So it seems like Mike Enoch is stepping down from the Death Panel. Seventh Son will continue the show and most likely look for a replacement. Fash the Nation is over for the foreseeable future as well. Are you happy, Sup Forums?
So it seems like Mike Enoch is stepping down from the Death Panel...
Other urls found in this thread:
I never believed the whole "controlled opposition" thing before, but in this it actually seems fairly likely.
How retarded can you be to join a movement that requires you to falsify your identity to be accepted?
Common Filth did nothing wrong.
>celebrating the doxxing of wns that are actually fucking trying to do something
Sup Forums is dead
It's more 8/pol/ than us, to be fair.
It just goes to show the dangerous derealisation that happens in virtual space. I honestly believe that this guy had compartmentalised his life so thoroughly that he never felt any conflict between his philosemitic cuckboy real-life alter ego and the secret, "real" him that he only showed on the internet in his pornopolitical ideations.
This is why he responded so poorly to his outing. He was in shock. He never expected these worlds to collide. A facebook tart might live in a world of simulacra, but at least she knows that there is some causal overlap between virtuality and reality. She might get hit if she talks sufficient shit. No such self-awareness for this Wizard of Oz.
Let it be a warning for all of us. Keep it local, and keep it anonymous, but beware that shadowland in the middle called pseudonymity.
PS: you just have to look at his face to know that he's not fully inhabiting the real world. A grounded person does not let themself look so fat, nor will they affect so flatly.
A lot of writers are like this, maybe most of the good ones. They've derealised to better access the world of ideas. Sure it works sometimes, but for most people most of the time it's a pathology. It's certainly proved to be for this guy.
Beware the white man disease.
He's still a spic.
I've heard from people who met him that he's lost a lot of weight since those pictures were taken.
Thank goodness. Now I can go back to posting with my white homosexual jewish friends.
Does the right wing not have Opsec?
It's all that baby anarchists talk about in large groups. Literally, there are workshops about this sort of thing.
> Underground and above ground should not mix
> Ops once they are completed should not be spoken or bragged about. No broadcast should insinuate knowledge of actions (ops) or take credit for ops.
> all organizations should be held in clean, not involved LLCs, trusts or 503s that have a fire wall between owners and operators or better yet pay for in cash or other user currency
It like the alt right was never radicals in their teens and twenties
Beware Andrew Anglin
He is a fraud and his talented grifter-lite father writes all of his most professional work.
^^Start @ 37:27 of this mp3
>Beware the white man disease
-mud/nigger cutting your throat
-lash at people trying to help
Is this the problem of whiteness (((they))) talk about?
This is good because now we will not have any popular things again.
Does anyone have the link to her youtube channel
Sven says what's on it is indefensible
Whats the problem its way more fun to fuck people you dont respect.
Of the wife?
> lets do this goyim , we've been hit hard.
This desu. Have trouble sexing my girlfriend cause I respect her too much
No, the white man disease is retreating into a world of ideology without any real attempt to make it manifest IRL
That's basically what they were doing, they just fucked up with some retarded shit.
It's stupid. This whole politic is stupid. Secretly acting like a parody of everyone's opinion of your radical ideology privately, and then publicly being such a coward that, not only are you a cucked version of your beliefs, but you're actually living as the complete opposite of your beliefs. The net effect is you jerk off into your echo chamber, while the mainstream society has no fucking idea and is actually swayed by your public life to think that your "cover" persona is your real one (whether or not they're right is anyone's guess).
Spencer just tweeted that he admires Enoch & Enoch will be a part of the future of the alt right.
I don't think it's likely at all.
What has TRS done that's in the interest of jews?
They are outright attacking them and created a popular website for right wing podcasts.
Mike needs to divorce her and go full 14/88
What was wrong with his wife? Is she not white?
Enoch needs to explain himself tbqh
How the fuck can you with a straight favr shitpost about Jews and degenerate for 3 hours every week while you have a wife that is both. Is there any actual evidence that this degenerate is in fact his wife? If so every fucking policy stereotype about Jewish infiltration is real.
It's not that she's a quarter jewish, it's that she's a fucking hyper-feminist diversity officer and Enoch himself is a fat sack of shit.
Has Sven weighed in on all this?
Yeah, this is the moment when I realise that this whole thing is as meaningless as the beat era. What comes from these ideas next decade will be, like the neutered hippie movement, the ones that suit the establishment: essentially Lee Kuan Yew-style economically liberal authoritarianism, and Zionism.
>What has TRS done that's in the interest of jews?
Nothing. But some would make us believe it was all about getting those 60$/week from donations.
No, she's jewish, works for diversity office, wears drag and has connections to (((b'nai b'rith youth)))
You mean the dude who thinks fags fucking each other is a bigger deal than white genocide?
Get the fuck out of here shill.
