
What's Sup Forums's opinion on circumcision?

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Apparently circumcision of males at 8 days permenantly changes the brian of said males.

Could this be related to bicameral mind theory?

Circumcision of teenage and preteen females is just torture.

> but then you knew that

Should be banned as it is semitic. My genitals were mutilated for no other reason that satisfying a blood oath made by ancient Judeans thousands of years ago to a vengeful deity.

My foreskin was likely sold to a beauty products company or used for some other commercial purpose if not simply just burned or thrown out.

I still wash my dick so what was the point?

It is just torture.
And savage people like mudslimes and kikes must be thrown out back to Africa. I reckon minimum 10 years of imprisonment without parole is fine for such barbaric activities.

>tfw clean cut dick
My glans got smooth and shiny in less than 1 month! I have the best of both worlds. Women love my dick. And its clean and sensitive! Cheese fags btfo

>foreskin substitute

Never understood the 100% codamnation of female genital mutilation when circumcision is done world wide and in huge number in the US

>What's Sup Forums's opinion on circumcision?

no gets, no value.

>actually being proud of having a mutilated dick

Obviously, getting your cock mutilated is worth it just to avoid those pesky seconds washing your dick when you shower.

it's disgusting and shouldn't be conducted unless the person being circumcised is old enough to decide for themselves

>Dick Black


Because women are precious little angels while men are just disposable canon fodder.

>showering everyday
DESU you only need to shower once a week for health reasons. The only reason you should shower every day is to get rid of body odor. I usually don't stink so I only shower every other day

Kike's marking their property

That last one looks like a great idea.

>Dick Black

>so many savages in the US we have to pass laws against female circumcision

Is that why USA and Israel kick so much ass and Euro men are allowing their women to be raped by the semitics?

Intact cock reporting, I laugh at you cretinous burgers falling deep into kike's hands, not only you work for them like peasant slaves that you are, not only your pathetic country is Israels vassal state where they order you dumb fucks around to die for their prophecies, but they chop your dicks of at birth for no reason other than "eh, vey".

I'm not sure how much of this is shitposting but I really condemn you burgers for being not only fat and shallow, but also galactically dumb.

male genital mutilation should be treated the same as female genital mutilation

it's a cruel practice that shouldn't be done without your informed approval.

the fact that only sandpeople practise it should be enough proof of it being pointless, stupid and designed to hurt you.

I shower daily and moisturize, I only wash and condition my hair every other day. Sometimes if I'm not going out I may not shower for 3 days but I usually feel really uncomfortable. A week of not showering would probably make your hair all stiff, give you a fuck ton of acne and make you smell like ass.

If by "kick so much ass" you mean "be embarrassed by a bunch of ragheaded ISIS terrorists in the Levant while Bashar and Vladimir show you how it's done", then yeah.


>6 reasons you should stop showering every day, according to science

I wash up everyday with soap water and a towel so i wont smell like ass. But daily showering is too much

Welp, there goes not being happy for the daym dysphoria fucking sucks

>What's Sup Forums's opinion on circumcision?
burgers and other non-whites praise it, white countries don't.

The Constitution demands that people are free to raise their children how they want.

Though unlike the damage of full female genital mutilation, this is more like just the cutting of labia as the main nerve cluster is in the tip of the penis.

I am uncut and I had problems with a slight phimosis, tightness of the foreskin, growing up.

Youbwonder if that was one reason God instructed the Israelites to chop off their foreskin. Such problems and infections from it in the dersert in those times would be deadly.

>this brutal practice spilling into america

[citation needed]

maybe you shouldn't be bringing in the mudshit animals that practice this

Practised by kikes, what more do you need to realise it must be avoided?

I do the opposite. I shower daily but don't always use soap. A shower wakes me up.

The reason we get circumcision is because we actually try to some-what follow our European culture heritage.

It's unnecessaary genital mutilation and should legally be considered at least assault.

>inb4 it's cleaner
Wash your dick. Or don't be a hypocrite and shave your armpits because that's cleaner too.
>inb4 girls like it more
Girls like whatever they're more used to. In NZ most find circumcised dicks less attractive because it's less common.

From people who don't have to work an actual job

>Dick Black for State Senate

DIck Black

Cuck Confirmed

>our european culture heritage
you mutts were the ones who brought circumcision into the 20th century and beyond, not us.

You realize that you get no dick cheese if you simply wash every day correct? Im assuming your showers consist of sitting down in the tub and letting lukewarm water hit you.

