What does Sup Forums think of women?
What does Sup Forums think of women?
women were a mistake
If you catch them around at around 17-19, lock them down, dick them down, and destroy their individuality, give them a kid to take care of and treat them well they are the best thing in your life.
Just say you want a sex slave who also cleans
Disgusting animals
The woman is a meme
> I am so proud of my gender because some man are successful and smart. He fucks bitches better than me.
Cuck logic.
Trash unless they have a nice feminine penis
From 10-24 I thought of them as valuable human beings that add value to a man's life.
From 24 until now I see them as worthless pieces of human meat whose only purpose in life is giving birth and exploiting the resources offered to them by men. They are just a necessary annoyance if you want some physical pleasure for a few minutes.
>tfw no bang maid
they're subhuman
Now slow down akhmed
Inferior to men.
The reason to live. The best, worst, most infuriating, most indispensable, loving, hating things. Freud was an old kike perv, but he got some things right, men are driven by our nutsacks
I don't like the fact that I'm gay but modern women sure make it easier
I would love that actually.
Bretty based and redpilled.
I hate how much I love the concept of women almost as much as I hate the reality of them.
There is literally nothing better to me than a good woman, and I hate how beholden to that I am.
Old joke:
Why do brides wear white?
All kitchen appliances are white.
I dream of Jeannie
The world would be an empty place without women. Men build up the substrate or the form (civilization). Women fill it with meaning and creation (babies).
Were stupidly at each others throats because of conditioning for a gender war. We were never made to compete against man and woman, we are compliments to one another with different roles to do in this world.
More women are waking up now and I predict things will reverse and women will be happier as they turn back to traditional roles. You can see it beginning now, I'm very optimistic for the future
>Go on a date last week
>the woman is an absolute useless piece of shit modern womyn but looks decently pretty and is somewhat smart
>Literally every woman ive dated has been some nihilistic consumer that doesnt want children just like this one
MGTOW may be on to something
That's biology for you mate. We may be modern men, but in our heads the old caveman instincts still live. Not a man alive who wishes he couldn't grab his feelz by the throat and rip them out sometimes.
good one russia
Quite good. Big fan.
Then you have to just start with a good one and bring her round, get her red-pilled. Did that with my missus and she's at the point of lurking Sup Forums occasionally. Which is worrying cos she knows my writing style and humour, and might stab me for some of the shit I spout on here.
raging faggot detected.
dogs make better friends and are better for your mental health in general
I replaced women with this doll.
Good for sex and nothing else.
>start with a good woman
Please, tell me where to find one. I honestly think "good women" are just a meme. Unicorns. I no longer believe I will have a family anymore. I really do think women are hopeless.
Some are alright.
Kek, MGTOW (and to traps)
Wonder if this is all part of (((their))) plan?
the next steve jobs will be the inventor of the robot sex doll, and that will be the end for the human race
Image search: no results found
I wish we had prostitution in my country, the quality of women is at an all time low, marriage is impossible, dating pointless. I just want to get a good nut every once and a while and have fun with my hobbies.
>implying the human race is worth saving
theyre all whores.
get a dog instead. at least it will actually love you
Do you live in some tiny island nation or something? Prostitution can be found anywhere.
They are what makes men complete, love'em!
>What does Sup Forums think of women?
They are like dogs. If you train them, leash them, master them and use carrot and stick to dominate them, they turn into cute, adorable and lovable creatures who make your life more rich.
But if you let them do whatever they want, they eat so much that they become disgustingly fat and ruin your home and themselves and don't even respect you. They need a strong hand.
This is also why I like petplay.
It really is amazing how bad American women are. Their standards are ridiculously high too. Just insufferable.
Good if you train them right. The key is to treat them how you want to be treated. I don't pamper my wife like a princess. If she's being a bitch I tell her she's being a bitch. She can do the same for me. You'll be amazed at how good having a woman can be if you set the tone right from the beginning that it's going to be a egalitarian relationship, no special privileges.
Also keep in mind all women are a bit crazy, no joke. Find one that's a crazy that you can tolerate.
By good, I mean someone intelligent and who's company you enjoy. As long as they are 'normal' ie into general women/culture things as opposed to being a raging feminist or libtard, they will often follow your political lead, given time.
Alternately, a lot of anons recommend church groups.
