>attacking a civil rights champion
I give Trump 180 days before he's impeached.
>attacking a civil rights champion
I give Trump 180 days before he's impeached.
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john lewis is a nigger and georgia is a nigger infested shithole
It's funny that as civil rights era people die they have to start scraping the bottom of the barrel to keep the ideals of the time relevant. No one knew that this guy even existed a year ago before his tantrum on the floor of the house.
He should worry more about that shithole of a district he affirmative action'd himself into
Boomers can never grow up
he also sat down in a chair in a restaurant a couple years back
> i got arrested in the 60s
> therefore i am intelligent and relevant in 2017
Racist nigger grandstanding to pretend like he is relevant.
Thats a generous number. Blacks, Muslims, Native Americans and Mexicans want Trump gone.
Its only a matter of time before he Pisses off all the Asians and White Immigrants like Irish as well
Holy shit this, almost every boomer I know (and I know plenty) is halfway to being a perpetual child
>attacking a civil rights champion
Apparently if that is the criteria my father must have been like mlk.
Trump just likes civil rights agitators who weren't fighting with the police okay? Sad!!
I hope you know hurt snowflake's feelings isn't grounds for impeachment.
What did Trump say now to get the liberal panties in a bunch?
I did not vote for Donald Trump. He is #NotMyPresident.
Such a great strategic move by Trump. Dump your record breaking approval ratings even lower.
The most hated president to ever take office and he picks this fight? When does he go after Manny Pacquio so all the Asians can hate him too?
You know he could have taken down these white bois if he wasn't doing nonviolent protesting.
>lumping asians in with that subhuman ape Pacquio
im pretty sure "asians" hate him too dumbass
3/10 i replied, fix your bait
why does that nigger have such a big nose
who put him in office or is this just another case of
also lets post kylie jenner pics like seriously dude what the heck
This was a troll and Trump got out trolled, its that simple. Who the fuck is stupid enough to take the bait? Now Trump is going to visit the Smithsonian African American Museum on MLK Day to try and compensate for his stupidity, but it is not enough.
What happened to 4d chess?
That nigger looks just like Elijah Cummings. That shit still blows my mind. I mean damn they look like blowfish twins.
>a civil rights champion
sub-human trash
almost impossible to impeach a president, study more nigger.
Hasn't that Lewis guy been arrested lots of times as an agitator and has a criminal record from those arrests?
Trump has backed cops, sold steak's and real estate and created jobs, launched beautiful women's careers and helped economies.
Please explain how Trump is the bad guy again in comparison and in this situation?
> p.s. MAGA!
He literally questioned the legitimacy of our democratic election. It's not only undemocratic, but it's objectively unpatriotic, dangerous, and treasonous.
Trump did well. He is teaching all the senate and house recucklicans that these people aren't untouchable sacred cows just because they rioted 50 years ago. At this rate Trump will crush every left wing fallacy and other associated sophistries within 180 days, while demonstrating the limp-wristed Republicans that the new system will reward them for this kind of behaviour.
Reddit you have to go back. Heck I don't even want to you gone just at least try to be funny. We are all here to shipost and have a good time.
So at the bery least try to have good bantz not shitty facebooks maay mayys
As a resident of Georgia, only the blacks give a shit. Everyone else agrees with the tweets.
I'm starting to notice the pattern, now.
>Some faggot attacks Trump in the rudest, most insulting way possible
>Trump defends himself with a response
>Left loses their shit. "How dare Trump say anything negative about this man! He's a hero!"
As if any of them gave a fuck about this guy, before.
No, being a Russian puppet who has a guy like Flynn and Manafort on their team is treasonous. Lewis is a patriot and a hero, something Trump will never be.
Found the nigger
This. My parents are boomers and they're the most dense people I know
How is Lewis a patriot and a hero?
he ate KFC and didn't suffer a heart attack like most niggers did
>civil rights
He fought for civil rights, was a freedom rider, got his ass beat multiple times by police while protesting for equal treatment under the law.
welcome to 2017, have a noose.
On the one hand, some of the worst parts of Atlanta fall into the 5th district. Some of the nicest are also there. Atlanta is more pockets of wealth rather than huge areas.
Being a civil rights leader doesn't make you immune to criticism.
they were just doing their jobs cunt, the police should of shot the nigger
fuck John Lewis, just another nigger race baiter
>he got beat up while chimping out he's a hero!
if i got kicked in the ribs by a cop would i be a hero too?
I have serious trouble telling them apart sometimes.
Depends, are you a nigger?
He attacked Bernie Sanders a few months ago, everyone hated on him for that.
>things without proofs
Someone should contest him for his title. Probably would be the champion any longer.
Did he really put out his mixtape like that on live news?
I give you five days to kill yourself before your trial
>Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to
>mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk - no action or results. Sad!
>Congressman John Lewis should finally focus on the burning and crime infested inner-cities of the U.S. I can use all the help I can get!
In response to Lewis saying he would boycott the inauguration and that Trump is an illegitimate president.
