Did Hillary Clinton actually have any redeeming features as a candidate?
It sure seemed like her positive points were
>Wife of Bill Clinton
Did Hillary Clinton actually have any redeeming features as a candidate?
It sure seemed like her positive points were
>Wife of Bill Clinton
it was the most manufactured campaign in american history.
every.single.thing. was fake.
fortunately the american people saw her as the globalist puppet she is
No. She didnt.
The left threw all their eggs into the identity politics basket and were bloated sure of themselves that Americans were EuroCucks 2.0 and she'd win in a landslide.
The underestimated how uncucked the people outside of liberal/dindu hellholes really are.
Her unwillingness to leave Bill Clinton after is affairs and rape allegations showed she was a beta female afraid of losing the last name that her career depended upon. No one would vote for Hillary Rodham. She needed the Clinton moniker to get elected.
History will vindicate her as a intelligent, but unrelatable technocrat if Trump fucks the country up (which looks to be a strong possibility)
Only thing I can think of was her idea to limit HFT trading.
>Hillary Clinton
>redeeming qualities
pick one.
>The left threw all their eggs into the identity politics basket and were bloated sure of themselves that Americans were EuroCucks 2.0 and she'd win in a landslide.
She rigged the primaries against sanders, and bought off the media to bury it. I think that had a far greater impact than petty identity-politics.
>Did Hillary Clinton actually have any redeeming features as a candidate?
>Dems who tried to spread the meme that she was the most qualified candidate for office in history
Classic. Many still believe it.
baloney tea leaf reading.
>wife of Bill Clinton
>a guy who won his presidencies by having a solid economic politics
>doesn't listen to Bill, sticks to "muh opression" politics
>primaries (btw, Bernie turned out to be a total cuck by appearing okay with that)
>electing just anyone who has been in charge of american crazy-ass foreign policy
she probably had more connections than everyone in DC combined
>Did Hillary Clinton actually have any redeeming features as a candidate?
She's not Drumpf.
she was unelectable. that was her best trait.
This 100%
>redeeming feature
>>Wife of Bill Clinton
>redeeming feature
She did not. Absolutely none.
You could say she was experienced because of how long she has been in politics, but she hasn't learned anything from her experience. She's a big baby with anger issues who gets paid off by foreign governments and big corporations.
She is so incompetent I don't even want to give her credit and claim that she had any involvement in the Clinton bodycount.
She's just a puppet.
funny thing is shes a terrible statesman
>Redeeming Feature: Reptilian Form
>Special Powers: Falling Down
as herself or by comparison?
>They underestimated how uncucked the people outside of liberal/dindu hellholes really are
The sad thing is while the electoral vote was an overwhelming victory, their were so many people that drank the kool-aid and honestly believed that Hillary was the right choice it's frightening. I really hope Trump does well and redpills the masses to how retarded they were being.
What am I saying, if Trump does well it will be because Obama's legislation was just starting to take effect and how he laid the groundwork for Trump to do so well or how the economy was naturally on an upswing.
"She tells the truth! She's absolutely brilliant."
t. Fundraiser I was at.
You forgot one:
>not being literally hitler
She was going to expose area 51
thank god she'll be in the trash heap of history where she belongs
That was the result of every illegal Mexican cramming their 30 kids that already have full mustaches at 12 (both boys and girls) into their vans and taking them to every eligible poll booth in California. The lib media called Trump a fearmonger, but it was quite the opposite.
Think that's bad? Wait until Michelle Obama runs in the next couple years.
While that's true, there's definitely a subset of America that completely bought the (((MSM)))'s bullshit hook, line, and sinker. That's fucking horrifying. I really hope most of them were just anti-Trump rather than pro-Hillary.
>fortunately the american people saw her as the gobalist puppet she is
Then why did more of them vote for her than the Donald?
No. For the life of me, I can't remember a single thing she stood for other than being the same as Obama. Her entire campaign revolved around "I'm not Trump!" and "Muh women."
She doesn't care about SJW shit aside from it getting her votes. That's really about it.
shut up PeNiZeS PuLseR
they didn't
She had decent intelligence. She had a law degree from Yale, and those aren't easy to get. However, book smarts does not imply morality. All evil masterminds have a high degree of intelligence. They use it to destroy, however, rather than to create. I also heard that she likes to drink whiskey, which is also a good thing.
>american people
>"american people"
Clinton foundation shutting down,
the policy positions she advertised in her website were good with the exception of her syria policy.
California used to be something.
I feel betrayed by Trump. He said I would get tired of winning, but it looks like he was full of lies.
