Wasn't it white middle class women who saved the U.S from Clinton? (54% of white middle class women voted for trump)

Wasn't it white middle class women who saved the U.S from Clinton? (54% of white middle class women voted for trump).

We need to apologize.

Only 54%? That's absolutely shameful, the fucking coalburners

Thank white girl

White women did something right


don't thank them too much they still prefer black cock and will divorce your ass the minute something else comes along.

Fine.....Thank you

Nobody prefers black cock. It's diseased and attached to negroes. Quit your larping Shlomo.

This should've been quads

>I'm an autistic kiss less virgin and I only know things about women I read on websites frequented by other autistic kiss less virgins like myself

I think the ones you should be apologising to are the Hillshills Drumpfsters, they truly make America great.

You know, if white women fucking blacks was something very common and accepted, these stories wouldn't be so big and discussed on the Internet so much. It's like with women that cheat on their boyfriends, get pregnant, and make the boyfriends pay alimony. These cases are very very few, but they are so outrageous and loudly discussed, that if you read several stories about it, you'll think that most women are like that.

>Nobody prefers black cock. It's diseased

>live in NYC or SF
>wash floors for $10/hr
>your GDP per Capita is $80K
>vote Hillary because you're so progressive


yeah and about 25% didn't bother voting at all
it's an excellent statistic given their natural bias toward supporting things with a vagina

>only 54%

There are still a lot of traitors in their ranks.

>white family women (married with kids)
>guess how many of them will be left in 2020?
>in 2024?

Apologize for what? I'll say thanks, but you're being a groveling fucking leaf right now and it's really starting to piss me off.

Oh, there is no mystery.
That was because of success of #draftourdaughters campaign. We did it with latinos just the same way by using #spiritcooking

Actually I live in California and I saw a ton of roasties Friday night. I don't even know where all these black guys are coming from. They paid to move them here from Oakland or something. Disgusting.

All of them. Vaginas tend to live much longer, but you germancuck will surely die on Ahmeds dick next summer.




Where are all the Oakland nigs heading to?

>Hillshills Drumpfsters

Do you clowns just make up your own language in place of rational arguments?

Seriously, kid, what the fuck is wrong with you?