Was he the only redpilled singer to ever exist?
What is pol's opinion on tupac ?
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Nigger, also fuck off loo also gas chamber is over there
why do you think he was redpilled, loo?
He's dead Jim
He was an agent of degeneracy in American culture
Hypnotized by the jew.
No, he was a nigger. All black rappers are puppets for their jewish string pullers in the recording industry. That is the opposite of red pilled.
Fucking massively over rated rapper that only normies like
Jewish propaganda includes rap music
>writes a bunch of songs about learning to love each other and getting past violence on the streets
>dies in a nigger beef with another millionaire
Illuminati. All through your body. Like a twelve gauge shotty
Sometimes hypocrite
>muh thug life
sometimes dropped redpills
>something something blacks shootin each other
SSSOOOO prophetic & deep
also tupac was a fake "bitch nigger". his entire big bad gangsta image was a fabrication and the guy took it in the ass.
What's next; Biggie Smalls is overrated?
2pac makes it to top 10 best rappers dead or alive. He has great energy, a great voice and is always on-beat
edgemeister who normies think was so enlightened that they had to take him out.
Skip to about 6 minutes, Tupac went to a performing arts school and did ballet it still baffles me how niggers think he was some sort of gangster. He was just an actor that New how to rhyme words. Was he a big "kill whitey" advocate by chance?
He was a great rapper and is a legend. Just looking at him for his music and not for "muh redpill" would help alot.
thats like top 10 poets with down syndrome
The game today, as it exists, is a complete violation of the code. Historically, the street hustler was hip to the enemy and would never work in the government’s interest to destroy their own people.
The thug life is a tool of the enemy as it exists today; it must change. The interests of outside forces are being served by the hustlers, because the crew has no dignity or honor – and this must be corrected. A council must be called to put a code to the thug life.
We accept that the game will go on until our liberation. What we won’t accept is that the game will destroy us from within before we get another chance to rumble and rebuild. We will not allow ourselves to be played by the covert operations, COINTELPRO, and low intensity warfare waged by the United States government.
A code must be established. As we look at the West coast, the majority of the life is controlled by gangs (Latin/Chican and of the Black community as well). The gangs are the force behind the underground economy in our hoods.
Highly talented artist, as both a writer and actor, fuck Suge Knight
Code of THUG LIFE:
All new Jacks to the game must know: a) He’s going to get rich. b) He’s going to jail. c) He’s going to die.
Crew Leaders: You are responsible for legal/financial payment commitments to crew members; your word must be your bond.
One crew’s rat is every crew’s rat. Rats are now like a disease; sooner or later we all get it; and they should too.
Crew leader and posse should select a diplomat, and should work ways to settle disputes. In unity, there is strength!
Car jacking in our Hood is against the Code.
Slinging to children is against the Code.
Having children slinging is against the Code.
No slinging in schools.
Since the rat Nicky Barnes opened his mouth; ratting has become accepted by some. We’re not having it.
Snitches is outta here.
The Boys in Blue don’t run nothing; we do. Control the hood, and make it safe for squares.
No slinging to pregnant Sisters. That’s baby killing; that’s genocide!
Know your target, who’s the real enemy.
Civilians are not a target and should be spared.
Harm to children will not be forgiven.
Attacking someone’s home where their family is known to reside, must be altered or checked.
Senseless brutality and rape must stop.
Our old folks must not be abused.
Respect our Sisters. Respect our Brothers.
Sisters in the Life must be respected if they respect themselves.
Military disputes concerning business areas within the community must be handled professionally and not on the block.
No shooting at parties.
Concerts and parties are neutral territories; no shooting!
Know the Code; it’s for everyone.
Be a real ruff neck. Be down with the code of the Thug Life.
Protect yourself at all times.
“I didn’t create T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E., I diagnosed it.”
House nigger
He was nothing more than a gang banger criminal.
What the fuck is with this meme of rappers being poets or somehow "red-pilled"? Makes me laugh and cry, to be honest. By default, rappers do more harm than good, people who listen to rap music are further normalising the degeneration of western culture. YOU are the problem. Why the fuck are you on pol?
Do you think cunts like this can even compare to actual poets? Not a fucking chance. Rap is the most derivative and useless genre of music there is, it's so easy, why do you think it's so popular? Timmy down the street doesn't need to learn how to do shit to start his "raps" does he? Nor does Jamal-nike-nog or whatever the fuck blacks call their kids these days.
Don't post here anymore cunt
Read about it mutulushakur.com
He was red pilled as they come.
>ITT: a bunch of underaged faggots that aren't able to tell you when and how they learned 2pac died
Personally I learned it on the radio, while driving back home from the flea market. I couldn't believe it, especially since I had just begin listening to him a few months before that
>He was nothing more than a gang banger criminal.
