G-guys... When we memed about this a few years ago, I thought we were just joking...

G-guys... When we memed about this a few years ago, I thought we were just joking. I didn't think it would actually come to this.

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Pregnent woman choose male pronouns, more news at 11...

user, catch up, the Jew has been at this for quite a while.

If Kek Wills It

how is this possible?


i block it

>Pregnant man
>Getting death threats
Damn these cunts are getting pissed since they are gonna lose their monopoly on reproduction due to male pregnancy and Artifical wombs.

Hi, I'm Hayden Cross. I used to be a woman, but now I've decided to be a male. Transitioning to being a male is really tough, though. I had to take a break and have a baby, I mean who wouldn't? Now people want me to die, can't they see it's just really hard when everyone stops placing me at the center of the universe? (I crave attention) It's like I can't even be a man any more. It feels like we aren't even living in 2017. I mean I literally feel like I'm being pursued by Nazis.