My girlfriend has 1 kid from a previous relationship

My girlfriend has 1 kid from a previous relationship.
I want my own kids.
She once said she is ok with only having one.

What are good strategies to convince her the contrary? Is it politically incorrect to convince a woman who said she wouldn't have more kids to have more kids? I don't feel bad about it. But should I?

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Fuck you leaf. Stop be cuck.

>my wife's kid
>a fucking leaf

She has a son or à daughter?

>raising someone elses child
sasuga leaf

You need a new girlfriend. Don't be desperate, it's degrading.

You fucking leave and stop dealing with stupid bullshit like that.

Your wife's son is black, isn't he?

stupid fucking cuck

>dating a single mother
>in a country where they force parenthood on you if you live with her for a bit

Are you fucking retarded? Drop it NOW!