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He was always /ourguy/, fuck off back to r/the Donald you tucking newfag

>caring what white people are saying

>this triggers the cucks and niggers

And one day they will realize that Trump is an even bigger one

but what about the 9/11 attacks Clint?

im afraid hes become senile. obamas nowhere near as bad as dubya bush, reagan, nixon


>Clint makes a career out of faking it as other characters,
>gets upset about somebody else doing it.

hmmm. really makes you think.

Yeah I wonder what mental gymnastics Sup Forums are pulling with the fence Donny is building, or the wall that every expert says is nigh impossible to build and would take -atleast- 16 years, well after Don's 4 or 8 years. And what happened to 'draining the swamp'? His cabinet so far is literally just fucking business men and corrupt politicians.

But no the retards will just keep saying "S-she wanted a war!!!" like jesus christ are you idiots aware that she can't go to war with the flick of a finger? You are aware that the congress, senate and hell even supreme court would need to chime in too.

You mean the attacks Obama used as excuse to strip the privacy rights of every American citizen away? You know Obama can have you arrested and held indefinitely now and there's nothing you can do about it, right? Bush didn't even have the balls to do that.

so that means politicians are actors?

Clint, honey. You need to stop talking to chairs like they're people.

someone shoot this retarded boomer cunt already

so it took Clint 90 years to realize the President is just a Newsreader? a puppet character with zero power?

thats kinda sad. he's an idiot.

>C+ President
>hurr what a fraud

Old people should just die. I'm glad Trump is going to fuck up social security.

>His cabinet so far is literally just fucking business men and corrupt politicians.
You're dumb as fuck m8. You have no understanding of what is going on.

>aware that she can't go to war with the flick of a finger? You are aware that the congress, senate and hell even supreme court would need to chime in too.

Technically not. Technically the american president can start a war with the flick of a finger.
Luckily, there's a bunch of people down the chain of command who are smart enough to just not follow orders into the oblivion of the human race (or so I'd hope to believe).

>Bush didn't even have the balls to do that.

That's because he left all the big boy decisions for tricky Dick "I go through heart transplants like you do underwear" Cheney.

>american *********freedom*******

>caring about actors' political opinions

Not pol but heres what i see

Barack did nothing wrong
He didn't go to war
Went without any controversy
Things were awesome under his presidency until maybe mid of 2014 ish

Almost the best president you could've gotten

>supports trump

he's silent generation, peabrain

>Doing anything else
>Not being a death wish

>Goldman Sachs globalists cabinet
>t-this is g-good. t-the g-god e-emperor c-can't d-do wrong t-trump d-daddy p-please!


>He didn't go to war
He was involved with more conflicts than any president in history
>Went without any controversy
No. Just no.

Please never talk about politics again, you are either 14 or severely stupid and it's embarrassing.

And yet we invaded Iraq.

goldman sachs owns the clintons

>whats your point?

>why isn't Trump hiring only trans black women on welfare wahhhh
>why is a businessman appointing the best of the best businessmen to try to pull us out of the insane debt our last president put us in?
>literally everyone ever involved with Goldman-Sachs is evil
kys, you're too dumb for life

Well I was talking more about global thermonuclear war...
Americans never shied away from some good ol' terrorising of brownies.


But not Trump, even when he's already put several of their people into his cabinet? Get a load of this rocket scientist

What were those controversies? Being involved in conflicts that were either started, or the direct consequence of your predecessors actions is hardly his fault.

>uprisings start in syria
>repubs: wtf, why aren't we doing anything there!?
>obama sends advisers and aid to rebels
>repubs: jesus, he's getting us involved in syria!

Literally what happened.

how much did they contribute to his campaign?....

Everyone laugh at this fag.

U mad?

Literally both paties in congress said: no fucking way barry

>Insane debt


Why do you always blame Obama and never the toddler genius Bush who more or less let his VP decide the majority?

How much did Pickens?

Contributions =/= owning.

He's right. Approval ratings don't lie, except for Reagan who just happened to very charasmatic while he gutted the economy

>Obama will literally be remembered as the niggers president that made race relations worse in the minds of anyone alive before he was president and who eventually talked so much shit he had his own card pulled by a billionaire white man.

>aaa atleast I will go down as a president

Funny memory you have, friendo.

>sends advisers and aid to rebels

And, you know, rebels are literally Al-Qaeda

fucking dumbfuck.

that's literally how you won someone m8 you buy them....

What history will remember is that he was even worse at foreign policy than Jimmy Carter

what did you mean by this

The economy was good under Reagon but it came with a price.

Just google it. He's gone back on every promise he made eight years ago. Here's one from the last 24 hours.

Do you have brain damage ? Throwing the ball back to clinton instead of actually defending Trump is proof of your stupidity and dishonesty

B-but my trickle down!

This to.

You don't send a nigger to even more racist countries to get laughed at behind his back.

Based on what? That's a bold claim considering how much we were hated 9 years ago.

>every expert
I know people working in the industry and they said the wall could be build within 2 years and 30 billion dollars.
>'draining the swamp'
Literally refers to career politicians. His entire stafff is wealthy as fuck already and have never held a real political position before.

The economy was meh under Obama but it came with a huge price.

how do you gut the economy? what do you mean by this.

Just gotta remember
without a Obongo, without a Crooked Hillary

We wouldn't have a Trump


>Vietnam war
>Republicans wanted it


Really fires up the neurons..

