Are they white?

Are Egyptians white?

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>3% south european
We are white yes

No but they're not black either


Yeah but unlike the south Africans, we were actually kangz

He looks like a faggot

Egyptians built an incredible culture, as well as sophisticated art and monuments that impress us still today.

When have niggers ever done that?


modern egyptians are not but ancient egyptian ruling class was 100% nordic
i've read all about it on pol

Then what is North African? Sounds black

Its time to stop posting

I honestly believe the Egyptians were "black" in a sense.

Egyptians weren't white even by the most generous definition of whiteness.

Some people would suggest that the Mediterranean race exists as a close unit including every society which borders the sea (Italians, Greeks, Turks, Levantines, etc) but every surviving illustration of an ethnic Egyptian shows them looking entirely unique (and ugly) when compared to everyone else on the Mediterranean.
This is one such example. It's not classical Mediterranean, it's not Arab, it's not even Semitic. It's uniquely Egyptian.

I thought the consens is that Egyptians were brownish, but got increasingly white under the ptolomaic dynasty (greek settlers, interbreeding ect for many centuries).

So those heaps of stone were build by brown people, but everyting in Alexandria, as well as Alexandria itself by whites.

Browner shade of African. Generally darker skin than americuck negroids

The Census Bureau defines White people as follows: "White" refers to a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East or North Africa. It includes people who indicated their race(s) as "White" or reported entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Arab, Moroccan or Caucasian.

White is not even a race, that you have a white skinn does not make you "white" .... The term "Caucasian race" has nothing to do with skinn color ( for we tan) but it is messured by Craniometry (is measurement of the cranium skull)
now i bet if we start messuring skulls ... a lot of you "white"people not white anymore

>This is one such example. It's not classical Mediterranean, it's not Arab, it's not even Semitic.
>It is estimated that as much as 30 percent of the population of Faiyum was Greek during the Ptolemaic period, with the rest being native Egyptians.

>The majority of portraits represent native Egyptians, with Greek settlers included.

Were they really that distinct? A decent portion of these would be Greek. Do you think you could you identify the non Egyptians in this image?

Did anyone ever think that over the course of 6000 years, some of the people were white, and some were not?

I think I can, yes.
The attractive ones are Greek and the unattractive ones are Egyptian.

And would you consider the attractive ones white?

Some of these Fayum people are white, but many are not.

Could you circle the ones you think are Greek?

No they were black and black people should start apologizing to the jews for enslavement.

you are fake egyptians
American descendants of west african slaves are the REAL heirs to the ancient kangs of Kemet

What ever they are

They aren't sub saharan

Tut didn't have any heirs that we know of. There were the remains of two female fetuses buried with him though. God could Daily Mail be any more garbage.

Sure, I'll take a crack at it.
I should put my money where my mouth is, shouldn't I?

You consider these people white and distinct from the rest of the people in the portraits?

I do

The bottom left literally looks like Cenk Uygur in drag.

They were Finnic. European explorers defaced ancient Egyptian murals to hide the fact, but some authentic pictures still remain

Well shit

They are not white.
They are not black.
They ard Egyptian.

They're Egyptian. How hard is this to understand. They're not white, they're not black, they're Egyptian.

Saw some international study conducted showing that Egyptians had 3x as much testosterone than the average male. The sample group was only 90 men though in contrast to 5,000 + for all other countries.

So I don't know what that's supposed to say: Egyptians are masterrace or that Egyptians are gay weaklings who cherrypick their samples for compensation.

No...they're Africans.

Arab rape babies.

Because people in Egypt were brought to this country as slaves. Stay off the meth.

Song of Solomon 1:5,6

100 African Cities Destroyed By Europeans: WHY there are seldom historical buildings and monuments in sub-Saharian Africa

>implying it weren't European archeologists who first discovered and preserved foreign heritage sites


Pink people have no history. Get over it.