Why is Italy such a pile of shit?

Seriously, we are poor as fuck, we let mudslimes steal all our money by giving them food. We invest nothing in education and we have high as fuck taxes.

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Welcome to the club, at least we're not having our children bend their ass to Allah.

If you are poor is it easy to buy up land etc there if I have my big north american dollars?

I caught the bug pretty bad after watching my japanese cartoons

At least I'm in America, soon to be great again, meanwhile you guys are stuck in Europe, cold, alone, and cucked!

I wonder who's behind this post

Yes. South Italy is full of elderly germans who like the sea.No idea about north.

>buy up land etc
1) Nobody is going to sell their land since for some people it is the only source of revenue
2) This is not a 3rd world country where you can invest. The market here is full
3) What are you even going to do with it?



Top kek
You don't know what real poverty is
If you can't have 4 cars that does not mean you are poor


You idiots praise Garibaldi who was a freemason

Except you are.

one italian guy said the mafia controls your government and leeches money so maybe that's why idk

Both sides of my family are norman so I have a reconquest claim on southern italy

I'm going to have white children obviously, is what I'm going to do.

>we let mudslimes steal all our money by giving them food
lel what the fuck are you on about

The EU is shit

You're obviously a fucking moron. The unemployment rate here is huge and politicians are stealing our money.

>tfw 6 cars, 2 motorcycles and 1 RV
Still poor by Western European standards desu familia

>the congo of europe

I don't see any italian children there

All the beaners I know have four cars. Only juan works, but your point is moot.

I have 1 car and I consider myself rich.

Not your fault. Still waiting for you to go full SPQR.

in america ur poor if you make less than 250k per year

Without us you'd have, godfather, goodfellas, sopranos, bronx tale....

AKA the best entertainment in cinematic history.

You'd be glorifying the micks and blacks crime in a highly degenerate fashion

wouldn't* mamma mia

Also you're literally importing thousands of rapefugees into Europe every week with your (((rescue missions))) off the coast of Libya. I know others are helping you, but at the end of the day your coastguard are the ones allowing them onto European soil. You're fucked because you know the EU have you by the balls and you don't want to risk getting fined by rejecting the invaders. Most of you don't seem to give a shit that you're fucking over everyone else in Europe either. You're a pathetic country.

Italians are pretty rich.

Italy has no welfare. That's why muds all go up north.

Now your British and I understand that makes you very slow on the uptake, but what is the Italian Navy supposed to do? Disobey orders? If they actually turned away the boats then the French, German, American and yes your own British military would be on their ass in a New York minute to put down the rebellion.

Italians are mostly descended from Roman slaves, as when Rome fell free Romans who lived overwhelmingly in the cities died in great numbers. Roman slaves were an entire caste of people who inherited slave status for centuries, they were bred for certain features the same way as domesticated animals, take for example the Red Fox:
Due to that their thought process is myopic, as their farm was all they had to worry about they can't think in terms of the system and universals, but only in terms of the local and the clan, which is why Italy is notoriously regionalistic, can't function at the system level and mafia-like social structures thrive.
They feel more comfortable serving rather than ruling, which is why no strong multinational companies emerge in the country even though it has a lot of potential, companies that are not family owned(myopia) serving a niche are foreign owned like Gucci, Prada, etc. giving profits to other countries, imagine if all those Italian fashion brands, food brands, cruise lines, etc. worked together to be international powerhouses able to buy companies in other countries and bring hundreds of billions in profit to Italy, but ruling and leading is outside Italians' comfort zone.
The lack of self determination in the slave caste also led them to lose the capability to filter and process information in a purposeful manner, which is why they constantly blabber over nothing of any value.

Tfw ywn have an Italian girlfriend

Italy bitching about being poor.....baka.

Wew, this is some A++ sophistry

Maybe you shouldn't have gone to the south you hohol cunt

Isn't the north supremely cucked in comparison though?

The rapefugees who can't go to Germany or some other Nordcuck country for gibs stay mostly in the south last I heard, so it depends.

I know that Milan is bad atm. But the impression I get about Venice is that the Venetians hate everyone that isn't Venetian and that includes shitskins. Could be wrong though.

I've heard that Venice is a shithole from people who went to visit expecting something nice.

Venice is a tourist trap, shit tier city, but what he was talking about is true for the entire region, Veneto

Veneto and lombardy aren't that bad if you don't count Milano. Veneto is pretty nice as per what said, thoughe they're pretty friendly with foreigners, AS LONG AS THEY ASSIMILATE.
t. padovano

Yea, venice is overrated as fuck, but for some reason some people like it a lot.
At least it's not as bad as paris with its shitskin problem

Do shitskins even have money to live in a city like Venice? It's extremely expensive after all and Italy has no welfare for them to leech.

