What's happening in there?
My truck-driver friend told me that you can hear gunshoots in entire country, and there are roads controlled by military.
Why is Sup Forums silent on that?
Poland a cute
Uhh, I peed on a hijab yesterday
Does that count?
Reported to the EU army
Who the fuck cares about Belgium
I do
I don't know man, I hear gunshots every weekend since I live very rural and people hunt in our fields.
They closed the road of recently because one lady got hit by ricochet of a.410 in the shoulder whilst riding her bike.
Nothing out of the ordinary tho.
Normal hangover sunday here.
Croissant detected.
Not me, moving to the USA. Cya belgian fags
Be quiet. Slide this thread.
At 6pm on the dot state news will be on to tell us everything is fine and it was just young children with fireworks.
Everything is fine.
anti-terror operation in Molenbeek by special forces
I live in Bruges, it's quite as ever here. Also we don't allow muslim ghetto formation here.
Stop larping, or else...
Did is nu een /vla/pol/ draad
Welkom: Vlamingen, leeuwen en onze buren de Nederlanders
Niet welkom: Walen
I do
They are the classic example of when Islamists attack a country that has never done anything to them.
Zuig jij graag Hollanders af? Slik je of spuw je hun zaad uit?
You Spanish don't even care about your own economy and debt.
Dutch is such a goofy looking language.
Pretty sure it was created by illiterate Englishmen who were trying to learn German on their own.
As if your goofy as fuck lingo is any better m80
Bruges, la Venise du Nord ?
Beter dan Fransen afzuigen. Maar daar hou jij wel van of niet?
The cops raided Molenbeek yesterday night. Nothing special
Move on folks. Tik tok, Monday is coming and we need to go back to work to fund our downfall at the hands of corrupt politicians and muslims
W..What's in the comic?
At least it has unique roots and is not a weird soup of a little bit of everything.
Walen waren de afgelopen 40 jaar anders wel goed in het afzuigen van negers en Marokkanen.
En het verkiezen van sossen, homo's, pedo's en maffiosi
Icke ooch hia in berlin
No it doesnt. Originated from Uralic and Finnic and the oldest written record is from the 13th century. Old Dutch language was derived from Frankish, later on modernized for use in literature and then standardized. It only bears resemblance to German and English because its in the same group, but if you speak 2 out of those 3 languages you would know that they are not alike - at all.
Go home Sup Forums , you don't belong here
Literally nothing is happening here
Oui mon pote
t. Duitser-in-pocket-formaat
Dutch is older than German, it is directly derived from Lower Frankish, the language of the Salian Franks who conquered and united Europe.
Yours is the silly backwater mongol tongue.
That's ironic coming from you since you wanted to control us so desperately the last few centuries.
I don't know the history of the language so that's interesting to know.
I know a little bit of German and have tried to learn Dutch. The impression I did get was that Dutch is basically German with a dose of English and fairly easy to learn once you know German and English. The way Dutch is written is just bizarre as fuck and a thing on it's own.
No hard feelings, mate, I like Belgium and Netherlands more than any other country in Central Europe. Brussles is a horrible place though.
Holly shit ! I am actually not Belgian but I study in a little village in the countryside and last month I really heard gunshots the whole night. But when I talked about it with other people, they answered that they didn't hear nothing !
Should I fly from this country before it is too late ? What's happening ?
Je doet hier alsof het gros van de Vlamingen geen hipster-schlemielen zijn die massaal op de sossen of andere zelfverklaarde progressieven stemmen.
Je doet hier alsof Antwerpse NVA vertegenwoordigers ons niet gezegd hebben dat we "respect moeten hebben voor de Koran". Je doet alsof de VVB recent geen affiches opgehangen heeft met zandnegers onder de naam "ook ik ben Vlaming". Je doet hier alsof de volksnationalisten na verkozen te worden zich opeens niet als staatsnationalisten zijn gaan gedragen. En je doet alsof de NVA burgemeester van Antwerpen de naam "kerstmarkt" niet in "winterpret" veranderd heeft om moslims niet voor het hoofd te stoten.
