Sup Forums's face when reality calls

>Sup Forums's face when reality calls

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>reddits face when reality calls

coppers 'avin a chat with woesy


MW is a meme machine, I like his channel but he's goofy in a charming way.

It's a journalist

Wow, great thread faggots

Wait lefties are going to his house? How bad is it going for MW?

Good job trs, and Richard spencer, you coons.

high res

soz m8

he has fled the country and no one has heard from him since, probably joined isis

>I like his channel but he's goofy in a charming way.
True. He's just so cute, and looked so out of place at that alt-right conference or whatever. he just seems non-threatening.

Lol, BTFO.
>MW outed as a gay loser NEET who lives in his dad's house
>Ghoul doxed by antifa, hands over info of other TRS members to antifa
>Enoch exposed for marrying a Jew
It's all falling apart. Guess Milo and Cernovich were right to ditch the alt-right, they knew which way the wind was blowing.

I'd invite you in.
Pour you some coffee.
Then we could talk about Jews.
No need to be angry little guy.

Hello fellow memers, praise "keck" as they say around here.

>reality calls
FBI don't give a fuck what you say. Now if you're actually planning to actually do something stupid and destructive, then you're fucked.

Nobody cares if you deny WWII propaganda or say leftists should all die here.


Unemployed NEETS are cool tho.

I thought MW was supposed to be as short as Saruck. MW is still a manlet but he looks about 5'10 here. No where close to the 5'4 that's been memed.

In fact in a few days the FBI will switch to investigating all the faggots that have been posting "Trump BTFO" posts on Sup Forums. What a time to be alive!

Those are the ones you have to look out for. I'd bet he would order 1 million executions like it was nothing. Puffing on his cigarette and downing some scotch..

why do liberals think it's OK to shame someone for being unemployed? Do they also think all blacks who are on welfare are lazy? Is it because they're gigantic hypocrites?

Fuck your stupid country. This guy was facing hard time in from what I hear are 100% Islamic run prisons over hosting discussions. Wasn't some kid just murdered in jail by the Muslims for defacing a mosque? Imagine what they would do to this guy.

Google says he fled to the US. So he should be safe, but he will have a hard time without good paperwork.

yeah it's shit here, people have gone to jail just for viewing certain "racist" websites, he's being taken care of though, he's got friends in the us.

God damn MW is a FAT CUNT

Is... Is that background image this?

I love MW's videos, but I always felt he was a poor representative of the alt-right/white nationalist movement. He's unemployed, overweight, and badly-dressed...he checks all the stereotypical boxes for a Sup Forumsack basement dweller. I know he never tried to set himself up as a figurehead like Spencer, but he was the one who started the sieg-heiling at the NPI conference. I hope he can get out of the UK safely and sort his life out.

link to his channel pls

When was this taken?

Holy shit dude, Woes has gained a lot of weight since his channel started in 2014, He looks really bad here.

Yeah, the Left only cares about the working class when they don't disagree with them.

Maybe all these doughy fat white trashionalists were actually projecting this whole time? Maybe the jews actually did nothing wrong??

The only thing your leafposting managed to do is make me hate antifas even more. Just how fascist can you get before we really start burning you with your worthless heads full of paint and metal?
here you go user

Because they have absolutely no consistency.

Their entire political alignment is based on putting class conflict over race, yet they fucking hate the poor and lower class as soon as "racists" are involved. They're always two seconds away from throwing all semblance of lower class solidarity out the window.

If they aren't accusing the alt right of being t basement dwelling NEETs (eg. Woes) then they're accusing them of being rich trust fund nazis (eg. Richard Spencer).

It's necessary to check those boxes though. Proves he is genuine. Never trust attractive fit people.


let's see what this bloke's about

Niggers are not subject to the same standards as humans. If humans started raping, murdering, assaulting and robbing in the same scale as niggers, just how mad do you think other people would be? Extremely.


> but he was the one who started the sieg-heiling at the NPI conference

lol no he wasn't

He didnt start the heiling, that was TRS' Mike Enoch. Woes is paranoid of being arrested for hate speech.

>but he was the one who started the sieg-heiling at the NPI conference

not true


What is it? Did he not pay his tv fee or is he in possession of a butter knife?

This, iberals hate the poor and unemployed.
They fucking love big finance and large corporations though and act as their unofficial jackboots.

Ghoul handed over dox? Wtf? Proof?

>MEDDAC crest in top right
So glad am retired.

yes you are speaking about the liberal ruling elite.

what americans call "liberals" is a mix of social-democrats, centrists, and a tiny margin of "leftists" even though there isn't much of them left since McCarthy. The mass of "liberals" have switched to Trump during this election.

grandmas face when reality calls

>the alt-right
You lost the election, the alt-right doesn't exist outside of the offices of clinton speech writers.


Article that is the source of the photo. Mentions Sup Forums and how we want to 'Charlie Hebdo' the doxxers.

There is no proof. It's likely done just to inject further distrust in to the situation.

the police say they are investigating the doxxing of antifa but not the doxxxing of woes. This is official repression, one of the boxes you tick when going for asylum interviews in the usa.

the absolute state of Britain. How bad do we look.

sounds like a bunch of fake news :^)

It's how they got Mike. Ghoul told them. Go through the threads and find the original post where this all came from.
>Cernovich knew the whole time

antifa said so, and why would they lie

What's being slid?