Is Milan really that bad? I'm gonna be there for a few days this summer

Plus I can only imagine the panic of a nigger confronted with those canals. Darkies don't swim so well.

I was just in Italy

Unfinished buildings everywhere, and no young people had jobs, as in jobs to make a little money on the side while they go to school. It didn't strike me as poor at all though and i only saw niggers and mudslimes when i was in the city center of a big city like Milan or Rome

they sell kebab, vegetables, and meat to other shitskins, who do shit tier jobs that our bourgeouis youngsters dont want to do anymore

imagine a nightmare: niggers and subhuman whites everywhere. now think that is actually paradise and you will be going to hell. thats how ready you should be

Classic booh hoo italian.
1) the south is poor, the rest of italy is doing relativily well
2)We don't need to invest in commie education, we just need more free kindergarden and day care to take our little bastards out of the way and let mommy and daddy free to live
3) Mudslime is because people vote M5S, pd and refuse to vote based Lega Nord which refuse to even build mosques and wants to deport half million nogs.
4) Taxes are high because we have a half socialist system, not just that but our lefty politicians are happy to give your money away too look sensible and evolved.
We have paid billions to palestinians(who in returned bombed us), we pay 4 billion every year to the european union, we pay billions to UN, 5 billion lost just in 2015 in order to keep the sanctions against russia.

Most of this problem have a common denominator: commies, and the people who refused to vote for a right wing party.

Summer is horrible in the big cities in the north, way too humid, other than that there aren't a lot of problems

The big problem is southern Italy...Huge cultural problem and lots of corruption.

They live in the satelite cities and in the inland fractions of venice(mestre, marghera and marcon)
Not really bad, it just shares the same problems of any big city. Afaik there aren't any no-go zones (yet)

Haha Its bad but you Euros haven't seen nothing yet. I've been through the bad parts of both Chicongo and L.A.

Trust me the shitskin problem is worse after its had a few generations to infest and mature.

Rome was worse for me desu

Seeing any niggers just pisses me off though

A leaf speaking of cultural problems. Now THIS is fucking rich.

20% immigrants, many chinese and shitskins.

We can recognize it in the early stages because of our experience with cultural destruction.

ikr thankfully i will be dead by then


Or the rot will be removed, don't lose hope my friend.

>shitskins, who do shit tier jobs that our bourgeouis youngsters dont want to do anymore
This also happens here, no one in the cities wants to do the "low class" jobs so they hire nigs and other trash who work for a cent. Where do they get this attitude from? Fucking spoiled brats. I think it's because here the elder folk were mostly poor farmers, and their children (now adults in their 50s) were born at the right time to get a decent job and make a decent amount of wealth. They then spoiled their kids because they didn't want them to have the same hard life they had growing up.

>Why is Italy such a pile of shit?
Because of us Italians. Throughout the centuries we have developed the art of being selfish and not caring about anything.

It's such a shame because we have truly a great potential, even in our poor conditions. Italy it's way from perfect, but most people don't realize how great it actually is.

NEETaly sounds pretty comfy.
At least the food's good, the girls are pretty and the people are somewhat redpilled, right?

You have no children at all mate.

>inb4 french kids are majority arabs and nog
Only the ones in Paris and on the mediterranean coast are.

How long it take until Monte dei Paschi crash and your economy colapse?

yeah it's something like that, social pressure that shitty jobs are subhuman tier, which might be true but a worker must be respected anyway. it's actually the adults who feel shamed by their peasant parents that transmitted this attitude imho. i did a few wagecuck student jobs and the worst attitude i got from people 40-50yo, youngsters were actually very respectful
always cling to hope, as small as it is. i think the game is far too complex right now to be solved smoothly, it's total war or nothing, and i wouldnt really want that

We are massive cucks who love american "culture", in particular nigger culture and faggotry

most people are just normal reasonal beings, but i guess to libcucks countries that must look redpilled af

Start shooting and drowning them you fucking cowards

Well, I still see quite a few but yeah it's really sad. Our population is getting halved each generation.

RIP Extinctugal. Soon this entire country will be like a ghost town.

War is inevitable and this crisis is going to end in blood one way or another. But I think of what the west would be like if we won and that vision makes the struggle worth it. We'll make it in the end, count on it.

We're in a similar boat too, but we've got way more Mussies and other leeches, thus more explosions and other monkey business.

It's pretty redpilled for western standards mate.

gg soros gg

I don't understand this diversity shit, are they mentally ill? If I want to see a fucking Ar*b I'll go visit the desert.

Your diaspora often has often a lot of kids both here, in Switzerland and Luxembourg from my experience.
Your government should begin to cut the electricity more often during the winter though.