This is the biggest news of the day.
this was announced months ago and it's the Clinton Global Initiative, not the Clinton Foundation.
She has a beautiful singing voice
I confident she was positive for HIV.
There are still Anti-Trump protests going on in DC now. She's like fucking candy to SJWs, and those insane cunts just don't give up. They latch onto the most backwards ideas and refuse to believe anything else is possible.
She has a big phat ass
She cheated and still lost. That's how unpopular she is. They nixed the recount in Michigan because they started to find out that voting machines in dindu-laden areas counted way more votes than there were ballots. Hillary knew that, which is why she didn't ask for a recount in close states, despite her claims that Russian hackers, who are apparently omnipotent, rigged the voting machines.
She's been faithful to Huma, aside from all the children she's raped. So that's pretty based.
I'll play devil's advocate.
Hillary Clinton did everything she could to get what she wanted. That's an admirable trait and a good trait for a president. She had experience in politics, unlike her opponent. This means she knows how things work within our government (particularly at the White House) and also has made the connections and resources to get things done. She's well educated and intelligent. Internationally, she was more liked than her opponent.
I think she would have been an alright president, but that doesn't really matter anymore. Hillary Clinton doesn't matter anymore.
I read somewhere that she used some kind of computer algorithm for the rally locations and just obeyed it like a fucking slave.
First of all
>fucking leaf
but secondly, I don't know if that's the case. The democrats are pretty fucking pissed already at her for being so entitled and manufactured. I think people knew she was a fucking loser but didnt want to openly admit it, either to their liberal peers or to themselves.
The traditional ding against women running for the top job is that they aren't strong enough, particularly militarily. That wasn't brought up at all this election, and barely in the obama v clinton primary.
If I needed someone to be an absolute dick to someone, I think she'd be a GREAT choice as a lawyer.
>shilling for Hillary
>flag led by a psychic and a cult of feminists
way to go!
Just like how we remember all past failed presidential candidates - oh wait, they're all irrelevant footnotes, just like her
Hate Obama?
>uses to destroy instead of create
*hillary unsheaths katana*
It's true. Even grown men I used to respect have made anti trump shares/posts on Facebook. Nobody has any independent thoughts, just what the local ABC News or their Facebook feed says. I have redpilled friends but they are more or less Sup Forums outcasts
>Have red-pilled oldfag friend for nearly a decade
>Last year he started dating a blue-pilled roastie
>Took the blue suppository because she dictated their relationship
>Has been sporting that retarded pidgeotto haircut for the last few of months
>Would constantly parrot MSM lies
>Was aghast that I supported Trump and surprised at election results
This election has truly made me woke.
Her name rolls off the tongue of her supporters well.
Because it has REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! in it.
She was cheerful and had a pretty smile
webm related
>That's an admirable trait and a good trait for a president.
Yeah unless that candidate doesn't want to do a single positive thing for America because she thinks it is obsolete.
its like leafs forget they are leafs stay on your side
fake promise to get the /x vote
Our demographics are screwy, and we're "le 60% white" country. A little bit of racial diversity in a populous state helps Trump as it subconsciously pushes white voters to him, but once the diversity level hits a certain threshold it becomes impossible for a Republican candidate to win.
>It sure seemed like her positive points were
>Wife of Bill Clinton
Sexist feature? Should a sex gender be a privilege? Where is an equality ? (Feminism is anti-equality movement...)
Wife of Bill Clinton... That gangster?
Mina airport drug smuggling, Kagame support during Rwanda genocide with 5 millions of victims, Yugoslav wars...
> Clinton cash
Corrupted duo as hell. They have got no competitor in US history among political figures...
Hitlary Clinton - started Libya war, started Syria war for Qatar bribes (search ambassador Richard Ford, her appointment... search Clinton-Petraeus plan and judicialwatch.org references to Benghazi), sold Uranium to Russians for bribes, sold rain forests in south America, sold all ecology with XL pipeline...
She already proved, what is she able to do in position with the Power.
She also proved, that a WOMAN, that gets to politics, is either a termagant harpy, heartless beast with sharp elbows, or is an easy puppet of strong men, or both, but never a Honest choice...
Same with Merkel and May...
she promised adult daycare camps
>You forgot one:
>not being literally hitler
No, sorry, Hitlary Clinton IS literally Hitler.
She already has blood of millions on her hands from her time on State Department.
Literally Hitler.
(pic related is little obsolette, does not include heroes as Seth Rich and other victims of previous year...)
"Vote for me, cuz muh pussy"
That's all she had.
None, but she literally had unlimited funds keeping her campaign afloat.
In a fair race I think any candidate would have beaten her. But since it wasn't fair, we needed a master media manipulator.
