>There are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW without blue eyes
You are clearly not white
>B-but muh divide and conquer
No blue eyes no whiteness
>There are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW without blue eyes
You are clearly not white
>B-but muh divide and conquer
No blue eyes no whiteness
Other urls found in this thread:
B-but muh divide and conquer
I see grey and green, but not much blue if any.
looks green to me.
Rave War when?
That's what color my eyes are, I also have blond hair and white skin
I never considered that blue though, it looks more green to me
Green eyes are the true masterrace.
Looks like my eyes, who are green.
>outing yourself in the OP
get out, kikestein
D/C shill. Everyone knows the Nazis weren't all blonde with blue eyes.
blue eyes are recessive.
Oh look, another iris-collection thread.
You fools know this is phishing, yeah? Sage and report, for all the good it does us these days.
>Leon Degrelle
>brown eyes brown hair
>not genocided
>instead Volksführer
Nice try kike I bet you come from Al-Andalus.
>thinking blue is superior
Black hair black eyes MASTERRACE reporting in
Not a picture of my eyes, but they look exactly like that.
Am I white yet?
>tfw green-brown masterrace
Is that yo man sven?
Strop trying to Divide and Conquer Kike
hazel and broken pupil
Judaism the post
Yes, goy, argue among yourselves about stupid crap.
I am blue eyed and white, I have brown eyed white direct relatives and there has been no race mixing so clearly not true, OP.
>tfw blond hair/green eyes master race
Silly Aryans, you'll never know how it truly feels to be white
I have green eyes under a direct flashlight, otherwise I'm dark blue.
brown hair tho, feelsbadman
>blue contact lenses
nice try faggot.
There is a tumor in his eye
lol who cares though?
blue eyed "white people" are going extinct in the ameerikas and yurope as well anyways.
What's so great about being white
>tfw shit eyes
i have let the white race down and must physically remove myself.
Grey/blue master race
>it's rarer so therefore better
exactly what color is this? not blue, but still seems pretty...
Jew with blue eyes here, guess I'm White then
That's fine. We'll just be over here not being white.
>blue eyes
Nice try snownigger rape-baby
Reminder that only green/ grey eyes are white
Not an argument.
nice try shlomo
>make iris identification software
>need raw data
>spam message boards with "lets see your eyes, guys! lol!" threads
>absolute morons post closeups of their eyes
>build database of irises for free
I'm probably blonder than most people on this board, Goy
I have a tiny hazel streak in my left eye but otherwise I have blue eyes. It's a form of heterochromia and it has gotten me laid a few times
Blue eyes superior eye
fuckeroni, also my pupil isn't a perfect circle
Blue eyes have a better sensitivity to light meaning you don't stumble around like a retard in most low light situations. Green eyes just look pretty.
Master race coming through fuckboys
check out my beautiful deep chocolate brown eyes
If rarer means better then i am better than green
A true Olive Nigger
>being blind in sunlight is a positive thing
ugh, that skin. Are man in pic related?
Blue eyes may be aesthetic, but science has shown that people with blue eyes have less color cones than the average human and less acute eyesight.
t. Ashkenazi Jew
It's grey with a lot of yellow in it. Grey eyes usually have bits of yellow. I know I used to be blonde and blue eyes but genetics made me brown and grey eyes over the years.
You are being deceived, Sup Forums
Kinda green, kinda brown? Not sure, but that might be the definition of hazel.
it's not an exact color but i'd say it reminds me of a green marble
All eyes are blue, the inside of your eye is blue.
Now some people have melamine in their iris to protect them from the sun, which is brown.
People with "blue eyes" just dont have that layer.
>Subhuman tier.
rare == better
made me think
Careful nufags, I'm white with brown eyes, half Jew (like Adolf). We need to focus on getting rid of the niggers. Keep shitposting like this and the niggers will inevitably take over.
What if you were born with blue eyes, and over the years they turned into green ones?
> Brown eyes: literally kill yourself tier
Green eyes
>Posting your eye is like posting your fingerprint
It's not 1995 anymore
Really looking forward to this desu. If they ever do clinical trials in Germany, I'm totally in. Hope they get approved soon.
You're not blind either, your eyes will just hurt a little. It's extra sensitivity not overly sensitive.
You're just mad that blue eyes are superior on an evolutionary scale because it offers a genetic benefit.
That is not green. That's Hazel, or worse.
If I may...
Looks turquoise. Jewish heredity and North African, Muslim rape baby confirmed.
not even green
It was green before I decided to try the satanic ritual abuse
It actually is
All my relatives are white, my brother has blue eyes but I have brown eyes. Should I kill myself ?
> blue eyes
> good eyes
pick one retards
I have blue eyes and they've already been fucked by using my computer and phone too much. Blue eyes cant handle light for shit, I'll probably need lasik surgery soon.
>Lol green eyes,
>low quality camera,
>trying to get people to like you this hard.
What a fucking baby booboo fuck nut
srsly kill yourself pls
There's hope. Start saving some money, this is coming to the US 2019.
What the fuck are you?
Why'd you put a filter over the picture and caked yourself in makeup?
Why do you have a few, massive eyelashes?
Move away niggers, master race coming through.
I see Spain has been infested with kikes.
no they are actually green, i'm for real brother it is the truth, why do you don't believe me?
>brown tint
Into the oven with you!
Also user that's a girl eye for sure. I need to know why do their eyes always look better in photos? Is it makeup?
green (I guess) master race
>implying brown eyes are not the master race
>1 post by this ID
buena hermano
>About half of Americans born at the turn of the 20th century had blue eyes, according to a 2002 Loyola University study in Chicago. By mid-century that number had dropped to a third. Today only about one 1 of every 6 Americans has blue eyes
Who is responsible for this?
>be blond hair blue eyes white dragon
>still not a nazi autist
Green Eyes > Blue.
The kikes
greenblue master race reporting in
: )
: /
: O
: )
link is that you??
shoulda spent more time looking at all the pussy you could have been getting with them irl and less time with your 2d waifus on your computer screen. maybe you wouldn't be blind now.
just use them less or buy gunnars, blue light doesnt permanently damage eyes silly