Can someone explain to me why Europe became so fucking faggy and broken beyond repair...

Can someone explain to me why Europe became so fucking faggy and broken beyond repair? Sweden's constitution was explicitly white nationalist and banned Jews and yet everything still went to shit.

>inb4 jews

That's a cop out

Other urls found in this thread:ör_rasbiologi


Also shitskins breed out of control and they gotta go somewhere

marxist philosophy created by Germans during WW1 by sending carl to russia as part of a too-successful political propaganda operation. same thing russia tried (and did) to do to america during the cold war.


Cocktail of atheism, feminism and liberalism.

Social Democracy is what destroyed Sweden and Norway.

you see in WW1 Russia was sending troops to Germany to fuck them up, Germanies strategy was to fuck france before anyone could respond so they had most of their military out of country - unable to defend. but it took a long time for troops to move around back then.
Russia was, like usual, politically unstable so germany was trying to send people there to topple the government in order to stop the advancing russian troops. it worked.

It has a lot to do with the nihilism that pervaded European life following the World Wars. They started thinking of themselves as monsters and the only way they could "atone" for their crimes was to disband nationalistic sentiments and turn their societies and welfare states into basic giant charities for the developing world.

We were happy with nazis. You defeated the wrong enemy.

This is not cherry picking Paris is really like that.

I believe it's a result of NWO leaders funding (((their))) candidates. Mama Merkel couldn't let muzzies in fast enough. She recently opposed covered faces because the election is next year.

I believe Putin is our best ally against this. I am in favor of close US/Russia relations. I am against NATO.

america did it

we are like a miniature copy of you


US has been NWO led for much more then 8 years.

Not true at all. The Germans had several counter offensives in east Prussia in the early stages of the war and fucked the Russians up. The Russians mobilized pretty quick.

>bombs europe to shit
>asks why is europe fubar

I thought that was the point you uneducated hypocritical bigot.

All their best men died in 2 world wars, leaving the infirmed, handicapped, crippled and elderly to replenish their ranks.

All EU countries sliding into the same oblivion. It's no coincidence. It's coordinated.

russia dropped out of the war because of their revolution caused by marx

the iron curtan is holding out, communism is a lesson not easily forgotten.

It seems that Russia has been staying alive by exporting oil and weapons while they had one corrupt government after another.

Putin is an improvement over Yeltsin? I think so.

i think so. just looking at before and after stats on shit like economy and HDI related stuff he has done well.

female voting rights. Since the thought of equallity between the sexes the nucular familys stance decline.

Daily reminder than the small portions of Paris with high African population aren't Paris, or France.

Daily reminder that every big city attracts immigration, and is intrinsically degenerate.

Daily reminder than our government imported foreign workforce during the last years of our industrial era as a "fuck you" to workers unions, making everyone poorer in the process.

I will say unironically that Sup Forums had an effect on Brexit.

Governments are cucked. MSM are cucked. The last hope is grass roots movements and outsiders. Have you talked to Germans (outside od Sup Forums)? They are as unaware as Americans.

My old friend grew up behind the wall in the east. He would rarher talk about futbol than politics.

Look up how the old Soviet system was set up, the EU functions in a similar fashion, with no direct accountability. Even Gorbachev stated this.

not true. in america for example woman got voting rights in the 20s while the family didn't really fall apart until the 60's when cultural marxism took hold in america allowing shit like modern progresivism and feminism to destroy traditional male/femail relationships.

another factor in the cultural corruption of western countries is the loss of religion which is replaced by moral relativism. i.e. you can justify anything in your life and there is no obligation to uphold traditions.

of course women tend to vote liberal which may have had an effect but i do not think it is a main cause.
Rome fell in the same way without giving women any real rights.

I'm an old, oldfag. We had to go to the halls of our school, kneel against the wall, and open a hardback schoolbook over our heads. This was cold war preparedness drills.

its not broken and certainly not beyond repair. We just had an extremely high standard particularly compared with the USA, and now its slipping.
The lower it slips, the fiercer the counter-reaction will be. Its a natural feedback loop.