Time tomshit down the throats of americunts and Ausfalians
boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/thread/107218238#bottom
> Demon smile
Yes, the Smile was a weapon.
A weapon of bewitchment, of shuting down all critical thinking and admiring her...
But "SMILE NICE" is not a prerequisite for a president...
I love this, nobody not even the shills actually have anything good to say about Hillary, just bad shit to say about Trump.
Even someone who admits hes playing devils advocate can only come up with
She has experience
She gets along better with foreigners and thats only because they share an agenda and not because of her
Shits like that IRL as well. Every Hillary supporter I talk to cant mention a single policy they like about her or a single trait of hers they like. Its just "muh vagina" and "atleast shes not Trump".
this board is for people aged 18+
She really had nothing to offer. She would be just continuing what Obama did and that unevitably would lead to war with Russia. All she really did was only shitting on Trump 25/7.
If I were to play Devil's Advocate for HRC it's that she had her hands on the knobs of the law and government her entire life
>Staffer for US senator
>Criminal defense attorney
>Governor's wife so essential to his operations that she suggested he execute a retarded nigger to seem tough on crime
>influential First Lady and leader of some health care shill program
>conducted international NGO relations through Clinton Foundation
>US senator
>presidential candidate seeing how elections are run from the inside out, being briefed daily to be WH ready
>secretary of state
>presidential candidate again
from a political experience perspective she was golden. Too bad most of her experience and record is fucking terrible
>American people
Look up
>Did Hillary Clinton actually have any redeeming features
None at all.
We must never forget the horror and evil that Hillary would have inflicted on America.
These unthinking libtard celebrities and the thousands of libtard idiots rioting in the streets with tears in their eyes and hatred in their hearts would have helped her ruin America.
They would have ruined America.
- The Bill of Rights.
- The Rule of Law.
- Foreign Policy.
- Health Care (Obama ruined it so now it needs to be scrapped and rebuilt)
- The Economy (Obama mostly ruined it already)
And never forget that Hillary wanted a No Fly Zone in Syria with Russia
Which would have led to war with Russia.
Pic very much related.
We must never forgive the liberals, anons. Liberals hate the greatness of America.
We should be civil to them. We should be polite to them. But we must never trust a liberal. Ever.
It is logical (and appropriate) to hate liberals for the ruination of America we would have had under Hillary's leadership.
>tax hikes
>gun control
>appointing a SCOTUS justice to overturn Heller
>immigration (((reform)))
>fucks up the country
Pick one
well she was rich and had the clinton name.
She hates black people more than any politician in history.
She would have round them up if she had been elected.
This al oat made me vote for her.
Glad I didnt
>She hates black people more than any politician in history.
Wouldn't have changed a thing.
She is a Marxist.
And Marxists use blacks to harm whites and create class struggle.
>She rigged the primaries against sanders
As much as I loved to tell that to my Bernout friends, the truth of the matter is that no one wanted that senile socialist to begin with. Hell, that faggot even refused to attack her when it would have helped him. The DNC certainly put their thumbs on the scale, but really, 3 million more Democrats wanted Clinton and got her.
She still had no real redeeming qualities though, unless you think the policies of the last 30 yeas have been great for Americans.
she would have made a good law professor or judge, she's a terrible administrator and even worse politician
None. She and her whole team forgot the one rule about politics. You have to get the proles on your side, not insult them. What the fuck happenned, wasn't she experienced?
> Picture...
> the other candidate was sexist ...
Trump loves women. He did not attack her femininity...
Hillary hates men. She and her supporters attacked his masculinity...
Who is SEXIST ?!
(((They))) very often use anti-labels, smear something with exactly opposite of actual content. Very many people eat the bait, though...
> When "Liberal" means limiting "freedom" of speech because of feelings, because telling "Truth" is "Hate speech" (Truth sounds like Hate to those, who Hate Truth...)
> When "Democrat" means forged primaries
> When "Equality" means Privilege and "Privilege" means equal treatment
> When "Diversity" means destroying diversity by mixing, which Diversity should instead mean "Difference" which should be preserved by isolation
> When "Planned parenthood" is about destroying child and excluding parenthood.
> When "Left-wing" candidate is paid by banksters and sheiks to fulfil their goals, but "Right-wing" candidate is supported by rust-belt workers and farmers with a national socialist program...
> When Peacemaker is called "Aggressor" and Agressor is pretended to be innocent victim...
> Thief calls "Catch the Thief"
The examples are many...
>Wipe it with what, like a cloth?
>she likes to drink whiskey
First good thing I have ever heard about her.