Look at these beautiful enlightened pure aryan girls.
White people are truly the greatest.
Look at these beautiful enlightened pure aryan girls.
White people are truly the greatest.
Other urls found in this thread:
There seems to be a correlation between lack of faith and lack of children.
There seems to be a correlation between lack of faith and every single evil in the world
Ice is nice!
So faith is the cause of hunger.
They believe Muhammad did.
Must be nice not having mudslimes.
You have that reversed.
Iceland is one of the few places where European paganism religion never died out.
Of course.
Religions want more children so they have more adherents.
They don't actually care about the children so long as the children are brought into the faith so they one day can bring more children into the faith.
This is basically how Islam survives since they kill each other off so quickly.
Atheists don't go around persecuting people for their belief system, so I'd say that's already more ethical than religious folks.
glad to see a mass outbreak of common sense
Don't be an idiot, even Muslims don't believe that.
DAE ignore all left-wing organizations ever?
>self-proclaimed most feminist country on earth
>doesn't believe in god
not much of a surprise
Let me guess. The universe is a simulation itself ran on a Titan XD?
They're leading the world in antidepressant consumption.
Thats nice. Shame it is not like that here.
Name one that ever killed in the name of atheism. Protip: you can't.
God damn that sounds fucking horrible
Essentially what communism would sound like
Nice meme, but the 7 day thing didn't happen in the Bible.
The Bible starts at Abraham.
>Religions want more children so they have more adherents.
>They don't actually care about the children so long as the children are brought into the faith so they one day can bring more children into the faith.
>This is basically how Islam survives since they kill each other off so quickly.
if that's not the dumbest thing i've heard, i dont know what is..
religions enforce strong family values. atheism is no belief system. people just do what they feel like. since they live in a developed advanced country, with no strong religious principles, there is no drive to make babies.
>implying they went around the whole country with a clipboard asking this question from every citizen
Also even if this was true, I just feel bad for them, it doesn't make me mad...
t. race that created spics
Most left wing organizations only care about crushing the Christian right pal.
>t. based Atheist
Wait, so you're telling me the demographic with the shortest amount of life experiences has become 100% sure of something and nobody can tell them otherwise?
Sounds like a bunch of whiny millennials. About right.
Britain has a Navy close, it will be useful in the future to convert Icelanders
>scandicucks are communists
no surprise there
>Look at these beautiful enlightened pure aryan girls.
They look exactly like the Christcuck girls from the US of America.
Atheists go around persecuting anyone who opposes their hedonism and nihilism. They will destroy any moral principle, any authority that can imply guilt, anything that goes against their pride and madness. Any place where atheism spreads becomes hell.
>In a recent poll, Trump got 0% of the black vote.
Atheism isnt a belief system or group. I dont believe in alien abductions. Does that mean I can be grouped with everyone else that shares that opinion?
Of course not.
Got any proofs, Alberto?
The USSR was a shithole, but they never killed in the name of religion. Persecution was carried out to ensure party loyalty, a political powergrab, not a religious one.
>since they live in a developed advanced country, with no strong religious principles, there is no drive to make babies.
Not only that but it advocates self interest above any other values, i have actually seen people refer to fetuses as parasites.
Atheism is a belief system like any other, since there are dogmas you have to accept if you want to consider yourself an atheist. Those beliefs are caused by the same retardation that leads people to do things like vote democrats.
Christcucks btfo
Get out of your room for once and take a look at the current world.
>Im so disillusioned and faithful that I believe Atheists are a unified body like Christianity and go around the world killing people in the name of Dawkins whilst throwing their steel-lined fedoras
Black-and-White Christians everyone.
>During the first five years of Soviet power, the Bolsheviks executed 28 Russian Orthodox bishops and over 1,200 Russian Orthodox priests.
Puh, that was a hard search!
No. I just dont believe in your god. I am not in anyway part of a group with other people that dont belive in your god.
Am I part of a group with eskimos? No of course not. Thats fucking stupid.
Yup, people who see and experiment the least are quite vocal about their ignorance.
I'm agnostic but:
>Who is Mao ?
>Who are the blosheviks
>what are muslims and jews
>Atheists don't go around persecuting people for their belief system
Commies would like a word with you.
>all these people buttblasted that there exists an isolated corner in the world where their Christcuckery is falling into obscurity
No reason to feel threatened, there are literally less than 350 000 people living on iceland in total.
>Iceland is one of the few places where European paganism religion never died out.
Wrong, it died out in all of the norse world.
I think that what you are thinking of is that some parts of asatro survived in the christian world, things like trolls, goblins, runes, spirits and such. Midsommar would be a good example of traditions that survived
Asatro ceased to be practised in the 1300s as a distinct faith
Atheist caused A Leppo
Way to move the goal posts, fgt.
The USSR killed people in the name of a one-party godless state. They killed and persecuted Christians on the regular because they were Christians. That's the definition of religious persecution.