Why are we referencing this guy at all? Desegregation was horrible on the black community, white businesses beat out black businesses and the disintegration of the black family began to take its effect of the black community. This nigga was right behind it all. If anything he should be thanking Trump for the constructive criticism.
Oh look, it's a shaved ape wearing a suit.
Bahahaha checkd
>before he's impeached
More like "impeeched".
>be member of congress
>question the legitimacy of the president
This is borderline treason, Trump didn't attack him hard enough
> Having Harambe's grandfather as champion
Ho America...
Send this to Eichenwald
>I'm not a shaved monkey guys, I swear
At risk of sounding childish, Lewis started this whole feud by saying that Trump was not a legitimate president. That's a pretty bold statement. Was Trump simply to allow such an insult to go unchecked? I'm pretty sure Obama made public comments about people who said that he wasn't a legitimate president.
>implying protesting 50 years ago has any relevance to you as a politician in the present day
As an example Lech Walesa of Poland brought down communism, but he was a terrible President. You can't scream racism about that, its the same situation.
Its an irrelevant nigger tries to cause division and instability in america episode
Don't do that. It's a federal offense.
What does the 1960s have to do with Atlanta being #14 in crime?
top kek
>Was Trump simply to allow such an insult to go unchecked?
Lewis gave him an out, he talked about how he is a christian and he believes in forgiveness and working with a person even if it may be hard. Trump should have said something along those lines. Trump should have said he understands how lewis feels and he will work hard with lewis to bring the country together.
Instead of trying to defuse the situation and bridge the gap Trump acted out like a child
Nobody thinks Trump is capable, qualified or willing to do the job. The unity on this issue is global.
Lewis created the gap in the first place. A gap that didn't exist except in his own mind.
So is this being spun into a racist attack by the media?
>You are not a legitimate ruler and, yes, this is a direct call for civil war like it has always been throughout history... but I believe in forgiveness :)
You are retarded
It was a fucking troll by lewis, can't you see that? He says it right before MLK to get maximum lulz. Trump got played like a chump. Lewis was playing 4D chess and Trump was playing checkers
Trump called another typical race baiter out on his bullshit and told him to do his job instead of whining
hate to break it to you but most relevant people in america appreciate trump having a backbone
> approval ratings
dis nigga
Since the world is shit, filled with morons like you, we don't really give a fuck what the world thinks.
I don't know if they're crying "muh racism" or not. Hardcore lefties are virtue signaling whenever they can. I think it's more about how dare Trump attack this civil rights hero blah blah blah.
i would love to hang him on the nearest lamp post, monkey looking ass.
>Trump should have acted like a cuck
jesuita that shit triggered me
The news media is once again race baiting over this argument... race baiting bullshit from the left is what made Trump win. This isn't difficult to understand.
>we don't really give a fuck what the world thinks
You think that. The man is clearly a bizarre, intellectually limited, nepotistic swindler. His judgement and temperament are terrible. He has no decorum, he seems to lack the ability to act consistently, his statements are waffling and contradictory. Half of his policy commitments have gone out the window already.
Congressmen shouldn't be trolling people, he is stooping to Trump's level and Trump doesn't give a shit about formal niceties
I'm glad he picked this fight, it shows liberals that we're not going to take their shit, even from their sacred calfs like Lewis
blacks need a redpill champion not someone who enables their gypsy way of life
You didn't think the Trump plan all the way through. Right now congress people are all terrified to speak out against Trump. Lewis is playing the role of the sacrificial lamb. When nothing happens to Lewis it will show how toothless Trump is and it will embolden others.
>Blacks, Muslims, Native Americans and Mexicans want Trump gone
So no one important then?
This will surely do Trump in. This time.
The worst that can happen is a tongue lashing from Trump
also you're insane if you think Congress is scared, listen to that cunt Elizabeth Warren for five seconds. Same with Pelosi, Boxer, all the cunts in DC have been flapping their cuntlips for the last 4 months about how much they hate Trump
kek is with us
Trump's statement was more concern trolling than an attack, and weak as fuck compared to the accusation of treason. You have to do some serious logical limbo to construe his statement as an attack on the first place.
From the media response though, you'd think trump is deploying dogs, and water hoses at him.
Even then, if Lewis had any real leadership, he could use the opening to advocate for specific policy the black community needs, but hell, he didn't even advocate for the usual "programs".
This is all flexing for the press. No substance.
>Democratic election
If it were truly democratic, we wouldn't be stuck with Trump.
>The worst that can happen is a tongue lashing from Trump
exactly, congress is afraid of political backlash, but all that will happen is noise and nonsense. That is what Lewis will show with his troll, that trump is all sound and fury, signifying nothing.
His "supporters" wont lift a finger to do anything while his opposition is already mobilized and visiting congressman demanding they do something.
Keep sucking that Trump cock Brexit. USA is your last ally
Welcome to the New Era of Trump. You can thank Obama for the incoming backlash...well deserved backlash that is.