and above all assist one another in living the virtuous life. As usual, I will be assisting with answering questions and helping people out. I recommend you do the same.
I've never really done the church thing, but am interested in trying. Can some one give me a step by step of what happens, starting as you walk in the door? Maybe as a green text.
Nolan Russell
>went church this morning >fucked my girlfriend in the ass in the evening
Fuck me. I feel like I've hit this point where I just make excuses for myself. Like trying to justify that God won't be mad at me for whatever sin I commit for whatever reason. E.g my gf and I are going to get married anyway, so what's the difference between now and later etc.
Henry Sanders
Nice to see you WOLFSHIEM.
Happy Sunday to all of my fellow Catholics.
Jayden Morgan
Friendly reminder that Jehovas Witnesses are heretics of the highest order, above even those silly Mormons.