If you'd been to Iceland you'd realize how fucking degenerate that place is.
Iceland based asf
Agnostics are the biggest jokes of all. What else are you unsure of because of lack of proof? Is the list so fucking long that you couldnt contain it on all the computers on the planet?
If Iceland wasn't so far away and unattractive to foreigners, it would be another Western European mess due to its decline of Christianity.
(((their))) plan is working
Protestantism on suicide watch
Daily reminder Babyboomers created the modern day degeneracy.
>Sexual revolution
>enabling millennials to be babied
>literally all of our problems
I'm 99% certain the Christian faith has killed more innocent people than the Communists
>it's a new world LARPer post
>Midsommar would be a good example of traditions that survived
Wrong. You're forgetting that Sweden doesn't have a native culture. It is the immigrants that bring their vibrant culture, while you have such silly things as Midsommar Eve; Remember?
If you believe in God can you believe aliens exist?
I don't believe either but i don't know where religions stand on that. It's interesting that most people correlate unhappiness and depression with atheism? I don't believe anything, my parents don't believe anything and my grandparents don't either. I never really understood peoples internal dilemma with the non existence of God. It seems silly that an omnipotent being would be alone, doesn't the fact that the commandant thou shall not worship any other God give precedence to the existence of other gods? A bit ridiculous that people believe such nonsense and let it directly affect their wellbeing.
and Hitler didn't send jews to labor camps because he hated them, he did it to stamp out any opposition to the nazi party
All you need to believe is that nobody has returned from the dead therefore nobody knows what happens after you die, it's not a hard leap of logic to make
>you will never live in Iceland
why live
>get rid of faith
>women now prefer bbc over whitey
Nice for icelanders!
Atheists like you believe in the false God called equality, among others
>White people rule!
>Lets all just die out guyz?
>implying fedoraism aka freemasonic 'science' isn't the new global cult
>Næs í rassinn
This is Germanic paganism.
Equality is a meme and doesnt exist, objectively by nature
go project elsewhere, Sven
t. athiest
Hello redpilled compatriote, are you familiar with the research of Rick Strassman? It's pretty good and can make a dedicated fedora very angry.
Based Iceland
>Atheists never killed in the name of religion.
>Destruction of values is not a core principle of Marxism.
Take my repentance Sup Forums, for I have fallen for bait.
Learn what words mean before using them, especially in your native language, you fat fucking imbecile.
We're biologically programmed to have kids. With the invention of contraception you can choose when you want a child. Religion has nothing to do with this process.
Religion and superstition kept whites down by stunting tech progress
If you shill for cuckstianity you may as well be a jew.
>Nobody knows what happens
We know that consciousness is caused by brain activity and brain activity stops.
There is no mystery without introducing literal magic.
Please do go on and list all the other things your are agnostic about. Ill wait the years it will require to type it all out. I laugh so hard at agnostics becuase they all think they are being smart but its the most embarrassing postion to take.
The religious at least stand for something and dont think they are being smart. Tradition isnt something to pity. Agnosticism is pitiable.
Yeah, I also notice that atheists often make the government their new God.
Your belief system includes the rejection of God. You are not a special snowflake. You are part of the group of people who don't believe in God, and everything that implies.
>Atheists don't go around persecuting people for their belief system
lmao what a horseshit statement.
No I dont. I am a raging racist and I only work for my own interests. Further proof that grouping people because they dont belive your particular beliefs is STUPID.
Tell that to all the atheist women who don't want to have kids and focus on their 'career'.
>ywn live in Iceland
Feels bad
>We know that consciousness is caused by brain activity and brain activity stops.
So when you die shouldn't all your memories disappear along with your brain activity? You'd be like a complete amnesia victim who shouldn't even be able to remember reading this post just like you can't remember being three months old
Nice namecalling, Sven.
How many Icelanders under 25 years are there?
Like, 10 or 15?
I dont belive there is no god. I have never been presented any evidence of the existence of god so I dont have to "belive". Its a non issue.
I believe in equity, that is not the same thing.
When you die you fucking stop existing. If that's too scary for you to accept than harden the fuck up you pussy. There is nothing after death.
You would be wrong, 100 million from the Chinks 40 million from the Ruskies and god knows how many brom the Cambodians.
>Remembering when you are dead
Austalia has better trolls. Canada is an embarresment.
No, but I will look him up. I do know how to make fedoras angry. You just have to point out how atheism is a myth for simple people.
That's literally their choice. Maybe they'll have children one day, maybe they won't.
only about a third of us dared to be in cahoots with religious nutballs like you in order to close borders.
Ugh, that fucking song again. Everybody I know fucking hated it.
I had no idea Island was full of such heathens. What a degenerate island.
Not only they do, but they also have a nasty habit of declaring you insane if you believe your religion as much as they believe their atheism.
>Atheists don't go around persecuting people for their belief system
thats literally why modern athiesm was created dude