Also you could have picked a better picture: Black muslims are usually OK, its the north african ones (aka. arabs) that are always terrorists, criminals and general shit-stirrers since at least 40 years.

Our maps didn't say Russia, they had USSR.

I don't have to read this history, i can remember it. I am in favor of Putin.

Pretty sure Paris is literally majority non-white

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I have the same feeling. It's gone too far, too soon. The people will now reject NWO. (((They))) have made a strategic mistake.


"importing a billion niggers" wasn't really a necessary step in the rebuilding process

We need retraining.

Same story here actually. Women got full voting rights in 1919. The culture started to change after WWII.

>Sweden's constitution was explicitly white nationalist and banned Jews and yet everything still went to shit.
What exactly are you referring to?

Yes! I was proud when I memorized United Soviet Sovereign Republic in school.

>Vi svenskar lever ju i en så oändligt mycket lyckligare lottad situation. Vårt lands befolkning är homogen, inte bara i fråga om rasen utan också i många andra avseenden.

Swedish prime minister in 1965 said this.

Rough translation:
> We swedes lives in an infinitely better situation. Our countrys people is homogenous, not only in race but also in other things.

Context: Some race shit happening in the US.

merkel said multiculturalism is a failure. the problem is that first world people live in a bubble and don't understand what reality is like until they are getting gang raped by 5 Somalian "refugees" in an ally on the way home.

>That's a cop out

It's not, though.

Jews fucked everything up after WWII with their constant whining about the holocaust. Never again, goyim.

You know what's funny?
USA is more brown than France will ever be.

find a good pic of paris now and a bad pic during the war

Germany chimped out in WW2 and kikes now use their atrocities to boosts white guilt, which caused decolonization followed by acceptance of mass migration

dont blame Germans.
when you think your gods chosen people you tend to harbor animosity and isolate yourselves. this is what makes jews and muslims so much worse than Christians.

But at least in America they president n shiet while ours are just thieves and rapist


color is irrelevant, its behaviour that counts.
Or in terms Sup Forums can understand:
Its about the nigger on the inside not the nigger on the outside.

If you shoot where you expect your enemy to be and he is not there, you have wasted your ammo.
Not everything is done by the jews. Aside from the ultra-zionistic "goym must serve us" nutjobs the jews do not strive to control everything in the world.
Right now if there was any plan behind the fugee crisis, it was the big businesses in Germany that saw a chance to lower the wages by expanding the labor pool, particularly for the less qualified germans.
Another massive component was sheer cluelessness and incompetence on the part of politicians.

its blackpaltine!

He's just taking his time, be patient


You're the ones who gave monkeys equal status among humans.

Paris was shit during the occupation desu,a lot of shortages

It's still shit now

>Germany that saw a chance to lower the wages by expanding the labor pool, particularly for the less qualified germans.
more like Germany realized that they were going to pull a japan because white 1st worlders do not reproduce so they imported the next generation.

I think it's a combo of these two.

We never banned jews. Every jew in Scandinavia fled to Sweden during WW2. We are the jews of Scandinavia atm. Plus USA ruined us with your bullshit. Even our left wing (Social Democrats) Were doing race biology. They identified the jews and üntermenschen and tried to seperate them from the swedish race. But USA ruined itör_rasbiologi


Hitler ruined europe and the white race

This is true.

We should probably take that back.

>Hitler ruined europe and the white race

Hitler wasn't the one that declared war.

>Visit from some shady people.eu4

It's not the Jews.

germany always ruins europe. WW1, WW2 and now merkel is importing africa's hell to all of erupoe.
Thanks Germany! I hope you burn.

After WW2, it was inevitable that the Soviet ideology spread.

"If you vote, you decide nothing. If you count the votes, you decide everything."

- Stalin pretty much had supreme command of who got elected where in Europe

What are you talking about, France had equal status for niggers way before US. Even Hitler treated blacks better than our government did. Don't let this Europoor lie and deceive you, Europe is fucked up because Europeans are sick ass liberals with weird cuck fetishes. Hell we are the only allied country who fought tooth and nail to keep our niggers down, they just let them do whatever they wanted.

