Should women be able to become police officers?
Should women be able to become police officers?
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No. Only tall broadshouldered right wing white males should be police officers
My sister was one for years and was one of their best officers. She held her own when she got attacked by a drug addict but retired when she got pregnant. Alot of female officers have no business being around tense situations but so do alot of male cops
Nope, they can't defend and manage their own kitchen.
No, they are as unfit to serve there as they are to serve in the military. They are a liability.
Yes, but not always in the same context as men.
Female officers, if trained to leverage their strengths instead of the typical male strengths, can be a very valuable asset. Should they be in a SWAT team? No. Nor should they be a beat cop in a bad neighborhood. But a female officer in a white area that mainly deals with petty crime and drunks can be a literal lifesaver. A typical drunk white guy might be more than willing to fight a male officer or two, but would instead feel shame when confronted by a female who knows how to properly instill it -- and even barring that, very few white men would even think to fight a female officer.
Not as a regular field cop, no.
Women shouldn't be allowed to become anything other than housewives, don't fall for the (((independence))) meme.
>Sup Forums talks shit about these woman officers
>They probably have 5 inches of height on them
She can police manlets just fine, the burly criminals can be handled by her man partner.
women are a invariably a distraction and should never be allowed to contaminate the male realm, if they don't like it tough shit, they're gonna complain about something anyways
>Should women be able to become police officers?
No. This is now a qt 3.14 cop thread
all i can think of is that scene of some british movie of a lone female police officer going after some gangbangers and one of them knocks her out and rapes her, so no
>the burly criminals can be handled by her man partner
How many? Is it worth it to weaken the unit for diversity points.
Why not?
I'm opposed to them serving in combat roles in military, but police duty is okay and they can do it as well as most men.
Anyone have that webm of a movie scene where a useless female cop gets effortlessly disarmed and raped by one dude while all his friends watch and laugh?
Killer eyes.
what is that misshapen dwarf skank, shit must be in kansas or something
>was one of their best officers
>retired when she got pregnant
I really doubt she was one of their best, especially if she got knocked up and retired because of it.
Once again Americans confuse movies for reality.
>held her own against a drug addict
>"Oh no! This 90 lb toothless guy is salivating all over my leg! Thank God he's too weak to stand or I'd really be in for it."
Officer Alvarado can give me a pat down anytime ,)
Only if they can sing Alto!
Sure. They're great when you need to de-escalate shit like calming down drunk fuckers, or talk to rape victims or undercover work or deal with female prisoners.
If you're trying to contain an angry fighting dude without shooting him, they're not the best choice.
And that's because female officers are at a muscle disadvantage against your average world star situation, situations become "lethal force in self defense" a lot faster and easier.
You see this reflected in policy, which is much more gender neutral. A lot less baton use, a lot more gun use.
Even fucking Arab nations have female police officers
Someone post that webm of the british cop approaching some pakis and getting put in her place then raped.
They can be, but you have to pick and choose certain ones for certain jobs. For example, there was that one nigga that escaped a holding cell in a courthouse because they put a tiny female security guard in charge of him. Then he walked in and killed the judge and managed to get away for a few days until he was finally caught.
For higher security, you have to use ones that are more physically capable. This applies to men too, I don't want Barney Fife guarding a 400 pound muscular nigger.
When Kansas is in the netherlands then you're right.
maybe they could get a hot girl to talk people down off ledges or something but other than that no
I'm all for it. Fuck the police.
it's easier to accept being shot, beaten and handcuffed if law enforcement representative is a hot chick with promiscuous gleam in her eyes
Usually when I see them I just can't really take it seriously, and I also feel a sense of "This doesn't strike me as natural". HOWEVER: I have seen an exception or two where I DID take them seriously. Those were some tough looking women in uniform, and they carried their authority with credibility. But that's a rare thing.
When I see a petite woman with a very prettu face, it's too hard. However, a pretty face with a tall and strong body can still work.
If it's petite and an unattractive face, it still wouldn't work.
Just my 2 cents my nigga's baka senpai.
You know what's going to happen when she goes to draw out of that shitty ass Safariland holster with that loose ass duty belt? Not shit, she's going to pull belt all the way up to those titties before she ever starts to clear holster. This woman would get flat out killed hard in an attack.
