So Zoe Quinn of gamergate is transitioning into a dude

So Zoe Quinn of gamergate is transitioning into a dude

Other urls found in this thread:ë_Quinn

literally who

Is that a Chink? The eyes

Kek if she gets a cock and becomes a raging antifeminist.

If only she spent more time building actual skills her products wouldn't suck

People with mental issues are acting on it. More news at 11.

>hot feminist turning into a hot butch Tom boy
This is my fetish

literally who

lurk more newfags.

Funny, every time I see her now I want a burger

That's a very specific and degenerate fetish.

/r/ nude pics of Zoe from suicide girls.

Fucking bitch get out of my gender


Maybe she can finally grow some,balls

Sadly not much porn of it

Does this mean there are 6 guys now?

>this just in, attention whore low on attention does something to get more attention (and probably shekels)

as long as she doesn't have any kids she can do whatever the fuck her delusional brain wants


oh shit someone post that alien thing that came up with this

Suits her better. She never really looked like a woman anyway

Why would anyone care enough to investigate this unknown, insignificant person. We have better places to lurk.

>tfw you finally can get assfucked by Zoe Quinn's feminine penis while she tells you that for once the privilege is all hers
What a time to be alive lads

Gaze ye not into the abyss lest the abyss turn its gaze upon you

>>hot feminist

just when I thought I couldn't hate this bitch anymore. seriously these people are so fucked in the head and self-righteous. I don't even know what I'm on the same fucking planet as them.

In fairness, she was a focus for such a short time.

>newfags calling oldfags newfags

Welcome to the patriarchy, you stupid cunt bitch

>the entire wiki entry on her has her pronouns as "they/their".

holy shit i thought that was just a meme. people really use they/their as pronouns?

>zoe quinn
I wouldn't worry about the fetish, but you need an optician son.

because that ugly slut was at core of a fuckton of cancer that affects this site and added like 5x more traffic to the boards you fucking newfag

the world gets stranger every fucking day Jesus Christ

Is this red-pilled? This seems red-pilled.

You've got to go back

She doesn't matter, but Gamergate was a very significant event because it began to expose the bias and social engineering in Journalism that is now common knowledge in the age of Trump.

fucking brilliant
so now someone could beat the fuck out of her and not be arrested for hitting a girl
HA! do it faggot!

If you can't fight patriarchy, join it.

Skimming through it it seems she wants to become an amorphous blob of nothing more than a dude.

Jesus fucking Christ. You couldn't make it up.

Wow, i bet S(he) buttfucked all those nu-male journalists good with a strap-on, that's why they were defending xir so much.

So now she is enforcing toxic masculinity?

>being this desperate for attention

They do, and every last "person" who does belongs in an oven.

Sounds like she's starved for attention.


Wanna know how I know you're from reddit?

What are five guys doing about this?

>histrionic cat lady craves more attention
I'm sure this has never happened before.

I'd let her peg me with a strap on tho

a fucking white male

I think you mean "he's starved for attention". Do not assume his pronouns.

That's actually good news... means she/he's going commit suicide soon, most of these degenerates do after a while.

So she can't hack it on easy mode and thinks going hard mode will be easier. Mental illness, not even once.

1 pull-up? 12 minute mile?


She got some mansplaining to do.

At least maybe she... er it will find out the truth about "male privilege".

Remember when Milo got a book deal and she started crying and making it all about her because Sony passed on optioning her story for a movie?

That was one of Zoe's weirdest attempts to get attention, and mere weeks later she's topped it.

This is the most manipulative and phony thing I've ever read. The fact that she just brings up the deaths of David Bowie and Prince for no reason. The "poor" me act, then constantly reminding her readers how so many women look up to her.

I don't know how people can say that she didn't fuck her way into relevance when so many articles exist calling her an "inspiration", "visionary", and "influential game developer" when she's actually accomplished nothing in her life.

One of three winners in GamerGate

I hate using the word literal...

She is a literal attention whore.

Fuck yes but gg was such a shitstorm, bans were handed out on forums for mentioning her name, so she became 'literally who'

who cares.

So that's 2/3 of the ""feminists"" crowd now being transexual.

Just leaves Anita

>I sexually identify not as a male or woman but as myself


>only gets attention from women now
>decides to become a man so she can be with them easier

Makes sense I guess.

You guys never wanted to give a feminist a good choke fuck?

>I'd let her peg me with a strap on tho

We know, Germany.


I hope she takes hormones and they fuck her up

Ok, I'll just assume you are very, very young. Fucking noobs.

>Says we need more women in gaming
>Becomes a man in gaming

lol k

>look at me

So, Five Guys is adding a hotdog to the menu?

This is part of the revelations by truth bomb user. This is an important piece. Remember weapon used wombs. Pol, you might not be familiar with gamergate, and who Zoe Quinn is, but start researching before you dismiss this. I implore you. This will ultimately key/fit a crossing point to a number of formerly separate points of discussion for the board.

If this is true, do not dismiss.

Also. Was banned for a bit. New RP coming very soon. Really good stuff.

gotta keep those patreonbux flowing

POS (not post thanks) autocorrect bullshit. Weaponized wombs.


She finally figured out how inferior her gender is.

>I can legally smash her fucking face in soon

why are cat ladies so attention hungry? I know one girl at my work who is a cat lady and is fucking nuts, plus loves attention. she always needs to be the center of attention it's fucking annoying.

There were getting to be too many women in gaming. She was going to be out of work.


So we will have a transgender MAN running for congress?!

Finally! America Y E S

i could only stomach half of that diatribe

what the fuck is wrong with these degenerates

For you

GG became so big thanks to it getting banned here. Normies get curious about something that's banned even on Sup Forums.

Yup, can't wait til "it" catches on.

Not saying a wouldn't give zoe one up the brown eye, watching her wince, then make her waddle to the kitchen leaving a trail of jizz and shit to get me a sammich. Then when she gets back make her blow me on her knees while I play mass effect and sing the horst wessel song.

So I guess she wasn't "harassed for being a woman" then, since she was always a man, right?

Someone should tell the UN.

Assaulting a tranny is a hate crime.

Different person. The person running for Congress has been tranny for years.



normally war would have culled them

Kek her lies are why Trump is president.

I can see that causing someone to become mentally ill with gender dysmorphia.

She's already had all the dick so she's changing teams.

Thats inevitable

Inviting rape allegations on yourself Is never sexy but I know what you mean.

It's a fucking joke retard. Quinn was referred to as Literally Who during GamerGate. It was a nickname used for her.

Isn't she getting a bit old to be playing pretend

Oh my god she's pulling a Chris-Chan

>how so many women look up to her.
Well there's going to be more looking up at her now, when she's rearing over them plunging her tool of the patriarchy into their poor oppressed meat flowers
