The premise of the video game has got to change in order to meet today's new standards.
The premise of the video game has got to change in order to meet today's new standards
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Yes leaf, you stay behind with us on the day of the rake.
I feel like that post can be reworked or memed to something relevant. Like making the post say:
>"If you see Refugees, you better find their camps and take them out, or this could be you"
And then and have a pic of Germany or Sweden
Civ6 by itself - is unplayable. You are literally playing the game where you are fighting for globalism.
I haven't played the game yet. Should I? My brother has been shilling for it since it came out.
Also, digits confirm my post. This shall be a new meme
Give him a slap and then get Alpha Centauri.
Just pirate it and play for a few hours.
I deleted it quickly. It's worse than Civ 5 and Civ 5 is worse than older civs
>Playing any civilization game before the complete edition with all the DLC
Do you LIKE throwing money away? Just keep playing Civ 5.
I can't get Civ2 to work under Win10.
Great sadness.
how did the graphics get WORSE in 6 years?
It works on Linux perfectly, senpai.
time to ditch NSAWindows
>"just now"
That's was obviously you that said that OP.
REMINDER: Most of Sup Forums looks like OP in his picture and is just as stupid as niggers
I'm sorely tempted.
Also: Colonization ftw
It really is bad, even for the series. Not to mention that it's blue pill after blue pill. The intro for every game start and load screen is a cuck reading to you about atheism and evolution. All the revisionist history, implying that barbarians deserve to be call "civilizations" and equal choices with western countries. How every western country is conveniently given a woman leader - even if it's the most random or temporary out of a sea of previous male leaders - they picked the woman... sort of like Battlefield 1 being about black soldiers. Like OP pic, you hunt down all the people/tribes who won't submit to your government barbarian and other civs alike. but then you don't actually get to genocide, you don't get to choose your religious profit (Christianity founded by Budha), oh and the few rare instances where there are actually Male leaders for western civs, the german is extremely overweight and ugly, the spaniard is a chariacture of catholicism (also fat), the greek guy is literally wearing a man purse, roosevelt looks like he has downs syndrome... but then all the literal savage civs that have male leaders are all shirtless and ripped with huge muscles.
Not worth pirating.
All that shows is that the person who made that graph browses certain boards and is annoyed by others. You can't measure a board's IQ any more than you can measure Central Park's IQ.
What are you talking about? You can play in different ways to achieve victory, you must just be playing the wrong way if you aren't getting leiben straum and taking on 11 other nations.
Modding is still enabled, correct? Graphics can be fixed, as well as intro text.
Then do it you lazy newfag piece of fucking garbage.
I don't know the status of any ww2 mods, I might check it out again after that, the game as is was not enjoyable, and I actually kind of like 'Beyond Earth' for what it was.
Again, not buying a civ game until the complete edition comes out. Get fucked leaf.
>I... I can fix that!
Or you just play another game and don't give them money
Your reading comprehension is atrocious, never post on Sup Forums again you retarded nigger.
I agree with this, make it like a "We love the king day" except "Rapefuges Welcome" and have a massive boost to unhappiness and population boom for x turns that speads to any other city connected via trade route or road. Also the only way to stop this is to build "Right Wing Death Squads" and Ben Garrison them into a city.
Civ 6 is a pile of garbage
Pirated it and tried to play it but the graphics are simply terrible.
It's actually a downgrade form civ 5
Must have something to do with your pirated copy.
The Civ series needs a helicopter unit that attaches to the diplomat unit and destroys it by throwing back down onto the map.
I didn't understand the point of the civic tree; with tech there's at least a little freedom, not so with civics.
Would have loved to see a really sharp design, or ever a more realistic one. Not sure why they chose to be a bastardization of a mobile game.
Civ IV:Realism Invictus is the apex of the Civ series. Massively detailed, highly complex, very redpilled. It's a real testament to how modders can keep a ten-year-old release alive and improve it to the point where it's superior to anything put out by the actual devs in that same time. I highly recommend checking it out.
(Also, if you do, I did up a component for religion that restricts founding to historically associated civs. So Germany, for example, isn't founding Islam -
berry good
>not converting the planet to Christianity and waging holy wars against the muslims and hindus
Have you even played Civ6?
pirated copy is worse meme
>Your shame is worse than my flag