Okay Sup Forums I need a list of redpill movies

Okay Sup Forums I need a list of redpill movies.

Pic related Is Watchmen redpilled?

50 first dates



No Country For Old Men?


Dredd is a great movie but I don't get why it's a redpilled movie? If anything Dredd is pro authoritarian propaganda.

He is JIDF false flag

Watchmen is bluepilled as fuck.

>Assumes humanity will inevitably destory themselves with A-bombs.
>The literal Ubermench becomes detached and lazy and stops working toward the progress of our species.
>Film embraces moral relativism
>Kills off the one character with an inflexible sense of justice
>Villain is a rich faggot who somehow easily convinced everyone that he alone had the power to determine what was 'the greater good'.
>Dan is cucked as fuck.

Only redpilled characters are Rorsach, Sally Jupiter and the Comedian.

I liked the part where he raped the hottie

He *attempted* to *rape* her but she wasn't 100% unwilling: as evidenced by the fact that she fucked him and got pregnant by him later on.

OMG a woman might want a strong alpha male lunatic and not a cucked beta faggot? One of the few redpilled things in the movie.

Mr. Nobody.
If you didn't watch this movie, don't waste a second to do so.

Don't fucking arc up at me cunt

Nothing redpilled about it.

>Muh against Christian values so bluepilled
t. amerifat kike on a stick fanboi


Based, chose a partner for life spite her mental illness.

>pro authoritarian propaganda.
So redpilled

Gone Girl is the definition of a redpilled movie

Watched it with my girlfriend thinking I'd be in for some "men are horrible creatures" but i ended up leaving the theatre scared of her.

Basically shows how women are in general more vindictive and sadistic towards, that's all I'm going to say. No idea how the fuck it made it past the zionist overlords

Also Passion of the Christ is great.


There are no movies that are truly redpilled. Basically every movie has kike propaganda in it. You'd have to go to certain sci-fi or fantasy genres which are often void of political propaganda.

If you want a movie full of kike propaganda, look for the "new" indepedence day 2. For redpilled movie... I have no idea. Some old TV shows were very enjoyable like Babylon 5. Or if you like criminal subhuman scum getting killed, look at the Saw movies.




Who gives shit you retarded faggot. Coming here to ask if you should watch a movie is pure autism


Mel Gibson movies.

I watched Wolf Children yesterday. It's basically propaganda to get the Japanese to have children already but it does an EXCELLENT job of showing the struggles of motherhood.

Is it just me or is "redpilled" the gayest fucking term ever?

>edd is pro authoritarian propaganda.



Angry Birds



This. I watched it to see if the anti refugee commentary was nothing but memes but I was plesently suprised with how obvious they were with that message.

He needed to add a trigger warning for fedoras i guess

Triumph of the Will obviously

>future earth is overpopulated with criminal nogs and spics
>the few remaining white people build a giant space station and leave earth behind
>shitskin refugees are constantly trying to fly there illegally
>end up destroying it in the end and stealing their life preserving technology

Is this the most unintentionally redpilled movie?

Matrix of course.

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. The ultimate white middle class Christmas movie.

Yeh I watched it to see if that checked out as well.
Yeh I surprised to see the main character actually written well. Felt like an actual guy instead of some dumbass.

this movie triggered me so fucking bad. If people have created their ideal place of residense with hard-earned cash, then how on earth did those filthy pieces of shit think they had the right to just walze in call it their home?
How about cleaning up your own apartment first, maybe saving some money and making your world a better place instead of running away from your problems and taking your filth and shit with you?
What a shit movie it was.

> movies.

Chose only one.


Pretty sure it was the Elysium People who turned Earth into a shit hole

This I was very surprised by the message of the movie

Everything right down to the media manipulation

LOTR, (((They))) Live and The (((Thing)))

no-one told them to litter the streets and live like gangstas.
It is eventually the people themselves who shape the community into good or bad. Certain people just have the tendency to always go with the latter.

none of his comment mentioned christianity

>"Rome was founded as a republic you know"

Isn't your country known for the Spanish Inquisition?

Drive is the most important Hollywood film of recent years. It is quite simply the best proof that Hollywood is not completely devoid of artistic merit.

Oscar-Winner Nicolas Refn again teams up with Hossein Amini to create a visually stunning throwback to neo-noir America. But this is not a celebratory piece, exaggerating the romance of the old world, Refn here shows a gritty, bloody and hopeless landscape.

And to do this, he brings on Ryan Gosling in his subtlest performance yet. For his first film in 2 years, Gosling doesn't channel his loud energetic performance that left the imprint of Lars Lindstrom permanently on all of our minds from Lars and the Real Girl.

No, in fact he says very little at all. Gosling's showmanship is almost 100% a physical feat, battling Jewish gangsters and the fast lane. And he does it perfectly.

What this results in is a film that shies away from Hollywood's typical Oscar-bait movies. There is no grand political message here shoved down your throat. It's true that it's based on a true story, but that serves only as the inspiration; we're not talking about some biopic about the first man to give a five-minute window or whatever nonsense. What we get is a deeply intimate film about one man fighting to survive the harsh conditions of an era we've only briefly read about in the history books. We get a film that is more focused on showing us the beauty of this violence and this barren than trying to guilt the public.

In short, we get the first big-budget Hollywood film that exists for the sake of art in the longest time.

No Thank you Blue Pill,
No Thank you Red Pill,
Yes Thank you Gobstopper.

If thats being redpilled I think someone gave you a sugar-pill/placebo.

Yes this and eXistenZ

Falling Down

>Wag the dog
How to fake news: the movie.
Highly recommended

1. Don't watch movies.

2. Read books.

consume both?
book can be as shitty you know
