34 and cant relate to people 10 years younger

I don't tinder, snap chat, instagram or tweet.
I didn't play Pokemon or yugioh
I have no idea what must of you kids talk about.

Why am I lumped in with millennials who where born 20 years after I was?

Most of come off dumb as shit as well.
>is this redpilled?
>what does he mean by this?

Are people actually this fucking dense?

I'm 31, you don't need to overthink it, they're just dumb memes

Shut up and drink your prune juice, gramps.

I'm 26 (just turned it this week) and I can't relate with people my own age. I look at Snapchat as just a fucking waste of space on your phone. Why not just send a picture to your friend over text?

why is the swoosh curved? I don't get it.

>Are people actually this fucking dense?
But in your own way, so are you. Understanding this is the first redpill.

Are y'all married or something? I'm early thirties and I enjoy snapchat etc.

its not that bad OP, anons these days don't know what its like asking asl on irc then meeting random cuties for fun times

everything is so prepackaged and standardized

I'm "dense" and uninformed on the fsggoty millennial culture yes.

Why do they listen to YouTube people for opinions and thoughts?
Why is some youtuber more valid to listen to then someone else.

I don't get that shit.
Your generation is gay as fucl and I hate being a part of it

Not posting my age because fuck you NSA, but I'm a millenial and I don't even have a smartphone. It's a waste of goddamn money and data plans are ultimate jewry. It's the new Electric Jew.

OP you're old enough that you shouldn't be concerned with the younger generations. You should be focusing on your marriage, career, and raising your children.

You... are married, have children, and are employed such that it's a career advancing position... right?

I'm 26 and I don't understand people of my own age.

Yes, I did play pokemon and yugioh though because those were childhood games back in the golden age of childhoodness.

Social media was a fucking mistake. Web 1.0 is better than the post 9/11 internet.

The internet generation was a mistake.

When girls actually used the internet.
Before faggots ruined it for the by spreading nudes and blackmailing them with their own techno ignorance.
Good job nerds.

Keep that dream alI've kid

You'll be in your 30s wondering why u don't have those things either.
You're not special or protected from the feminist filth that ruined dating/marriage/careers

The appeal is self-destructing images and stupid filters, I guess. I see it as a piece of garbage. Still has syncing issues on WiFi networks will it will constantly send data. The images can still be saved as well.

Nigga I'm 25 and I can't relate to people my age.

It sure was . Everything starts to suck hard 2007 and on

2007 is whennfacebook became the new thing to do

Not working for a capitalist jew is p redpilled, yes. If only revolutionary ideas were still in air like in 19th century...

I got rid of all social media years ago, it's a fucking cancer
Most of these losers can't even into real conversation anyway, so it's not like I'm missing anything

Yeah, I can't help but think how they took my internet from me. The facebook, myspace, blogging faggotry made me realize the internet was for faggots now. I was lucky to find Sup Forums around 2008 so I could refugee here with mind-like individuals from the rest of the web and peer pressure that became a thing so fucking fast.

something that might be useful when interacting with younguns

imagine yourself at that age, then apply a pressure cooker, with no before and after 9-11

and don't forget to listen

find the right scene

I don't interact with them. I'm mid-30s and "ancient" to retardsbwho had 20 versions of an iPhone in their first 16 years of life

They also expect me to be a married millionaire with a CEO job, bmw, hot wife and good kids.
Since I don't, I'm an creepy old loser and someone they hope not to become, but will.

>didn't play Yugioh
What does he mean by this?

is this poster redpilled?

But does he know how to activate the trap card?

because television and the newspapers are full of lies and easy to see through bullshit. but dumbass youtubers are uninformed. they get information through multiple sources which has the appearance of being better since it's more diverse and varied but the narrative lives on even a few steps removed

you gotta 'do what you're supposed to do' except these days instead of getting it through singular media gatekeepers they're getting it through the collective which is ignorantly uninformed and influenced by the gatekeepers rather than literally being directly informed by the media

thats why the olds look at millenials in brash confusion because they don't listen when they try to manipulate people directly through media but the narrative of the manipulation still gets through

im 12 years younger than you and i remember and interacted with the world pre-internet the entire 'millenial' moniker is invented by people who legitimately do not have the perspective to even understand the things that define 'millenials'

its the generation of getting their info from hot takes of the sparknotes of the wikipedia article rather than from television

People are sonfucked up these days, 20 year old girls call me a prdo for wanting 18-20 y.o pussy.