Explain this

>Soviet ideology
another gift from the Germans. they are the curse on the first world.


call the jews what you want

and say thanks to burgers for enforcing it

> dont blame Germans.
Why. It was their delusions of grandeur, autism and shitty culture that caused the downfall.

Pretty sure the USA are literally majority overweight.

>in response to the Weimar Republic's failure to continue its reparation payments in the aftermath of World War I.

What don't you understand?
>Germany attacks France and Belgium in WW1 while unprovoked
>Completly destroy the place
>Get asked a some money to rebuild after they lose
Post-WW1 Germany deserved everything they got and more
The fact they were allowed to remain a country while A-H and the Ottomans (who were both older entities and less responsible for the world war than Germany) werent show how kind Versailles was

Meanwhile, Post-WW2 Peace left Germany divided and forever militarily occupied (still is nowdays) which prevented another chimpout

Can someone explain to me why America became so fucking faggy and broken beyond repair? America's constitution was explicitly white nationalist and yet everything still went to shit.

>inb4 jews

That's a cop out

Yes, they did drop out because of the Revolution succeeded and a separate peace was made. The Germans were not defenseless on the Eastern front though. They had crushing victories against the Russians. I'm not disagreeing that the Germans sent Lenin to stir shit up, I'm disagreeing that the Germans were defenseless on the eastern front. The Schlieffen plan fell apart almost immediately and the emphasis was on the Western front. However, there were large Austrian and German armies on the eastern front as well.

hey i hate germans just as much as the next guy but they are not responsible for white guilt. that is a gift given to the world by modern progressive america.

Probably same way yours did too, Jews. Oh, we're pretending that you're not cucked? Yeah, that's not gonna happen.

carl marx, hippies in the 60s and the downfall of moral absolutism.

This. Fucking jews getting sneakyer by the day.
Love how people meme that Hitler blew shit out of proportion. Hitler didnt create himself, the current situation of Europe(back then) did. He was an answer to all the madness that was around at the time, which was way worse than nowadays. At least they werent as diverse.

>Germans were defenseless on the eastern front.
germans thought austria hungary would be on the east and they had to withdraw from the west to take care of it. but your not wrong.

im saying what their general strategy was and why they wanted to topple russian government, not giving a play by play of what actually happened.

They're not the ones who invented the concept, but they helped a lot to justify it

>Post-WW1 Germany deserved everything they got and more
>Hitler raised up in power because of it
You involved us in WWI and further communism hell. Where mine GIBMEDAT ?

that's what i mean. america, for better or worse is the dominant culture in the first world. we are to blame.

>Post-WW1 Germany deserved everything they got and more
nah germany should have been annexed after WW1, they should have simply stopped existing. that's what happens when you loose a war.

The anglo really hates everything good and pure.

>Hitler raised up in power because of it
Hitler rose to power because of two things
1. Buttpain of having lost the war
2. US spawned Great Depression

>You involved us in WWI
What are you smoking?

Who would do that ? Frogs ? Create powerful empire in Europe theatre ? Britain will never accept that.

You don't understand the dimensions and repercussions in European society.
The continent has always been a collection of small states, pitted against each other. In this, they maintained a balance of power with alliances and marriages etc. It all worked like a closed system for a long time, right until Prussia decided to incorporate a variety of German states and become the German empire. This upset the balance to no end: Germany was, all of a sudden, the biggest state in Europe, in command of 100 million people and a ridiculous industrial power. England, France and Russia, three traditional enemies, banded together to present a counterweight.
Fast forward to 1914: The Germans threaten to overtake the rest of Europe and dominate it. Their leadership had good reason to believe they could win such a conflict, thus they didn't do anything to prevent it. In their mind, the German empire would stretch all the way from Brest to Moscow. Go see Hitchens talk about the EU.
This dream of a European continental empire hasn't died, it's what they think belongs to them. Sure, they pretend they are friendly etc. but deep down every German knows he's your owner.
This is why the "white pride" and "white guilt" are a thing in the first place. Nobody wants to say openly something like that about himself. This has nothing to do with jews and the holocaust, it has to do with the realization of what Europe has become and that nobody is safe from getting his freedom and independence taken away at an instant.

t. no understanding of history

Germany wasn't destroyed after WW1, they stopped fighting because they and everyone else was sick of it. If (((they))) decided to try and annex Germany WW1 would have just continued on.