Ik ben geen separatist maar heb meer respect voor VB dan voor NVA.
yet you're not refuting that dutch is shit
Wauw, je stopt hier nu wel erg veel woorden in mijn mond die ik helemaal niet gezegd heb.
Ik beweer dat dus allemaal niet he. Weet zelf ook wel dat NVA en VVB zelf cucks zijn.
Maar het feit dat de Walen na zoveel verraad en corruptie nog steeds op de PS stemmen - of nog erger, op de PTB - doet mijn bloeddruk stijgen.
To most outsiders it seems very similar but there are a few key differences like phonetics, spelling and vowel sounds. There are a few words that are also used in the English language so I get the confusion. Brussels is indeed a shithole man. How is Estonia like? I am planning to visit Poland - Estonia - Latvija - Lithuania next summer.
Nah, I wouldn't be worried.
Probably a hunting party or something else if you live really rural.
Dutch has gone a series of spelling and grammar reforms. In fact reforming the language is a bit of a hobby of ours. It used to have the same gender system like German, or at least pretty similar, but that was abolished in the 30s (een man, eene vrouw, eenen paard all became een).
In vroegeren tyden schreeven wy het Vlaemsch azo. Maar later schreeven we Vlaamsch dan weerom zoo.
>Neegers die menschenvleesch eeten
finally became
>Negers die mensenvlees eten
And no offense taken, it's all in good humour and I like Estland too.
Beter Duits dan Frans.
Belgium is very safe as long as you avoid the places where a lot of sand people or congregated.
What means basically almost every town that has more than 20.000 inhabitants.
>say shit about Belgium
>suddenly 6 (SIX) Belgians in row stop making waffles and go avenge their country
niggers that eat human meat?
>when Belgium has the less retarded gun laws in all Western Europe
>when Belgians never apologized and paid reparations to nignogs (Congo)
>when Belgians don't smell like their French neighbors
>when Belgians don't swallow the BRC (Big Refugee Cock) like their Germans neighbors
>when Belgians don't have a fetish for everything orange
Belgium IS based desu.
Estis are alright,had a exchange student in my class from estonia he a good goy
But i get where you're coming from on dutch being weird,apparently it's quite a hard language to learn if you don't speak any germanic language
Clientelisme. We hadden hier hetzelfde tot begin de jaren 90, dat noemden ze hier "dienstbetoon".
In de Walen (as Charleroi-Luik) zijn de mensen een stuk armer dan hier, dat leidt automatisch tot meer corruptie en "dienstbetoon". Velen komen it arbeidersfamilies die al generaties op de sossen of commies stemmen in de waan dat ze voor de arme man opkomen. In dat opzicht zitten zij vast in de vorige eeuw daar.
Maar als je met een Waal spreekt zul je wel gauw te horen krijgen wat hij denkt over vreemdelingen en met name moslims. En meestal gepaard met het zinnetje "Les Flamands ils ont raison".
Mocht het daar op economisch vlak wat beteren ondanks de sossen, zou het gauw gedaan zijn met de sossen.
De Ardennen is natuurlijk een heel ander geval. Dat zijn zelfs geen Walen, toch niet als we de oude definitie hanteren, dat zijn liberale Luxemburgers.
>Gunshots in entire country
bush niggers (bosnegers ; boschneegers using the old early 20th century spelling)
msm isnt allowed to report anymore about terrorist attacks, unless it benefits (((them)))
thats about it
I can attest to the fact that these statements are all 100% correct and truthful.
Ik ken de situatie. De helft van mijn familie komt uit de Walen. Wat ik niet begrijp is dat een partij zoals FN daar niet van de grond kan komen. De grond is er meer dan rijp me dunkt.
Dutch is literally drunken German you wafflenigger
>when Belgians have one of the highest tax rates in Europe, yet the government services are shit
Our healthcare is okay though
Hou je bek joh kk mongool. Nederlands is ouder dan modern Duits.