Good luck guys

>Most of come off dumb as shit as well.
>>is this redpilled?
>>what does he mean by this?
what did he mean by this

>34 and still waste time on Sup Forums

What went wrong in your life?

have you considered its because trying to chase teenagers in your thirties is fucking weird

im barely in my 20's and i can't. fucking. stand. teenagers. they still have the high school mindset

This is the biggest reason I gave up on them as a mid 30s myself.

They are still stuck in this fantasy of how their adult life will end up and view me like some cautionary tale.

The idea that there is happiness in life beyond being rich and fucking bitches is seen as completely alien.

I "settled" for the boring job and a normal wife and now will never be able to enjoy the wonders of life that they will once they graduate college make $200k a year right away and travel the world fucking women on every continent.

Watching them end up in debt working a job not involved with their degree and thusly ignored completely by hot women will make me laugh enough to almost forget that that so many people are falling for this shit that its going to get really bad.

Well I can't fault you there, but there's no way I could stand being around someone that age. 23-25 probably youngest willing to go at 33. Gives them 2 years to get the whole bar scene out of their system and a few years before they try to have a kid because their friends on Facebook brainwashed them into it. After that age range they just get fat.

the place got full of the autistic tards from other spastic sites and it's been shit ever since

snapchat is cool but due to being basically instagram chat its full of the vainest fuckers imaginable and most conversations are just one line of pointless smalltalk with an unrelated selfie

it also attracts the crazies like a bug zapper since it's basically free attention

*spends 15 minutes taking a selfie* "omg look how cute i look" *gets 10 responses of no consequence*

Heh, good luck if you think women below 25 are any different from teenagers.

I've got the career down, and I'm moving to a city where I'm going to try to find a based farmer's daughter who went to private religious schools her whole life and I'm going to try to wife one in the next three years. Wish me luck!

accept differences but focus on similarities, life is their performance and facebook their stage, the pressure for social conformity has bred this toxic brand of leftism, soon it will be cool to be the older white guy, like Trump

21 y/o here, just worked a seasonal position at UPS riding around with a 34 y/o driver delivering shit. OP, you're just shitty and anti-social. There's was next to no gap between us. Talk about the kind of media and content that's on here (just don't be weird you fucking autist).

>That feel when I realize that I was born in USSR, not Russia. Union that's not a thing anymore
Yeah I agree, I don't relate to these young people at all.

Allows you to send nudes and sexy messages covertly. Sure the other party can save it but if someone looks at your phone they can't see what you're saying to another person as Snapchat deletes it. It's really popular for that reason amount whores which is why it's popular with guys

its less about being rich and more about crass consumerism which kind of does relate to having money but it is an ever escalating cycle of depravity and self loathing

in college i was surrounded by idiots in new sports cars that were going to get crashed in the next 3 years, holding a $9 sandwiches from jimmy johns and complaining that they don't have enough money in their bank account to pay their phone bill

the 'broke college student' stereotype is still real except they aren't broke because they're spending their money on schooling, their dad is, they're broke because they're blowing all of their money on useless shit to improve their image

You think that just because you're mature enough to hold a conversation with a 34 year old that the rest of your generation are also. Most aren't.

Agreed completely

It really isnt about my lack of money because I do have plenty of money its because I actively live my life against consumerism.

My car is the same one Ive been driving for over a decade. My cell phone is some ancient offbrand phone (tho it is a smart phone... technically). I dont own a single piece of name brand clothing. And my favorite is that they dont seem to understand that they are 100k in debt from school and their net worth is significantly lower than mine. But I am still looked at like I'M the one who made bad life choices.

Its annoying listening to them complain about the evils of capitalism while they blow all their money on stupid bullshit and than have none left over for building their life. They act like they are the most enlightened generation ever, but legit they are the first one that are going to end up worse than the generation before them.

Their parents raised them right that because they lived their entire boomer lives in a rising tide. And their grandparents fucked everyone by letting the Jews take control of society and the government.

There's a collapse coming and it'll be beautiful.