That is white genocide you dumbass. Guess which racial group is most tolerant of homosexuals? Whites. They even promote it. Fuck off back to your LARP forum, TRSodomite
Homosexuality is also banned in Muslim countries, and heavily frowned upon in sub-saharan Africa. they seem to be doing fantastic
Where did you hear that? And does this lady have a YouTube channel?
>Beware Andrew Anglin
>He is a fraud and his talented grifter-lite father writes all of his most professional work.
>^^Start @ 37:27 of this mp3
WTF where did this come from?
I'm not a shill, you're just an idiot. Anonymous shitposting has had a real effect on things: LARPy podcasts and backslapping special snowflake events have not. Apart from anonymous shitposting, people should focus on moving to demographically sustainable places and having many children. Everything else is a fashion statement and waste of time.
Is this a legit download and not a virus?
Oh please, the percentage is astronomically low. And other races are more prone to homosexual behavior. It is an issue, but it is not even close to being at the front. If you haven't noticed, white countries are not even going to be white anymore.
On 8pol and it's confirmed.
Mike is a good guy, though.
He has been married to her for over(?) 10 years now and did so back when he wasn't red pilled.
Are we supposed to know or care who he is?
You mean Jews right?
That's my understanding. But considering her work and her being Jewish, I just think there are too many coincidences
It's an mp3 and it's definitely Anglin and he is talking mad shit to two guys who sound very WN sympathetic although they sound a bit unwhite. Holy fuck he's a fucking fraud.
>British flag guy who tells people its bad for anyone to have the balls to speak about this off of an user meme posting forum
Antifa isn't convincing. How did this work on 8pol?
The problem is that attention seeking ambition is required to get out any message.
The type of person that is like that is a horrible messenger and no leader.
I disagree obviously the Beat era was a vague sense of "something" is wrong and this thing we are whitnessing is so much more fundermental. I predict the world in ten or twenty years will be so different you will have difficulties to wrap your mind around it. Even the autoritarianism won't safely hold together multiracial societys this is proofen. With the hard ecconomic deregulation the hole african continent will completly collapse and the foreign populations in Europe and the US would go instantly crazy, if they aren't provided with the ressources. The Zionism thing; they are already pushing as counter "islam" will backfire and combined with clash between liberal and right wing jews lead to the end of israel and spread them again all over the place.
His name was fucking Enoch.
It's old school kike name, how did nobody put this together?
DOWNLOAD THIS SHIT! It is much more of an outrage than any TRS drama.
>Beware Andrew Anglin
>He is a fraud and his talented grifter-lite father writes all of his most professional work.
>^^Start @ 37:27 of this mp3
> Secretly acting like a parody of everyone's opinion of your radical ideology privately, and then publicly being such a coward that, not only are you a cucked version of your beliefs, but you're actually living as the complete opposite of your beliefs.
We say, I say, (You) say on an anonymous board. I agree.
> he net effect is you jerk off into your echo chamber, while the mainstream society has no fucking idea and is actually swayed by your public life to think that your "cover" persona is your real one
The anarchos always had kiddie pools or thought and actions meant to subtly break the inhibitions toward property destruction, monogamy and alike. Speakers, parties, camp fires and etc.
If the WNM dropped all the GTK and RWN stuff in pubic... you know what I don't know what to say. The Leftists and Anarchos, commies and degeneratives can say almost anything and it absorbed as normal.....
I am literally saddened by this development...
Download this strange file goy.
So Jews doxxed a Jew for talking about Jews?
Where does Sup Forums fit into this kikery?
I'm not seeing it.
He has to choose
the kikesse or the white race
He doesn't look like a Jew he looks like a degenerate drunk bloated slob.
and then fuck off. If you still don't get it, you have a terminal case of white man's disease
How to I post it here?
his wife knew about his podcasts and was in some of them so obviously there was something going on behind the scenes if she didn't care
>marrying jews becomes acceptable so long as the Jewish angle is suppressed, and the Jew openly rejects her cultural past
>white nationalism gains a harem culture to its element, with every white male having white alpha mothers and several mud race omegas below
>go at sexual war with a balkanized America, rounding up the women, enslaving the docile and beautiful, and the rest are turned into product for sexbots, carved up minds for plastic wives of the babies with artificial wombs that birth white children
>all social norms boil away in the goal of 'more white babies and mud servants for them all, by any means necessary'
>society is reborn with an upper dominant class of white blooded males, their acolyte female broodmothers, and the lower beige mud beasts, altered to the whim of white masters into whatever sexual kink we desire
>the lower is a release, an eternal servant, while the curiousity of whites, unshackled by a need to serve the lessers, ascends to the stars as Gods
It was never our destiny to become whites alone.
Christianity was forced upon us, and we overtook it and made it work for us.
Now the Jewish Globalist Degenerate Paradigm is upon us, and we shall make it OUR paradigm. We will overtake the plans they made and be the masters, not the Jews. We shall overtake their halls and build a patriarchal toybox kingdom of sexual bliss and social advancement. We can be BETTER than the Jews, we can do what the Jews do BETTER.