What does goldman sachs have to do with globalism? And the wall was ALWAYS going to have some fencing, its not donnies fault you were ignorant to that. and i think you are insulting people for deflecting back to hillary but you did that too right at the end

trumps cabinet is pretty unique we havent tried this idea of having a cabinet filled with billionaires. I'm in.

>His entire stafff is wealthy as fuck already and have never held a real political position before
That's supposed to be a good thing ?

you may be the one who is retarded if you dont think that the big banks control both parties

He added 10 billion dollars, that is a fact.
Obama didn't do much desu.

>american economy is based on exponential indebture
>everyone points out the previous president increased the debit in an exponential manner
>must have something to do with his ideology


How is this a controversy?

Ok I'll gladly trust some loser on Sup Forums over actual, well researched articles.

Yeah I know people too. I know Jimmy Hoffa.

No for some people they just weren't going to let Clinton win.

Your green text is completely false. Fuck off.

Now our allies hate us too, but we made friends with Iran and Cuba

oh wait

>What does goldman sachs have to do with globalism?
You can't be serious. They were the ones to cause the economic crisis to begin with. They don't give two fucks about the people

George Washington didn't even want to be president and never held office.

>still run across the board with their precious duck

it was started by a democrat retard

I copy pasted what you said, can't you read ?

If you only have your own interests in mind you won't get corrupted by lobbyists and donors. Look at Harry Reid, started as a low-level politican with not so much money and gained hundreds of thousends of dollars by doing corrupt shit.
Experts also claimed that Trump could not possibly win the presidency (Sam Wang had Clinton at 99%, Princeton University). People were building walls thousends of years ago (see Chinese wall) and we have more resources and technologies than they had back then.


>Powerful people surely won't try to attain more power, influence and wealth

You're fucking delusional, holy shit.

You too.

Why the fuck are you retards so happy to allow actual assholes into such high political offices? Anything for your fucking meme ideology, right? All you have in your sad lives is this dumb fucking meme over some orange cunt versus an old crone.

No you didn't. Plenty of his staff have had political positions.

The chinese wall cost the lives of approximately 400,000 soldiers as well. But hey I'll gladly see american die for something that's going to be worthless in 10~ years

>If you only have your own interests in mind you won't get corrupted by lobbyists and donors
No you won't because you're already corrupted and will act only in your own interest so you and your pals can win even more money

>Powerful people surely won't try to attain more power, influence and wealth

literally taking a job in the government puts everyone in that category m8

>we should hire vagrants who don't understand social capital or wealth.

Yes I did, refer to

>we will build trumps walls with low iq slaves and with out bare hands and oxen carts.

Sain veneration is nonconductive to good civic duty

you wouldn't get and keep the position unless YOUR own interest aligned with the elected leader.

That isn't me dumb cuck and both of you are incorrect in saying that.

You know they're actually not.

Keep getting your news from Breitbart, though.

Considering this is America we're talking about, then low IQ slaves is exactly who's going to build the wall. Just no oxen carts. It'll be small toyota trucks.

>You're fucking delusional, holy shit.
Trump and his people are already at the maximum of what they can achieve in terms of wealth, influence and political power. As it is, they just want to force through their agenda, no matter what it is.
>The chinese wall cost the lives of approximately 400,000 soldiers as well. But hey I'll gladly see american die for something that's going to be worthless in 10~ years
Instead of having slaves or wasting human resources, we nowadays have magical things called machines that do a lot of work for us.
>No you won't because you're already corrupted and will act only in your own interest so you and your pals can win even more money
In that case, you better don't vote at all because there are no poor people in Congress or the white house. Even Obama was a multi-millionaire. What Trump will do is yet to be seen, but he has other interests in mind than just money, otherwise he'd be giving money to Clinton in exchange for tax cuts.

>If you only have your own interests in mind you won't get corrupted by lobbyists and donors.

Is this the result of that common core you guys have been practicing?

>the guy who, when he ran Texas through drought, out aside the stadium for a day of prayer. After praying for rain to god, god responded with brush fire she, that could not be easily extinguished since the guy had lowered the fire fighting department's budget in a drought.

>will now be run by a guy who has spent the last 8 yrs fighting their regulations, now business will be free from their interference.

>secretary of state.
>a guy who's international nap experience and ties are summed up in trying to get permission to drill oil in different nations.

It goes on.

Tell that to civil rights leaders and their worshippers.

>We construct walls with Toyotas trucks.
We have OSHA in this country m8 we will be fine

You're wrong too. Rebels aren't a monolithic bloc. They consist of moderates and islamists.
Interests also include your opinions on how the world should be. Trump may have just spent over 500 million dollars just to fuck with Obama and destroy his legacy for his own entertainment.

I would, be few people on Sup Forums masturbate to them as much as to the american "founding fathers."

That would imply that said elected leader isn't corrupted himself and has no interest in getting richer by the minute

Ok so you can't even write properly, fuck off then

voted for trump for tax plan and supreme court +as a bonus hes entertaining

Guantanamo still seems pretty busy for a place he was going to shut down.

WITH ONLY DAYS until Donald Trump takes office, the Obama administration on Thursday announced new rules that will let the NSA share vast amounts of private data gathered without warrant, court orders or congressional authorization with 16 other agencies, including the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Agency, and the Department of Homeland Security.

what blog did you find this stuff on