>some Filipinos die
acceptable losses regardless of the mission
>Even Hostages die
Will less hostage situations happen if criminals know they will be killed no matter what?
>I like those that weren't kidnapped
Japan is a beautiful place
>acceptable losses regardless of the mission
I guess this is why you Japs were okay with doing kamikaze.
Thats the idea, just like not paying ransoms
Too mad to lad.
He's getting Gaddafi'd if he keeps this up. Or at least he would if the Philippines had anything other than garbage.
The hostages will fight back now. Not really like they have anything to loose
Move over Spetznaz
that's the point i think, risked but clever
the phillipines number 1 export is phillipinos
Angel Cops?
ok this actually is over the line.
jesus christ this guy is nuts, why do people like him?
"help my husband took our son"
Duterte "im on it lady"
If we kill kidnappers, they win
What if Duterte gets kidnapped?
>what if a kid gets kidnapped?
That is the proper response, if they knowingly kidnap and know they won't get a ransom, but a military strike instead, then they won't bother kidnapping people.
Don't be taken hostage then. If you are better fucking remind everyone you're all going to be bombed and killed so better charge the fucker(s) keeping you hostage as soon as you can.
If the entire world did this shit like this whole types of terrorism would become impossible. Every hostage taking would become Flight 93 with maybe some hostages surviving, maybe not, but definitely not ending well for the terrorists.
I don't think it's the Flips anyone cares about, it's the foreign hostages they take that will cause controversy.
You could hoax a kidnapping to call in an airstrike to any place you don't like
I guess it's like 'no negotiating with terrorists'
Fucking hell, it might actually work eventually, as long as they hold out long enough and never give in to pressure from people complaining about the policy.
not everyone lives in 1st world country where crime is not a daily occurrence due to drug lords and thieves
as far as i'm concerned every 3rd world shithole needs a man like Duterte
I find this to be a genuinely interesting debate. Is it really any worse than not paying ransoms, if not better? Curious to hear opinions on this
>"Yes, this is terrist. I kidnapped some soldats on filipino airbase."
>call in an airstrike on my position
>I've got a hostage, I'll kill him if you don't
wat do
Ransoms should not be paid, and the likelihood that the captives will be beaten, tortured, raped, starved etc. only increases as the kidnappers get more frustrated and desperate. A proper extraction by SOCOM or whatever is better, but death by explosives may be better than the fate that otherwise awaits the captives.
Any good Duerte memes?