That's because of old people
It's only a matter of time

But diversity makes our countries more colorful and happy!

You have to understand that in a lot of countries the education system pounds diversity into your head from day one.

America is the absolute worst because our school system at every level preaches diversity and interacialism as a virtue. Even in conservative states the liberals have control of the school systems and the curriculum and the cuckservatives are too busy whinning about evolution to address the larger issue: nigger loving and white guilt are standard indoctrination.

This is compounded by our media being completely fucked and the vast majority of movies, TV shows, and music are blaring the same messages either subtlely or blatantly. The propaganda is nonstop and pervasive.

Bullshit, old people mostly vote PD, it's the younger generations that are becoming more redpilled

what happened to you italy?

Yep, the so called generation z have shown to be more conservative than baby boomers, which is great.

i dont want my soil to be torn up in war, i understand burgers always take war to other countries, but im not that happy about it
>they vote m5s
mmmh not sure about it pham (no troll)
in theory i would agree, more culture is more interesting, but reality must be observed too, we arent some benetton utopia, this doesnt work

sometimes wine doesnt become better with time, become vinegar

Italians descend from Roman slaves

> Italy
> Cold, alone and cucked.
You surely are not the brightest tool in the box.

Stop shitposting, Italy is a good place to live: good food, good girls, great city, best mountain, fucking good sea, great story and culture, and then if you born in Italy you have all the chance to become rich. If you are poor as fuck is you fault, kek.

No you aren't.
I would say the only disgusting thing you adopted from american is the cult of appearance and sexualization everywhere, your TV is probably the biggest piece of trash I have ever seen, even south american programs deserve more respect than the utter idiocy you broadcast.

However italians are naturally redpilled when it comes to niggers, arabs and globalism.
People there are naturally racial realists, family oriented, traditionnalists and regionalist which makes you harder to subvert.

We, on the other side are totally lost in our delusion of grandeur with universalism, our leaders still pretend we have the cultural leadership of the West like the last thousand year despite the fact that it's not the case since at least 150 years, it's pretty sad desu.

You are delusional my friend
Younger generations are getting cucked by progressivism and negro culture
I don't doubt there are redpilled 16 yo but, generally speaking, the youth seems to me like a bunch of bluepilled cunts

Step up, uncle

Haha thanks for trying to cheering me up frenchie, I'll Host you for a week and show you what I am talking about

>the youth seems to me like a bunch of bluepilled cunts
Are you sure about that?

Yeah, the brain drain is immense. Besides the low birthrate, the young leave to other countries to get a job and earn more shekels. I hope to see the day where they will return, and not just for vacations.

I know the older migrants are mostly always like "Portugal master race" and shit like that in foreign countries, especially France (Euro 2016 victory) and this makes me feel shame to no end. I do also know that miss Le Pen praised our diaspora over there, I've heard a lot of mixed opinions. We mostly hate our diaspora in France, we call them "avecs" and treat them like trash. They live frugally there and then come here flaunting their new cars, and retarded shit like that. IIRC most migrated there fleeing Salazar's regime and they were (and mostly still are over there) lower-class peasants, so that explains the abhorrent mentality.

>Your government should begin to cut the electricity more often during the winter though.
Yes, instead of trying to import third worlders to (((replace))) the shortage of people. I fucking hate these deluded socialist/commie parasites.

No data will make me change my mind


It was surprisingly white in Rome, some indians and niggers here and there but they knew to be quiet and not cause any trouble.
The homeless nignogs were a little annoying but I soon learned nobody cares if you push them which was a lot of fun.

Italian food is the best food I ever tasted, has the best sculptures and painters in the world, the women are knockouts and the people are nice and very social.

I've noticed that the youth is very polarized, you have completely americanised pot-head lefty degenerates but then you also have very traditionalist youngsters too. It's probably because of the internet memes and everything reaching a climax. This current civilisation is about to collapse.

You visited the city centre of one of the most important toutsitc places in the world
Next time go to the outskirts of Milan

Rome is the least cucked capital of Western Europe if these demographics are to be believed. The non-Europeans are mostly Asians and the only real problem group are the mudslimes from Bangladeshi.

Not just teens.
That's because they don't open their eyes to reality.
I'll tell you a story.
I have a friend and his sister, 20years old, she's a total welcome refugee girl, communist whore.She will work in rapefugee camp, I can't wait to see her raped by a negro di merda and see her cry or give birth to a niglet.

In Rome there's an entire quarter full of Sandniggers

You can literally slaughter a nigger on the Italian streets and nobody will move a finger to help him, even better they cheer you.

>Italian food is the best food I ever tasted
Like what for example?

hello my pasta bro friends. Welcome to the club. Lets hold hands and eat tortellini together.