Proof blacks sold themselves into slavery

ITT we post proof of this fact

>Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. on PBS: "Africans sold other Africans to the Europeans." "There were African middlemen and they'd fight wars with other Africans to enslave them and to sell them to the white man." "Slavery was a huge business for different African kingdoms."

Pic related, it's Gates, Jr.

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Civil war was about muh slavery!!!!!

Larry elder, conservative black radio show host and author speaks about this from time to time

Well it was one of the things the union wanted to impose trampling states rights so yes it was about union fuckery and slaves you dimwit. Doesn't change the fact slavery is still rampant today just not in white countries so it doesn't exist!

By the way thanks for reminding me of who said that shit about Africa I could never remember


They didn't sold themselves, they sold black losers to other enslavers

Slavery exists in Africa to this very day.

it wasn't about civil rights is more what poster prob meant desu

A good video to watch is steve pzechiznichs (kek spelling) video on civil war truth

this graphic should be everywhere

The only way to convince blacks to let go of their victomhood is to show smart black people who speak truths like these

Some Black Guy is a good place to start with young bluepilled kids

Gotta bump this

Fuck all the shill threads


its time to stop wasting time hating niggers and redpill them

Whites didn't start slavery. Whites ended slavery


This shit is getting slid hard



Don't forget Ahmed's role
