ITT: Shit white people say.
>all asians look the same!
ITT: Shit white people say.
>all asians look the same!
Other urls found in this thread:
>I have a job
>I have a dad
>I finisheed high school
Very funny, Sup Forums xD
>I accept your job offer
>hey mom and dad, I got into my target school!
>I love you son/daughter/wife/husband/mom/dad
i would have sex with her
>I don't want to have kids
Good enough b8 m8s?
The left one is Asian, her DNA test showed 2%.
And no we don't say this, unless you've never traveled, it's easy seeing the difference from the sub-human Asian and the superior Japanese.
I hope I don't upset my wife's boyfriend
I mean right one.
Ahmed, please, shh.
>I'm white
Get a Job buddy
But I have a Job
Well get a better one hahahahahaha
Oh shit triggered Mongolian
I hate niggers
>all races are equal
Because the other races sure don't think that.
Asians are soooo inferior they sometimes shit themselves.
The white Death over here is far superior to you Muhammed, your even worse then the leafs so be quiet
t. prague Tunnel Rat
I actually went out with a girl who was married. Lol
>penis size doesn't matter
"Thanks for the warning officer"
>all asians look the same
One has the slant eyes of angerand the other has sad eye slant. The rest are brown.
All races look the same unless it's an area where races intersect - causing halfbreeds to have distinctive differences due to fugged genetics.
Are you using the new VR pretending to be a Finn?
Those two don't look even similar
Shit white people say.
> Lets create science and invent everything ever worth inventing.
> Lets go to space.
> Lets build cities.
> What third world shithole should we conquer next.
I hope and dad are OK I haven't talk to them in seven years....
Let me just call the retirement home
That's it Jamal really stick it to my wife, yeah make her cum
Honey stop narrating and get back in the shed
Are you saying that all white women look like 9/10 blondes?
Thats not a bad thing you retarded nigger
I have walked on the moon
astrophysics is very interesting
>this is 9/10 in slovenia
I feel sad for the men of your country.
>I created everything of value ever. Here you go world! No no, no need to thank me! S-sure you can over run my countries and make me extinct. W-we are all the same... r-right?
>that book sure was an interesting read
These fucking niggers are everywhere now
6 tops
Plus ones a coal burner so burn it alive
Lyckligtvis är jag finlandssvensk masterrace.
>I don't see color
I'd fuck Lauren Southern till she was a slackjawed bimbo drunk on my dick juice.
That's how basic bitch look, they choose to look that way
Asians look alike always
you talking about colorblinds?
Äckel mix
thanks dad
if it weren't for globalization the third world would be even worse off
I couldn't agree more
>haha lauren is a 2/10 max :DDD ur country must have shit-tier girls XDXDXDXD
Imagine being pressed between their two soft warm bodies.
White women are magic.
also colonialism
congratulations on your graduation, son
Finlandsvenskar är 100% etniska rika, ofta adliga svenskar som åkte till Finland för att skapa civilisation åt mongolerna och kriga mot ryssen, dom är också 100% mer uncucked än den svenska jävla hen-befolkningen.
Stop helping Africa and accepting African refugees.
Deport all African Americans back to the mother land
i'm sure there'll be plenty of jobs for english majors in ten years
don't do that, you might get arrested
what's your badge number, pig? do you *know* who my dad is??
Pretty cheeky dump there swedebro
100% Ostrogothian ancestors that left Ostrogothia in the spring of 1780 to Finland.
But I understand your anger and frustration Abdullah, you'll never be nordic masterrace.
i saw that happen on Cops
it never ends well
That's what white people say XD
>I paid all my taxes, and on time!
I like how she's fully aware Mexico is rape central and that's what she decided to wear to interview random men on the streets.
She was probably hoping to get gangraped as soon the cameras went down, the slut.
Paying taxes is the ultimate cuckoldry. You literally watch your family getting fucked by the state.
Just about all women I've met want to be taken complete control of - tied up, fucked "against their will". They gush over the thought of it.
>That thigh gap
It's a phrase us whites like to use to show how much we don't care about the color of a person as in fact we do.
You won't hear this from any other race than whites.
Thank you racerealistic anglobro
Happy Father's day!
Crows can recognize faces of any race but blacks. They struggle to see the difference in a large portion of the nigger population. So.....
All white people look the same too
I dont know why when it comes to asians I'm all of a sudden expected to know their country of origin or else I'm raciat
Show me a random Yuropoor and I'll never be able to place their country, maybe their region
Right one is half spic.
sauce? I wanna troll someone
All asians do look the same and they know it. That's why Japan uses so many white actors in commercials and do stupid shit with their hair.
>all asians look same
>be me
>live in vancouver
>order chinese takeout
>come back to pick it up
>chinese people never know if i am new white guy or same white guy come back.
>every single time.
Tbqh, everyone looks the same.
I see white people all the time that renind me of others I've met in the past. Same with blacks and Asians.
Anyone else see this?