Only if they're all really cute, hard as nails, and kill niggers on sight. Maybe not cops, but I'd let a few in my right wing death squad if you know what I'm saying :^)
Those trips.
The tasers do nothing! kek
not front line no
No. Rapefugees don't have consideration and treat them like men and beat them up and even rape them.
It's a dangerous job.
My point is women are perfectly capable of being good cops
they should be dispatch and other non-front-line bullshit
there's maybe like 3-4 dykes that could maybe handle the job, but they're too rare to give the wide sweep of "allow all women"
You misunderstand, the fact that she got knocked up in the first place is a telling sign of a bad cop. If it wasn't on purpose it's even worse.
>women are perfectly capable of being good cops
Desk jockies and conflict de-escalators, yes, but not your average cop on the beat.
What the fuck happened there?
>Should women
Every Sup Forums post ever
Obsessed with women - sad!
According to some cops i know, no.
just like with the pirates, only few for showing and touching
quotas at work
as long as they can pass every single test, physical and mental, and meet every single requirement otherwise that a man has to pass and meet then absolutely.
They should have them around to dig contraband out of vaginas and to beat the shit out of Muslim women.
Pablo tried too grab her gun and got shot in the face several times
There's situations where female officers are useful to de-escalate situations. Male officers frisking women causes more trouble than its worth sometimes, especially amongst the Tusken population.
A lot of good points in this post. But as far as a regular cop, as a general rule of thumb, I would say no. They can as someone said , de-escalate situations a lot easier than a guy can. But, they generally aren't strong enough / big enough to take down a male suspect / inmate. Now, my sister is is a corrections officer in a prison. She is also 6'3 and in VERY good shape. She also is a jiu jitsu instructor as well as their hand to hand combat instructor at the prison. So with that being said, it should be required that women pass a set physical course exactly the same as their male counterparts for entrance to such a job, whether it be law enforcement or corrections. Not some kind of affirmative action hires.
Female cops are more likely to shoot you because of this.
Women officers are meme officers. It is a way to say "Look how tolerant and diverse we are! See!? We have women officers."
When it's time to take on the boys who get in fights all the time, it's time to bring in the big boys to handle it.
Imagine a bunch of female officers trying to wrangle a bunch of violent niggers. So much for equality then.
I think it's a stupid idea, like having females in the justice system. Females aren't strong enough to get a criminal down and they can't withstand peer preasure at all. The idea of having females in charge of an operatinon or a court room is even more stupid, since they lack leadership qualitys and aren't idealistic. I really love females, but giving them power is a stupid idea and a great contributant of the decline and decay of our civilisation.
Only if they get fucked afterwards if you know what I mean
Excatly the standards they are hold to are ridiculously low, even in senstive areas like politic, military and law. We've a Million of urgent Problems and yet we are creating new ones. Live isn't a game were every won gets a medal. If we continue to become more diverse (Brown) and put more females in charge of the military or even just in the civil ecconomy, other powers will come and rip us apart.
Many such cases!
The only Poleizi that matters!
That dude got fucking annihilated.
Which never happens because standards are set differently for women in the police and military.
>Muh muscle composition
doesn't mean shit when you expect a female to perform the exact same duty as a male.
Tell me this is porn, I'm totally ON!
They should have same fitness standards as men.
>What the fuck happened there?
A spic and police woman struggle for gun, a male officer steps in breaks up wrestling match and magdumps a glock on spics face.
Fuck no.
Once I was so stoned after a coffeshop-tour that I slept in the car. A natural beautiful dutch femal officer woke me up. I showed her respect and felt how she liked it. She wanted to know why I'm sleeping there. Told her some shit that I'd have trouble with my dutch girlfriend.
Good idea! She turned to a warm behaviour and ignored the netherwiet smell in the car. I couldn't believe it, but had a decent flirt. She asked me where I'd go tomorrow. Too bad that there was a second male officer. Without him, I guess she would invited me...
Love female officer now. Always show them respect. They need it and when they get it they are tame.
She puts her coworker in danger. Hoodlum will try to disarm her and then use her gun on him.
>rapist is white
>probably have 5 inches of height on them
So she's 6'6"?
Damn, user
she's an actress.
>she's armed with a cell phone
that sounds about right
kek waiting for this to be posted.
I would drag my dick though a mile of broken glass to hear her fart through a walky talkie.