How in fucks name is there not a thread about this on Sup Forums?

how in fucks name is there not a thread about this on Sup Forums?

>NSA can now share data with 16 government agencies including the FBI, DEA, CIA and Homeland Security
>no warranties needed
>no court orders needed
>no congressional authorization
>complete violation of the 4th amendment

i'm seriously getting scared guys, this will extend beyond amerilards' borders. why are we letting this happen?

Other urls found in this thread:

That text you sent where you talk about using drugs or illegal downloading?

Jail time fatboys. You are going to jail.

Obama's going all out since Trump's going to be in charge in a few days.

Hopefully it can be undone but the world government already knows about your nazi-frogposting activities.

This is his legacy. He slips things by under the cover of dark and then shucks and jives hoping we won't notice.

>implying that's not legal in my country

don't let this shit go off topic Mario, this is gonna affect you too.

Just cut the Atlantic internet cable

>Good drugs are legal in Belgium.
No they arnt. Only fucking weed. The the shittest drug of all.

combine this shit with the other sneaky bill passed on new year:

>the government can kill any U.S. citizen at any time
>at any place
>no warrant needed
>no court order needed

seriously guys what the fuck? you just gave your government the ultimate power.

Fucking bump. No one gave a fuck about the leaks apparently

nice try Obama, you will not take this shit off topic


And he's able to pass that stuff because of the Patriot act. Thanks twin towers.

given recent developments, only a fool would deny it was an inside job. that attack and the results were o so convenient for the government that it would be very likely that this was all planned out. so what are you going to do about it America?

inb4 shillflood

in a way im surprised it took this long to happen now they don't need to use stingrays and stuff and can use echelon or w/e NSA has now

Will this finally end the "land of the free" meme?

jesus christ you guys are fucked

What the fuck? That's revolution material.

If only people would realize. This is the kind of shit Orwell had envisioned.

bump so more people can see this shit

So what's going to happen to Obama?
Do you think he'll be investigated?

Also this shit he's been passing while people scream at each other over the internet, can it be reversed? Do you think it will be or do you think all this stuff has been so sly that no one will even know this shit happened?

Pretty terrifying

The problem we have is that it's very easy to put stuff like this in place but almost impossible to remove it. And this is one of the biggest concerns with Trump is that it looks like he is going to go along with the surveillance state.

>So what's going to happen to Obama?

he'll walk away scot free, what do you think will happen? do you think Cheney was convicted for his crimes? or bush? off course not.

>Do you think he'll be investigated?

yes but they will find a scapegoat, or they will implement a false flag like a Russian spy or something alike.

>Do you think it will be or do you think all this stuff has been so sly that no one will even know this shit happened?

oh people will know about it, the real question is: what will they do about this? already people are screaming: "if you have nothing to hide then what's the big deal?" to try and defend it. hopefully all this shitposting I and others do to make people aware of this will help.

Haha yeah

>sounds of window being broken into
>sandniggers burst into my room
>get stabbed 30 times
>another person comes into the room
>is this salvation?
>it's fucking angela merkel
>shoots me 4 times

Truth is stranger (and in this case scarier) than fiction

What if this is what the world was always supposed to be, what if this IS moving forward? Are we the old generation hanging to our past because it's what we're used to?

Kids these days get ipads when they're old enough to walk, I don't even know if they have a sense of privacy, or if privacy is a thing of past generations where pride and honour were once the norm.

I want off this ride.

>I want off this ride.

it was all planned

Bump for my fellow burgers just waking up.

you're doing gods work

i feel like obama is legitimately the worst president we've ever had.

That's actually a legit worry.

Time to break out CCleaner lads. Kek.

lol called it

Drumpftards will 180 and say 'wtf I love surveillance now kill all Muslims '

Uhm excuse me we rather discuss who's white and divide Europeans with meds vs nordic discussion, oh yeah and have some more idiots starting /int tier threads.

Why should i give a shit again? Until people are getting dragged from their houses for shit they put up online i dont see how this affects the average non-terrorist

>tfw every government agency will know just how pathetic, autistic, and retarded I am

I never asked for this.

I've always had problems with Trump on cyber privacy and I only said I'm not surprised about this because I don't like it

Implying I don't guttman pass every month so that cock suckers can't see my porn surfing

Well, we have less to worry about under Trump.

But jusy wait untio he passes even more laws to make this shit even easier and then a full blown SJW gets into office later...

Why would we do that? Trump had nothing to do with this, this is Obama making everything as shirty as he can in his last days

>being this ignorant

have fun being labelled terrorist because you posted on Sup Forums or related forums, which will inevitably be called a "terrorist organisation" because they won't have differing opinions because they are "dangerous". have fun getting shot just because and no one will give a fuck about your death because "he was a terrorist". have fun being controlled or eliminated.

(((the land of the free)))

>Harrison! Bring me the files on this one saying my waifu a shit. It's time me and the boys paid him a visit.

>its ok as long as it doesnt affect me right now.