Jews, christianity, pornograpy and dragon dildos.

>everyone else was sick of it.
They stopped because they were in the second year of starvation and because the allied tanks were rolling dangerously close to their border.

>>You involved us in WWI
>What are you smoking?
Kek, You think we needed that war ?
>MUH Strike German Empire with no reason.
>MUH sacrafice 1st army in East Prussia not for Pari front.
We did it for lulz.

Nah, you're the retard here
Germany was completly defeated, their empire collapsed
After they surrendered, they were at the Allies mercy
Regardless of what would've been decided, Germany couldnt have put up an oragnized national resistance as the state had collapsed,.
The most they could have done would have been irregular civilian resistance, a thing the German people is very bad at (they never ever in their history resisted foreign occupation, even when it lasted decades)

frogs used to be cool back in the day.

>Sure, they pretend they are friendly etc. but deep down every German knows he's your owner.
"refugees welcome" is all i can think of.
most germans don't know and don't give a shit about their geopolitical cultural position in the world, m8.

blaming germans for white guild doesn't make sense because white guilt didn't really exist until the late 90s in america and spread from there. slavery in america is responsible for the white guilt meem. america is responsible for being a huge cultural mouth piece for progressive bullshit.
think about it - until the last 10 or so years europe has been almost all white, white guilt doesn't make sense in that context.

This is why pol cant get out of its own fuckng way, not a single substantial explanation in this thread

here is a start

Colonial empires meant easy immigration back to Europe

France imported Africans and Muslims from Algeria and Morocco and w Africa colonies until 1956ish, and then you still had migrants and the commies helping them get settled in

Belgium and netherlands brought in a fuck ton of african migrant workers from Morocco in the 60s and 70s to work in mining and factories

guess why there is are no more mines or factories in Europe? Guess what happens when those jobs leave but the 3rd world migrants stay

the multiethnic clusterfuck that was Yugoslavia released all its fucking prisoners who left for northern europe, forming gangs dealing drugs and humans

the Albanian mafia was always a fucking problem

Germany had good relations with Turkey before WWI and many fled to Germany at the end, and they also formed gangs in slums that got involved in organized crime with other gangs in Europe

USSR also got blacked quite often, socialists of the world unite kind of shit, so a number entered the Baltics through Russia as well

what im still trying to figure out is how Sweden ended up with so many fucking Somalis

>dat flag
I wonder who is behind those wars and was never touched...

You're drunk Ivan
You got involved in WW1 because Germany attacked you, see the timeline here Absolutly nothing to do with France (France wasnt even involved yet by the time Germany attacked you)

Yeah they never even got into Germany, if they were going to be annexed they would have had to fight all the way through, and the Eastern front had been loosened by the Russian Civil war.

You didn't even get into their country and they wiped the floor with you in 2 months during WW2, I would think they still had the manpower left to stop their country from being completely destroyed.

>France imported Africans and Muslims from Algeria and Morocco and w Africa colonies until 1956ish

Absolutly wrong
During the time France owned colonies, shitskins didnt come to the mainland
It's only from the 70s onward that the mass immigration statted

Whitets had left them alone, so their countries soon became shithole and lot of them started to flee to Europe
And as white guilt had jumped off the roof thank the the 1968 socialist revolts, they were accepted in



>It's only from the 70s onward that the mass immigration statted
Yes, because after the 60s the worker Unions were asking for better wages, and the government answered that request by importing cheap labor rather than improving working conditions for their own people, fucking everyone in the process.

>You didn't even get into their country

That's not how war work, you literal fucking kid
Germans were the ones who started WW1 by surprize, so they managed to advance into France initially, then they got stalled and the attrition war began
Both sides threw all they had in the attrition war and Germany eventually exhausted itself and collapsed
The fact they surrendered right before the Allies rolled inside their territory doesnt mean they werent decisively defeated
You're clearly underage, leave this website