Is this really what it come down too? How can we even survive in our own schools Sup Forums?

Is this really what it come down too? How can we even survive in our own schools Sup Forums?

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they have to go back, all of them

Did she explode?

>take girls silly hat cause you want to interact but are male and do it best physically
>get attacked

Animals. We used to do this shit all the time with girls and it was just good fun.

Times are a changing

I agree, it's getting real embarrassing being a white guy when you're literally getting your ass kicked by girls.

he was gud boi, he dindu nuffin

just having a laff thats all.

By knocking off her hajib he got the last laugh, though. Because once the male members of her family see that they will probably beat her for being immodest in public.


lol I don't think people just just attack others, but honestly don't fuck with people if you don't wanna get hit? He was asking for it

White guys are always portrayed as the bad guys. If they beat some ass they are violent. If they do this they are intolerant and pussies.

The Jews won.