This guy gets it.
oh lord, why not use a stock image. why would anyone put pictures of their girlfriend on here?
>women were a mistake
Some of their bodyparts can be quite attractive, though.
>filming like this
why? too easy to drop the damn laptop like that. just put it down then dance for the camera or something.
>Not bluepilled
It's reverse Feminism of course it's apart of their plan.
Go on?
No Fucking way
... God damn it dude.
The nip is right somehow.
2D >>>> 3D
What the fuck is wrong with burgers?
Most of them are boring and submissive (not in the fun sexy way). But I guess that's true of men, too.
Pretty much this.
Sure, I guess I can find a "normal" girl but the vast majority ive gone on a date with dont want kids or they just dont reciprocate anything. Feels like playing a video game on the highest difficulty. Every interaction has to be flawless.
Maybe im just an ugly raging autist but I dont think it was always this hard to find a decent woman. My standards are really not that high.
Feels bad man.
>this is how the white race dies
They're soft, smooth and smells great. Yet I will never stay with one for an extended period of time.
Somewhere for me to plant my superior seed.
I want a tiny but thicc girl with pale skin and raven hair to dominate me.
>What does Sup Forums think of women?
a necessary evil
there's a third stage: eventually you'll realize they're just normal people, although on average not as talented as men, whose mind was warped by a different kind of sex drive than the kind of sex drive that warps your mind. The realization of this usually happens after you are liberated from being the slave of your own sex drive, which may happen either due to chemical changes as the male body ages, or life experience plus learning from it, or both.
>Go on?
It just means that you treat your GF like a little puppy and train her with carrot and stick. It's the most primal, natural and healthy kind of sexuality; both men and women like it. ^_^
Stop dating feminists
That's a bit old for the average Paki isn't it?
i have amassed that feel
Every woman is a feminist in the current year, lad.
Timestamp pls
Nothing degenerate in letting your GF wear an adorable pink collar and letting her catch little treats while woofing like a doggy! So kawaii!
How old are your dates, Get them young like 18-20 don't date glasses wearing sassy bitches.
Sure its common in the US, but dangerous and low quality because of it being illegal. Especially in my area, lots of cop stings (low hanging fruit, cops here are pussies, they don't want to risk being hurt fighting actual crime. Lots of tickets etc), and also low quality hookers. 5 dollar bjs from snaggle tooth meth heads etc. The quality hookers are hard to find and you pretty much got to know someone.
Can't timestamp but can give you a (you)
irreplaceable partners. women tend to be more "conservative" then men in a sense that they play it safe and hold on to dominant social norms. the raging SJW tumblrina yelling at "fascists" today would be a fierce defender of traditional family values in a traditional society.
I like them
Are you a US troop? also thanks
Thank fuck for that mate, you being German I was imagining some horrific furry bondage scenario, possibly involving litterboxes.
each individual bit delivered by camel. wow. this must have taken months to send.
The conservative non degenerate non coal burners non blacks are good but the rest I hate pretty much
Not everyone is into beastiality user
>basically niggers
>quelle surprise
yes, for some reason women seem to find it harder to take ideas seriously than men.
Literally everyone has been 19 to 21. I am 20 myself.
None of them have had any tattoos, dyed hair, or aligned themselves with feminism (a few were lefties).
The last one even described herself as "old fashioned", yet she doesnt want kids. What the hell.
>Disgusting animals
Cyprusbro understands it's degenerate as fuck.
YEAH bitch did what she was told
We need a new show like this!!!!
>implying I got anyone pregnant
If I did, I'd take responsibility, you filthy leaf.
I increasingly think of them as children who really don't know what they do.
>Not forcing them
That's the problem, you've got to be a man and force em to have kids. Don't be a beta, BE A MAN!!!
Lost sheep in dire need of a shepherd.
I dont want to go to jail, m8
no, if he follows your advice he'll probably have kids before he's ready, and then he'll be a shit father and his kids will grow up to be degenerate greaser types who bounce between part-time jobs and drug addictions until their fifties
I wish they liked me :(
Internet speed is actually pretty good. There's lots of snow tonight so it's a bit slower
>50% voted trump
>everyone is a feminist
Angry beta spotted
I want a sex slave who also cleans.
Women are whores and destroyer of society unless they are kept in check