>when you have to actually take DKV
Oké Ahmed
Dus zo belgen, heeft er iemand nog intern nieuws over ons belgenland? Gaan we ook mee in de soep gedraaid worden als het in de US onvermijdelijk mis gaat met Rusland? Zit onze regering mee in het vieze spel of hebben ze gewoon geen keuze?
oh wat een lekkere nummers
Leave my country. Now.
geen keuze denk ik navo/eu laat zich altijd meesleuren in de vs hun gezever zelfs al is het enkel in ons nadeel
lmao stay absolutely butt devastated nerds ;)
t. spaniard on Erasmus
Where I live it's hunting season
Our government traditionally takes NATO and EU decisions in the ass without lube so yes
No in all honesty, how was your expierence so far up here and what is your opinion of the Low Countries?
You have to go back.
Wtf is a belgium....?
... what?
After those fucking Krauts attacked the wrong country back in WWI, this should've been Versailles...
Godspeed boys, mogen we er toch in slagen van een betekenisvol verzet te creëren als de tijd er ooit komt. Guldensporenslag gewijs beetje keet schoppen
a """""country""""" that existed before yours :^)
Shut up Chad, you are drunk again.
I'd live with a Walloon over a Spaniard any day
Because it's 2/3 of government spending.
Are you allowed to say that?
Achmed, why are you shitting on someone's language? What good does it make to attack different cultures and their languages?
I thought there are no sandniggers in estonia except for post-soviet central asians, who are ok usually. Was my assumption wrong?
Vroeg me ook af of belgische geheime diensten dit board in de gaten houden?
i know this is a troll thread but dammit i want some happengings to follow
Indertijd in de jaren 90 kwam FN redelijk op, samen met Agir. Maar het cordon sanitaire rond het VB heeft ook hun opgang gestopt.
Ik vraag me af of er überhaupt iets te stoppen valt langs electorale weg? Nu ja, we zullen zien hoe de Fransen, Duitsers en Nederlanders het in de komende verkiezingen doen.
Zelf vrees ik dat een toekomstige burgeroorlog met jihadisten in heel West-Europa onvermijdelijk geworden is.
^ deze kent niet eens zijn eigen geschiedenis
Zou me ten sterkste verbazen, ze zijn recentelijk nog maar begonnen met crackdowns op facebookgroepen en profielen. Overigens hebben ze wel ernstigere zaken zoals jihadifora te onderzoeken.
Achmed is common name for culture hating fucks and we have some of those here. Nuisance.
Tartars are ok here. We had 0 problems with them.
>t. spaniard on Erasmus
Erasmus student are pure cancer. A bunch of drunks who just want to party in a foreign country and usually have nothing interesting to say.
You have to go back, Pablo.
Ja je hebt gelijk. Verkiezingen zijn bedrog, zeker na het cordon en het VB-proces.
Het conflict is onvermijdelijk. De vraag is enkel hoe het zal uitbreken en zal verlopen. Ik denk niet dat we hier plots van de ene dag op de andere op elkaar gaan zitten schieten. Eerder zullen we nog vele jaren aanmodderen, ons belastinggeld doorsluizen naar die bruine apen en zullen zij het nog bonter maken
Something like 70 sandnigger are here. Tbh still too many
>Hes nose to big for he's god damn feet
The hospitals are all choking, and our healthcare system is constantly bankrupted despite the tremendous amounts of patients ("clients").
I once spent three hours in an """emergency""" waiting room with a dislocated shoulder.
Neighboring countries pay less, but get more in return.
Wachten tot moetie merkel en haar priveleger dat nu aan het vormen is aan zijn kruistocht door europa begint
We actually do not know how many are here, let me remind you. Open borders, fuck them.
And our current bolshevik government said that there will be no more announcements on arrival, too. Fucking IRL, Swede puppets and bolshevik enablers
dang i ordered beer from belgium a few days ago i hope nothing happened so my shipment will be on time.
Reminder that this happened:
>"The phrase 'wir schaffen das' places Merkel among history's greats."
What beers did you order? Curious to see if you fell for the memes
>"""emergency""" waiting room with a dislocated shoulder.
>dislocated shoulder
jesus christ you are retarded
>Polish truck-driver
The X-mas markets have all been dismantled here Wodek
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