Nah he was a studio gangster m8, he made that image, he wasn't a gangbanger, he went to fucking acting schools and such, liked to write poetry and shit, he was soft before realizing bitches are stone cold so he changed into "2pac"
Complains about rich whitey not giving money to poor niggers only to then buy millions of dollars worth of pointless jewelry.
He gave nothing back to his community apart from decent music, but then again, why should he? and why should Whites?
All in all, he`s the definition of a hypocrite
He became redpilled
that story was amazing
no wonder youre so superior with an epic life like that
Don't make me fucking laugh, you stupid fuck.
It's a fucking disgrace to all of the great poets to call that shit poetry.
Again though, why are you on Sup Forums?
With each listen you give to such "artists", you only further degrade the values of western civilisation. You are part of the fucking problem, I will repeat.
You, and people like you, are the reason the world is the way it is. You are the reason every kid from here to the other side of Europe thinks it's cool to be a gangster rapper.
Tupac was a closeted gay CIA plant. He was raised extremely privileged and even went to acting school before he was famous and making rap music. He came from a black panthers terrorist family and was only allowed to exist in the mainstream because his music was influencing the 'gangsta thug life' society to get more black to form or join gangs and wind up in jail.
I remember hearing him say in an interview that a woman turned him down and said he was too nice and he sounded like he was about to start crying over it, a year later he started rapping about bitches
>not the only rapper with over a thousand guns
Go educate you fucking mongo, he didn't mean that his rap was poetry. Hope IRA bombs ur newborn child
This guy has reading comprehension without going full speg-mode m8 I meant he "wrote poetyry" when he was a young kid, he was soft then. His music is rap, not poetry lel
Faggot that essentially was an actor who was used by the CIA to control niggers.
Calm down, Jimmy. Not every rapper is taking about gang banging shit. The modern hip hop culture is indeed mostly degenerate, but even going back only 20 years ago you'll see they have good things to say.
If you don't like, it's OK. But saying a entire genre have no value just because you never payed attention is retarded. It's like me saying tea is terrible and unhealthy but never have tasted. Whether for good or for worse, a lot of this songs can make black people try to live a more honest life and make them cope with their bad decisions. Take for instance the song by OutKast - Git up git out. It's a song talking about the nihilism from the black hood culture.
This is retarded
I've never listened to his music, is it all boastful like "I'm so great, listen to me rap about how great I am and how strong I am and so forth"?
>tupac was redpilled
Nice meme senpai
He was a wannabe gangster. Ended up hanging out with gangsters. Gang raped a girl. Lost street cred. Panicked started talking gangster shit. Got shot
He was a running joke. He copied his lyrics from song to song no joke over and over again. Ripped off other music and rappers
Basically a black Britney Spears who got shot
He actually tried to touch on some issues beyond that, but yes, most songs are boasting and bragging still lel
Yup, he was trying to act hard with some real gangsters and got caught up in a drive by. Sad!
He copied his intellectual shit from other rappers
Enough of this shit about him being some intellectual
He literally copied the shit
Look at I wonder if heaven has a ghetto
Daily reminder, it does not matter how much of a talentless hack you are in the entertainment history if you die, you will be remembered as a prodigy even if you suck
>likes Tupac
Why am I not surprised?
You actively participate in the destruction of your own country each time you hit play, my friend. I hope you realise this.
Sure thing, make all the excuses you want. His "music" is trash and so was his message, if you can even call it that. The guy is only impressive to fucking morons and the uneducated.
It doesn't matter if they have good things to say, you stupid cunt.
With each listen, you normalise black culture, hence it becoming commonplace within the western world. Do you want your kids to study "rappers" lyrics about fucking hoes and selling drugs, yes?
>because you never payed attention is retarded.
When did I ever imply I haven't listened, dumb cunt? Do you think I'd be so outright if I wasn't sure? I've undoubtedly listened to more rap than you, for the purpose of research, and yet I am still right, and you are still wrong.
With each listen, or share, or view, or thumbs up, or whatever, you are normalising black culture to the white youth of the western world, or wherever you're from. As I said, if you are fine with "rappers" becoming role models, then do as you wish, but don't try to tell me there is any good within this bullshit form of "music". It's fucking sophomoric, all of it.
Why are cunts posting on a right wing, racist imageboard if they secretly listen to rap and actually like rappers? You people are fucking cucks, and I'm not one for memes
he was still begging for gibsmedats, still a useless nigger
also ΘωΘ ch*ck em
>saying words fast
not posting the superior remix youtube.com
That always fucking infuriated me.
Apart from what it says about how low our educational system has sunk that we consider it proof of "poetic genius" that some monkey can line up a few monosyllables so that their first letters form two other monosyllables, isn't this THE VERY IDEOLOGY of the malevolent baboons who tortured the retarded white kid in Chicago and broadcast it on Facebook?