Itll be cathartic but I would prefer my own family didnt end up being hurt by it and that seems unlikely.

I'm 10 years younger than you and I don't do any of that shit. Not even facebook.

Can't fucking stand people my age and younger. Even people up to about 35 years old can be complete fucking dullards, corrupted by the times we live in.

Really starting to think the world's gone far beyond redemption tbqh

Buy gold guns and ammo. Buy the dip in the stock market. Or hell just leave the country for a few years. A collapse is a fantastic business opportunity if you're not a fiat currency slave.

Same thing that will go wrong with yours.
This isn't a high school/freshman uni board.
Then internet wasn't invented for your generation either.
I've been online 22 years. The internet isn't yours and there is no age limit for using it.

Got a job interview on tues. What to do? what to bring? it's a panda express.they have bennies and shit

>girls 20-25 do nothing but whore around
> teenagers are now considered children
> why do you want an legal adult that hasn't whored around yet?

There's no winning.

So marry a sheltered 16-18 year old virgin. Problem solved and you'll have healthier babies.

I doubt youre cool or someone I'd even want to acknowledge in person.
Get over yourself faggot.

>I didn't play Pokemon or yugioh
This feels like a trap card

I feel you. 26 here, downloaded snapchat because of some bitch, took a screenshot of her nudes and she started freaking out.

Apparently the app alerts when someone screenshots the convo.

Felt like an old perv kek.

When I was 14 , kids my age were expected to find a part time and just doing things for themselves.
Pokemon and that stuff came out when I was that age.
I thought it was "stupid gay kid shit"
I was more concerned with tits .

Have plenty of guns and ammo. Dont have enough excess money to be able to exploit a collapse.
Cant really leave the country its happening everywhere.

Not really worried about making a few extra bills off bad shit happening. Would rather my kids had a realistic shot at a normal life.


>Hearing this from a fucking leaf

The irony

* find a part time job and start doing things for themselves

30s and under are mostly lazy losers with no work ethic and think using their smartphone during company is a rright.

Hate you lazy fucks. Ruined the hiring process cause you're lazy lairs who show up for a week them quit after doing nothing.
No one trains anymore.
No one hires on the spot
You need countless interviews, personality assessments.
Cause lazy retard millennials

We don't delineate a new generation every time an outlier snowflake objects to being generalized, snowflake. Otherwise there would be seven billion different generations like there are seven billion genders.

Seriously kid, you're probably a fucking twat and someone I'd punch out.
Your posts prove it.
No one HAS to lik you.
Ups driver probably hated it he fuck some jack off loser was working eith Jim and ruining his day
Get over yourself faggot

OP, Hamilton, Ontario here, 38 and know exactly how you feel. Culture has stagnated so, like blacks, they mutilate it in the hope of creating something fresh and new which is why they desperately try to create buzzwords and phrases but it looks and feels like lab rats going around in a circle.

Fucking smart phones! Fucking auto correct!

* the ups driver probably hated working with jack off like you and ruined this day having to make small talk with a 21 faggot who thinks he knows it all.

canada is a literal shit he where dreams and hopes die.
I won't get married
I won't have kids
I wint have a good job
Unless I can leave here.

Hopefully CDN gas some value when my gramps passes and I inherit some money.
That's all the hope I have.

Young people have always been incomprehensible to older people. Nothing to worry about and when they grow up they'll make more sense. Also congrats on being a 1982 model - that was really the best year for humans.

We are red pilled to fuck.
We had dumb boomer parents, but enough internet to learn shit on our own.

My parents are only 65. They retired early but many boomers haven't. I can't grt a high paying position with some lazy entitled boomer shitting up the office and never retiring.
Or when they do retire, their job title is retired with them.

Or the jon is given to an unqualified immigrant or woman
Or sent overseas.
Good luck kids. You'll make 6 figures in your mind

Hell, 3out of my 4 grandparent's are still alive.
They and my parents still treat me like I'm 17 despite being double that age.

They hate getting older and keep their own down to hold on to the good life and power as long as they can.

At 25 I had my welding tickets, two year older rosstie gf with no kids and life was good.
I'd never bend up 34 , alone and poor
Fuck that!
(((They)) have other plans for us