Stop shitposting
Stop masturbating.
Can't stop won't stop
Shitposting obstructs constructive debate on society.
By sliding genuine threads or derailing said threads.
Stop posting the old varg.
Are you denying my cultural rights?
What there a thread you preferred? Is this not a shitposting slide thread?
When Vargposting is just right
Lets find out!
Big mistake...
I don't think so Saracen
*Unzips dick*
*stabs you 17 times with a pocket knife*
*While bleeding places the dick in your ass*
Make me
Sluta vara dansk.
Can't stump
Sluta vara muslim.
Shitposting is all I know, sweetie.
irony the post
I always post this joke and nobody gets it :^(
Digits and I leave Sup Forums behind forever