Upload it on Vocaroo and then post the link here.
I think what you wrote made sense, the lives and the ideology must be brought more in line in all of us. We got a shitty Start by the system, but we have the knowledge and obligaten to get it back on track. The world is rapidly spiraling out of control at the macro level, if we want to be the new Order we will have to be a Bastion of of Order within the chaos.
All I heard him say is that jews dont fall for their own tricks because they're smarter than us
The other two sound like niggers and talk about metaphysical nonsense and jewish consciousness
Okay I'll try you can see file at bottom of this pic.
You can upload files to your Sup Forums account after you get 4,000 Sup Forums karma (it should display your karma next to your posts, doesn't work on some versions of Web browsers though, make sure to have the latest update of Chrome).
>inb4 Anglin shills try to convince you that you can't upload files to Sup Forums
8/pol/ was the Jew who doxxed the Jew
The irony whe n everyone calls him a jew shill closet fag when their own movement is full of racemixers and perverts even in the highest levels
stick together fellow goyim. we will win in the end
So you are saying it has nothing to do with Sup Forums and should be deleted?
He says whites are evil and should be bred out and that he is only attracted to black girls and a bunch of other radical counter-verbalising while he is being called for it by the other two participants who indicate strongly that WN is okay and logical. Fuck you.
Sure is depressing I won't argue with that. Funny thing is I was starting to believe that this idea of a vanguard might have something to it.
Hell of a vanguard though, I think I'll stick to my mildly racist IRL friendship circle
>Mike Enoch is stepping down from the Death Panel
also it was infinity-cucks not us
Your post is full of crazy bullhshit, but this is something I've always wondered. What if we just became the Jews?
>He says whites are evil and should be bred out and that he is only attracted to black girls and a bunch of other radical counter-verbalising while he is being called for it by the other two participants who indicate strongly that WN is okay and logical. Fuck you.
What a load of garbage. Identity politics were a mistake.
you can also just buy Sup Forums karma using your reddit gold or by swiping your NEET Card
He has dated multiple asian girls, sure he wasn't trolling?
Pretty much, just e-celeb drama, doesn't involve anyone to valuable, and anyone who hides themself shouldn't be leading WN
what we should take away from this don't centralise get some local like minded people, Support others direct and indirect, but advoid central control. The concept of "let a thousand flowers blossom" is, what we should go for.
what's the gif?
Identity politics should relate to the nation and its soil....Anglin is LARPing for shekels. There is no way he writes the content on DS listening to his hysterical gibbering.
It's not a troll and the file size is 33mb too large for Vocaroo. He's a fucking fraud 100X Enoch who probably got red-pilled 7 years into a marriage of booze lifestyle convenience.
Some nip shilling hard against anglin, I miss when Sup Forums was United
No. I enjoy their content and agree with the ideas and the what they present them.
It's a shame about Mike's wife.
I'm on board the the argument that he got with her before he was redpilled on the JQ, and when you're down that road, what can you really do at that point.
The 1/4 Jew thing isn't an issue as much as the diversity officer and tranny caberet is.
I think Mike is sincere in his beliefs, but had found himself in a contradictory person situation when he came to realise them.
I enjoy TDS and FTN though, and I hope they continue.
>Has Sven weighed in on all this?
He's the owner of the site now and is looking for a way to continue the daily shoah without Mike.
so cut is to the relevant part using audacity
the download link is dead now
>1 post by this ID drops file into thread
>one user acts very surprised by it
>claims it has inflammatory and scandalous material
>reposts it and tells everyone to download, repeating the same terminology as the original dropper
Nice try
Good point!
I think some of us liked listening to their podcasts. They were 1/2 a digest of Sup Forums, which was fun. It was like getting to discuss Sup Forums IRL.
I am so white I am faintly blue. Fuck off.
Is Mike legit quitting? WIthout him, Bulbasaur and Jazzhands they might as well shut down.
Reducing file size now whinging cunt.
Fuck off nip, you don't deserve honorary aryan status
yes and fash the nation is over too
>ash the nation is over
I wonder that people are suprised by Mike Enoch, few people in New York City will have a "clean" recorde. Growing up and permantly living there means you will be part of this monster.
Yes I know. Is Lawrence the only person left on the website who can effort post?
My grand-pere was in the 33rd Waffen SS div. Charlemagne. His SS accoutrement is insured for 800K Euro.
>His SS accoutrement is insured for 800K Euro
what did he mean by this?
You're a quality shitposter nip, but why are you shilling so hard against anglin
it's a study on group strategies. ethnocentrism beats humanitarianism in the long run. i'd argue the west adopted humanitarianism in the 1950s-60s and needs to rediscover ethnocentrism
I attended private schooling in a metropolitan of NY not far from where Enoch grew up. I fucked dozens of Jews but only in the ass or face and they knew what I was all about. I think the truth is he is a drunk and got married because why not? reasons.