So, who wants to make the CIA look foolish again? #GoldenShowerGate was lulzy but perhapa we need a #DirtySanchezGate where Trump goes to Mexico to have a donkey show complete with feces?
Fake News Center
Imagine the complete irrelevancy of the MSM
We could end Operation Mockingbird once and for all
Kek agrees that this will bring about a new enlightenment of unbiased knowledge for everyone
Imagine where the new MSM brings actual truth and unbiased reports from unbiased intelligent journalists.
We can achieve this by out psyoping the CIA and making the current MSM obsolete from their handlers
Fucked around and scored a triple-double.
Consider yourself checked.
All we have to do is keep feeding disinformation so nonsensical to the CIA that it will discredit them and everyone that is associated with them: politicians, news anchors, journalists, even other world leaders
funny how the whole pee dossier went away in just one day
nobody reports on it or talks about it anymore
further proof that it was a set up. now thst they realized itt failed they dropped it
What do you think of a fake report about Trump in Tijuana getting a donkey show with a shitty ending? Literally
Its not believable enough desu. Mayhe less absurd would work
We just need to keep giving them bullshit and they'll crumble from ridicule. As long as we leave Fox News alone since they're on our side
fox shill detected
If not coprophilia, then what?
Tucker puts libs on blast. He's our guy
It would probably be something other than sexual related actions.
Maybe we can bullshit that he has schizophrenia or something
Cavuto even put CNN on blast fampai
Nah he released his health records during the campaign and he's as healthy as a god
Wait! We can claim his bankruptcies were really him selling to China!
Go into more detail
Plus he recently met with Jack Ma about jobs so this could be a way of transferring the money
the real reason Trump wants to build the wall was because he didn't pay for the show.
It was clear that it was fake. But it wasn't Sup Forums behind it.
Not to be overly technical, what the Russian hookers supposedly did (pissed on the bed that Bill & Hillary slept in) isn't really a golden shower.
During years of his "bankruptcies", Trump was secretly selling the assets to those venture to the Chinese and offshoring those profits from the tax code
And how would this affect anything?
Who would it affect?
Actually we CAN build the wall using the drug money the government has "seized" over the course of the War on Drugs
The employees of those ventures that were laid off without any retirement
It would show Trump actually cheated the tax system and is two faced about China
Wait, now youve done something else dompletely, originally you want to discreditize spy agencies, now you want to show trump is 2 faced about china???
No this is about using fake news to discredit the CIA and MSM. China and Russia are what liberals want to latch on to.
More russia then china, remember that
True, but with only a week left liberals are desperate for anything anti-Trump
Include me in the screencap once this blows up, goyims