So are men shaving their armpits redpilled or degenerate Sup Forums?
So are men shaving their armpits redpilled or degenerate Sup Forums?
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How is having hygienic measurements degenerate?
>checks flag
Ofcourse, pajeet
>your own body provides you with hair for a reason
>hurr durr it's bad
do you know how fucking stupid you are? you're literally arguing against evolution
PIDF please go.
Shaving your armpits is degenerate, and a vicious cycle that cannot be ended once it starts. The hair serves a purpose
redpill me on hairy nipples
I trim mine down. Makes deodorant more effective and severely reduces sweating.
Women should get everything waxed. Men should leave all hair.
no wonder your sluts prefere niggers, as long as they shave their armpits.
>How is having hygienic measurements degenerate?
Not everyday ofc. II'm to lazy and see no point in 'trimming' just shave it clean once every 2-3 weeks or whatever.
No wonder you allow jews to cut your dicks, I see people say they showee once every two (!!!) days. Fucking pigs.
Which is?
Holding sweat odor to attract the opposite sex.
Shaving armpits is a must do
>less smell when sweating
>easier to apply deodorant
>looks better
To smell like a pile of dog shit.
It's an anti-malerape measure.
hairy pits smell better
cushion (mostly armpit) and body odor dispersion (mostly pubes)
>leave ass hair
Fuck you, I would need a japanese toilet to clean off all the shit from my ass hair.
Shaving armpits increases neoteny.
Neoteny is associated with higher intelligence among races.
QED shaving armpits is implicitly white.
The muddier a race the less it cares about hygiene.
Most hair serves two purposes, retaining sweat when it is hot to cool the body, and providing insulation when it is cold to keep the body warm. Of course if you don't wash yourself properly, places like your armpits can smell terrible due to bacteria build up.
>is X degenerate
>posts pic of degenerate
Really saturated the old synapses
When you people jump from trees you land on armpits or something?
>not shaving armpits
That's why indians fucking always smell like shit and sweat
I have homosexual feelings but I only shave my chest.
>a vicious cycle that cannot be ended once it starts
It's for homos and transvestites.
because you know how good it feels and looks and you dont want to go back.
Shave the armpits.If I don't, when I sweat they keep the ugly odor way longer.
Armpit: completely shaven
Legs:either not shaven or trimmed
Arms/forearms:left intact
Back hair:shaven completely
Ass:dont touch the ass hair or if you do use scissors.
Degenerate, it's a part of gay lifestyle.
>inb4 muh competitive bodybuilding, they're all gay too
Body hair is absolutely disgusting, remove it all except for leg hair :^)
This. Antiperspirant is topical. Hard to reach the skin through a thatch of thick hair. Made a huge difference in smell for me. Plus no more ruined shirts.
It is a downward spiral, my friend. Jews are trying to normalize shaving children. First they convince men to shave. Then they convince you to shave animals. Then... children.
As opposed to having a disgusting bush of sweaty pube-like hair poking out from underneath your t-shirt?
Anyone who shaves his armpits might aswell take the next step and start hormone therapy.
And your right arm?
>using antiperspirant instead of deodorant
Enjoy your osteoporosis/Alzheimer's
>Ass:dont touch the ass hair or if you do use scissors.
Wrong, ass hair should be removed, along with taint hair and scrotum hair. Pubes should be trimmed or shaved :^)
Inside your ass
I wouldnt advice this, unless you want to get itches from hell...
>Using toilet paper instead of rinsing off with soap and water in the shower after each shit
Don't you have something better suited for that?
I'm already on level 2.
Shit, how hairy is your butt? must be a jungle down there
My cheeks are pretty smooth, I just have some hairs on my hole that I usually shave while taking a shower. I've even tried Nair on it and it worked :^)
Your body provides you with wisdom teeth too you fuckwit
Many people's wisdom teeth grow in correctly, but there are those who's wisdom teeth grow into their back molars and you get them removed to eliminate pain.
Accepted areas for men to shave
For bodybuilders it's different, if you compete, get rid of it all.
Also, if you have back or shoulder hair, that goes off without saying.
does your mom knows you're a faggot?
Yea, im really hairy, my front is full of hair up untill shoulders, including them.
My ass hair is a jungle.
I'd say shave balls and trim pubes.Same for women, except the balls part.
>implying that the removal of wisdom teeth isn't a plot to keep people stupid
ITT: metrosexual faggots in denial soon to become traps
I do this except I don't trim my chest and or ass hair. There's simply no visibility there and going to get your ass waxed seems really gay.
Also don't have any back hair even though my dad does. Thank god for that.
>Back is hairy
>sack is a fucking jungle, never mind the rest of my pubes
>chest is bare
>beard has one awful patch that never ever grows
Fuck you genetics you god damn nigger
Once was enough for me. Never again. Also
>using the clippers you use on your head on your asshole
:3 degenerate
>My ass hair is a jungle.
there's nothing redpilled about shaving
nah, only you and me.
git test faggot
Removing body hair is a bluepilled waste of time and money
Im as straight as someone can be.Chest hair is disgusting, even more disgusting is the back/shoulder hair and even more disgusting is the armpit hair.
A study showed that no one likes hair in this parts, so good luck.
Anything that isn't shaving your face is degenerate. Shaving your body is one of the clearest signs of latent homosexuality.
how? Do I just go to a physician and say "I think I'm low test because my beard is shit"? I can't imagine that will get me anywhere
Shaving anything but your face is degenerate faggot bullshit.
It doesn't provide better hygiene nor does it make you smell better.
It's a trick to make you spend more money for useless bullshit.
Anyone who argues against that is a faggot and therefore wrong before the argument has even started.
Accepted by faggots maybe
You have more?
I absolutely agree
My mom shaves my back every week because I can't reach it.
It's degenerate. And don't act like the nu makes on pol doing it are like Jay Cutler and ripped. They are wimpy betas.
You never had hair on your body, kid, so its not like you know how it feels.
If I dont shave my armpit, I get VERY smelly after the first physical activity.After I bath, in 2-3hours the smells starts to appear.I sweat alot too.
severely fucking gay
>shaving off armpit hair
a fucking toothpaste
Probably it was. But now you have social pressure pushing men towards it. Currently people shave because everybody does it. Its no longer a good gauge of faggotness.
post proof you are hairy like animal
I never had to get my wisdom teeth removed