Why don't you go innawood, and make pure white kids with your autistic wife?
>Also stop masturbating
Why don't you go innawood, and make pure white kids with your autistic wife?
>Also stop masturbating
i kinda want to. How do this?
>abandon white civilization and everything the white race built
>go live like niggers in the wild
>let niggers steal what your forefathers built
Primitivists like Varg should be shot for treason.
Quit dodging bans, you faggot.
And stop trying to make yourself an "e-celeb."
>tfw 60 year old fedora tier edgelord
he is worse than jewish influence for being such a lowbrow faggot to impressionable
nice try baguette kike
>6 white kids well educated
He did more than any of you for the future of the white race, faggots.
>live liker niggers in the wild
what the fuck is this gypsy going about? just fucking die untermensch.
Sub-humans like you should be genocided.
Shut up fag
Autistic traditional women are the best for breeding, chink user.
Living innawoods with the love of your life must be the most redpilled thing you could ever do
>b*snian shitskin calling white people niggers
Cos im not a Heroin addict.
>well educated
>How do this
redpill an autistic tumblrine
>wanting to live away from technology and the scientific works of the white man
>inbred villager or somali refugee talking shit
Top kek
Define how well educated they are? What college did they complete? What prizes have they won?
When you homeschool your kids you get social workers to check on them from time to time. According to Varg, the social workers are stunned when they see how much far ahead his kids are than normal school educated kids.
They're kids you retard.
They're better educated than kids who aren't homeschooled.
Struggling with Step 1: find a traditional wife
He has an inferiority complex and fears his children will get fucked by black people.
They still have to adhere to standards , which they surpass by the way. Varg said the inspector that comes around every couple of months is always impressed by their ability.
Doesn't matter what the thread is about, there is always the Americans with their cuck fantasies
>thread about living in the woods and breeding plenty of white children
Americans need to be stopped
Go on starya, this step is the most difficult but there is hope for everyone of us.
USA clearly is sick on his head.
Find a normie and redpill her
Which is bullshit, but still, sure, it is performable to some degree,before high-school at least.
How can that be when a retard like varg, who demonstrates how clueless and inarticulate he is in every shitty vlog he makes, is in charge of their education.
>homeschooling, which is bullshit
holy fuck
Yes goy, give the state your children for their entire childhood and we will teach them all they need to know!
Bosnian subhuman intelligence cant seem to comprehend the research that shows that homeschooled kids do better, even in social interaction.
Perhaps you're wrong?
lets find out!
>i don't agree with him on paganism, race or politics
>therefore he can't teach his kids math
maybe you should have been homeschooled too
>abandons the modern, degenerate civilization that emerged from the ruins of what the white race built
>goes and lives in a rural, woodland village like Europeans had done for centuries prior to industrialization
>lives a simple and more fulfilling life with a large, white family being raised right, away from the corrupting influence of the ultra-pozzed modern society, encouraging his fellow whites to do the same, while leaving the niggers, kikes, and mudslimes to destroy themselves in an unsustainable concrete jungle
t. low-IQ kebab
>6 white kids well educated
How the fuck do you educate kids in the middle of the fucking woods? even if you are a PhD in a subject you still will not be a PhD in other subjects.
>How the fuck do you educate kids in the middle of the fucking woods?
American education everyone
>American education
>Retarded user named himself "Rican asshole"
Not American education, subhuman comprehension.
>according to varg
Stop being on welfare.
In Europe we have textbooks, not sure about burger land.
>You need a PhD to teach basic math and french to your kids
Varg's kids are far ahead children who go to school in France, Donald.
>American education everyone
Unless your family all is full of experts in the fields your kids will not turn out better then the rest of the rats.
Ok i'll grant you that this jail bird is a genius mathematician, these kids are still going to be fed his pseudoscientific vague theories on genetics and his completely insane historical beliefs. Not to mention that Varg is the kind of fag that would forbid his kids to read certain books and ask certain questions.
Due to french system, I don't think Varg get any welfare.
Spoted the shitskin.
>Unless your family all is full of experts in the fields your kids will not turn out better then the rest of the rats.
Why would you need to be experts to teach them the available material in a more orderly and efficient fashion?
>Why would you need to be experts to teach them the available material in a more orderly and efficient fashion?
In order for them to more properly learn and grasp the subjects.
Why would that be a requirement for proper learning and grasping the subject?
>Calling him a shitskin will prove me right
Arer you expecting me to believe he lives of donations and sales from his tabletop game?
>Why would that be a requirement for proper learning and grasping the subject?
Because someone who understands the subject in a better way is more capable of teaching the subject.
Had time in jail to read more books then any of us in 3 lifetime's.
Learned a couple languages too.
Dude you can get a slightly chubby white girl virgin and redpill her into a 8/10 wife.
t. Did it myself
>Because someone who understands the subject in a better way is more capable of teaching the subject.
You can understand a subject - especially on the level you'd expect from school children - without having a degree in it, user.
Are you me?
What is Burzum? His music sells very well, black metal fans love physical copies of albums.
stop going innawood
>french flag
it's varg everybody