Redpilled comments getting thousands of upvotes on reddit frontpage. When will they shut it down?


We brought this on ourselves

No, the Jews and their puppets brought this on all of us.

Gutman won't save you from once having said "nigger" on facebook messenger.

Hate criminal.

Anyway-this is like Snoopers Charter in the U.K.

A law designed to retroactively protect the government from what it was already doing.

Parallel Construction (whereby the DEA and FBI invent false evidence trails to cover up the real source of their information - the NSA) has been going on for a while now. See the Silk Road take down. Huge holes in the connections there.


True, but Trump needs to shut this garbage down before it goes any further.

will people finally wake up?

>mfw the government will soon outlaw Tor and VPNs because "muh national security"

you're out of your mind if you don't think it will happen

I bet they've been doing this all along and are now making it official. This is the first step in legally targeting people for their beliefs and their speech.

>tfw land of the free

They did. They elected (((Trump))). I'm sure everything will be fine.

That gay as pic

Here I have a prophecy

>We're going to make America great again

only us. But it will be enough.

do you actually believe trump will make this shit disappear?

They're talking about it here.

Muh Porn, Muh Piracy but mostly Muh Drugs/Terrorists (meanwhile don't dare suggest banning third world migrants who traffic drugs and are terrorists)

Huh? Wat

They have. Snoopers Charter in the U.K. was the same deal.

When they busted Silk Road their were a ton of questions with dubious answers about how they got from Point A to Point B in the evidence chain.

>We're going to make America great again

this implies that you think trump is gonna solve this shit. do you think he will solve it? or is he just one of (((them)))


time to flood the FBI and CIA with so much information that all jail and headquarters would shut down from the traffic . they do not have the capacity to arrest every single one of us and have the country still functional

obamas trying to put in as much garbage to fuck with trump as possible

what a petty faggot

>yfw trump is part of the NWO

I think Trump himself is going to get screwed by (((them))).

Even Jew Boss himself Bibi in Israel is finding himself under attack from stepping out of line.

Of the FBI and CIA are going after Trump before he's even taken office, I'd say he's going to be short lived if he gets too far out of line.

>those hammy predictions with obvious single meanings

When will this fucking nigger stop chimping out already?

He is literally acting like a child. It's like he's getting thrown out the sandbox, so he's gonna take a huge monkey shit to spoil it for the next kid.

it's a bird flying in front of the camera you stupid /x/ fucks

>can smoke weed and bang hookers freely
>not even that cucked compared to other euro countries

if I wasn't a nationalist I'd consider becoming a refugee there

The worst part is you have a bunch of cucked retards supporting these policies because "privacy enables people to be pedos and drug users", when in reality all it does is give government kikes Orwellian levels of control over society

Even if you don't think the current government will abuse their power, what in 20 years from now? Can you honestly guarantee to yourself that your political enemies won't gain power and use your life history against you?

reminder that this too happened:

>the government can kill any U.S. citizen at any time
>at any place
>no warrant needed
>no court order needed

seriously guys what the fuck? you just gave your government the ultimate power.

Only one way to stop them mid-chimpout. Let's hope Trump will be quick about it.

7:30 bump

West coast fags need to see this

I-is that real?

Like no meme is there actually a cable running through the ocean?

>trusting a leaf's prophecy

how else do you expect we make connection with each other user?

How else do you think the internet works?

Ass loads but a lot if traffic across the oceans gets sent via satellite arrays cuz cheaper than laying thousands of miles if underwater cable

dont be mad lol

Don't forget they have a private intranet for them to use against us now

WE didn't give it power. Bush and Obama seized it via executive order. Bypassing the Congress. However this also means Trump can undo these things as easily as they were made.

You know you could just go there. Just because you want to live somewhere else doesn't automatically make you one of those filthy sandniggers coming into the country from the middle east. Place is pretty liberal though, don't know if I'd want to live there, but that's just me.

I've just come to accept it as inevitable.

I just accept that everything is public knowledge now.

It's bizarre really. I literally thought police myself under the assumption that every word I write for my own personal use is or will be viewed by a stranger at somr time.

no no, it's superman

we'll see how it plays out.
at least I'm glad to live in Europe at this moment in time.

how did everything go so wrong? even just 10 years ago it wasn't like that.

Time to just go Thoreau and give up and live innawoods?

Ive joked/lied in so many text messages I think it would be hilarious if I got killed for 1 of them

If you use one it's considered probable cause now

Just in case you didn't know

because Sup Forums wished it to happen.

as long as it will be on the hand trump, Sup Forums will let the government virtually fuck them in the ass

>glad to live in europe

You guys cant even grab a rifle and bugout to the woods. Youre cucked and fucked m8

would rather nogunz than having shootout every other day

>believing american media

so, how's living in a totalitarian state working out for you? i see they're already implementing state propaganda.

FBI can seize your PC for just having Tor.

>You guys cant even grab a rifle and bugout to the woods.
This is what Amerilards actually think
the UK =! The rest of yurop