"Look at us we vicious hate-filled sub-animals but izz not our fault socidy did it to us cos our mommaz welfare checks wuz late n now you white folks gonna hafta suffer for it like we did we gonna kidnap your disabled chillun n scalp em but no man is an island entire of itself, Every man is a piece of the continent, Therefore send not to know for whom the bell tolls, It tolls for thee and yo' disabled kids' scalps honkie motherfucker..."
>The guy is only impressive to fucking morons and the uneducated.
Which the world is filled with, hence why he was such a successful album salesman
2pacalypse now 1 million (2 million worldwide)
strictly 4 my n*gg*z 1 million (2 million worldwide)
me against the world 5 million (9 million worldwide)
all eyez on me 18 million (30 million worldwide)*
the don killuminati 6 million (8 million worldwide)
r u still down 4 million (6 million worldwide)
greatest hits 18 million (28 million worldwide)*
still i rise 1 million (1 million worldwide)
thug life vol. 1 0.5 million (1 million worldwide)
until the end of time 9 million (12 million world wide)*
better dayz 8 million (12 million worldwide)*
ressurection 1 million (2 million worldwide)
loyal to the game 1 million (2 million worldwide)
pacs life 0.5 million (1 million worldwide)
equals 107 million worldwide and 80 million in the U.S.
* double disk 1 million counts as 2 million
2pac sold 75 million records, but if you count double disk sales as 2 then he sold 107 million.
>implying I listen to rap
>implyiing I'm not just severly autistic over music
>implying me listening to music alone in my home effects anything
top kek anglom8
Yes tupac is only impressive to the ignorant
Because he ripped off other rappers left and right.
Jesus dude are you fucking dumb
checked hitler
MC Ride is refilled, he insults black culture all the time
The genre killed soul, the genre killed funk the genre killed gospel.
It ruined black culture.
They used to dance. They used to compete and have real hobbies and goals. Now the music celberates crime and mean muggin as a culture.
>Which the world is full of
100 percent!
People will buy anything. People will consume anything and everything, if put in front of them. Maybe a small percentage of people alive right now don't fit into this category.
His master needs to be prosecuted because his slave ran away.
you mean muslim
His music was for degenerate ghetto trash
name me 1 thing good rap did
>I couldn't believe it
>leaf couldn't believe some rowdy nigger who already got shot by niggers before and kept on talking about himself getting killed by niggers really did get killed by niggers
pac gets a pass
>name me 1 thing good rap did
encouraged more niggers to remove each other from the realm of the living
While also convincing them to fuck like rabbits to replenish the ranks.
Guru > 2pac
Shakespeare was a faggot as well. Fucking ignorant ugly britbong
Biggie > pac
>implying entertainment does anything
can we not? This is "VIDYA GAMES CAUSE VIOLENCE AAAAAAAAAAH" all over again. Kindly fuck off.
>Defending criminals and illiterate morons who write "raps"
Lol, die slow
What a disgusting sandnigger thing to say, Achmed
Yeah, no nigger follows this bullshit.
He was and remember that, only a nigger.
No the only red pilled singer was frank Zappa
Trashed and saged.
This, you faggots just haven't swallowed the redpill. Rap is trash.
You are really stupid if you think entertainment has no effect on anyone. I can give you thousands of examples; the most degenerate people you meet listen to rap and pop, possibly edm too.
Music directly imitates the passions or states of the soul...when one listens to music that imitates a certain passion, he becomes imbued withthe same passion; and if over a long time he habitually listens to music that rouses ignoble passions, his whole character will be shaped to an ignoble form
>fuk whyte ppl nigga ameriKKKans be racis dog u feel me
For all i know this nigger is responsible for blm, fuck him
That's all very nice but you need to prove it.
I've heard these claims too many times to count and all proof of "this art causes x" usually never comes to light because it doesn't exist or someone who can compile it never does.
>Was he the only redpilled singer to ever exist?
That was fucking Aristotle who said that. What, you know more than he does, eh? Fuck off.
They knew this shit way back then, but of course today, "It can't be bad for you", just listen to the man proving they can't be bad for you! He's also the same guy selling you the stuff but they can't be bad for you!
If you genuinely believe that music can't directly influence a persons actions, and overall outlook on life, then you are a fucking retard.
Take one look at Chicago. They kill each other over "diss tracks", they egg each other on to commit robberies, murder, kidnap, and a whole list of other crime, all through "music", if you can call it that. The entire spectrum of "hip-hop" is fucking posion because the foundation upon which the newer stuff was built upon was also poison. The sooner cunts realise it, the quicker the crime rate decreases.
Believe whatever you want to believe though
very based for the niggers in america.
There shouldnt be niggers in america in the first place. i used to listen to him before the redpill
He was before rap was made effeminate, back when it was rapping about selling drugs to idiots. Now its about being a panzy like drake and using drugs at parties like an idiot.