If a grown man wants go get his cock clipped, that's on him.

Mutilating a baby that has no say in the matter? It should be a felony and anyone that has had it done to their kids should be ashamed of themselves.

It's good for the race, bad for the individual.
Let me tell you how so many Jews can become lawyers and doctors. It's not because they're naturally intelligent. It's because they are circumcise.
Your dick have a major effect on the brain. It makes you want to constantly fuck. If you didn't have a dick you'll be able to get so much work done, but here lies the problem: Fucking is why were here. So how can we reduce the effect of fucking on the brain while maintaining an individual ability to reproduce? Circumcisions.

>all in all im in great shape

Genital mutilation is genital mutilation. Unless it's done on a consenting adult or for medical necessity (phimosis), it's mutilation and should be punished as such by law.

I want my dick hoodie back
Curse my kike parents.

>Apparently circumcision of males at 8 days permenantly changes the brian of said males.

>Could this be related to bicameral mind theory?

No. This is stupid.

Let me go make up some bullshit science reasons why it's good.

You don't want STDs, do you, goy?

>What's Sup Forums's opinion on circumcision?
Not as bad as female genital mutilation but still pretty bad.

I understand why its useful in 3rd world shitholes as a way to prevent STD's spreading but theres literally no excuse for it in developed countries.

As someone who is cut there isnt a day that goes by that i dont wish i had my forskin, as it clearly makes the penis look a LOT more feminine with than without. Being a cut trap is a hard life :(

I wish it hadn't happened to me.

It's just retarded. There's not a single reasons why people should get themselves circumcised unless there's a true problem with their dick.

I use these!

I was cut aged 30, have been wearing them for about 6 months ever since the operation, so my glans never went crusty.

How did you find out about them?

The majority of boys are born into this world and their first sexual experience is RITUAL TORTURE.

>European culture heritage

You're joking, right?

He has a laughable name but he's fearless and based. I know him and had this picture in my fb this am.

Jesus Christ America. How the fuck can you pass a day without a shower/bath?

USA has not launched a real offensive since the iraq war. Whats going on in Syria is intended.

It doesn't really matter what anybody's opinion on circumcision is because the practice is actually becoming gradually less widespread in America.

Yes as does premature birth. As a victim of both i can tell you i lack empathy but since i was raised right i have morals and dont act upon my twisted sub-conscious.

It's a satanist agenda, its the jews agenda and politically it's a Marxist agenda. USA is a great country yes but like every country under western influence it's ultimately just a tool and a testbed.

My parents cut off a peice of excess skin on my weenie when I was a baby, and that is the reason my life is complete shit to this day.

Oh boy another thread for atheist Europeans to say how they refuse to follow Gods commandment. Circumcise your son, God asked you to

based volcano niggers

This is why Scandinavia and the Scandinavian people are dying, Islam is your plague

Would you say doing this makes him a big guy?

No. Fuck God on this one. Circumcising my sons relieves no suffering and only creates suffering in the lives of those I'm to protect. It creates more hell. Fuck that Jewish shit.
think again

Origen mental illness of Jews.

It's not Jewish, and don't curse God like that!

Icelandic people, and all Scandinavians lack common sense this is why they can't see reality and accept God. An entire nation of people are mentally insane! It's unbelievable

> Skin vs the head of your cock.
I disagree with both but i don't live in Jewmerica i guess.

In fact it is American influence that is the only negative influence on Europe. Fuck you America and your "soft power".


Even though it provides no medical benefits, is downright retarded and there really being no good reason to believe your claim?

is it okay for medical reasons?

i'm 32 and doctor keeps recommending the snip as a treatment for recurring fungal infections

It should be 100% illegal for a minor except for emergency medical reasons, it should not even be allowed as a preventative. If an adult wants the snip, they can get it done themselves on their own expense.

go cry to your priest, churchboy. Why are you here?

God commanded it, that's the only reason I need. I like to talk about the bible here

I'm glad I don't live in the U.K. If this is the belief people have there, you had a circumcision rate of nearly 40% in the 1930's and spread it to Canada, the USA. New Zealand and Australia its an Anglo tradition

I don't need this shit because I don't have the mark of the jewish slaves.
>Letting a sharp object close to your dick fucking EVER.

Exhaust other possibilities first. Steroid creams and loosening, partial circumcision, or just clean yourself proper you autistic fatshit.

How the fuck do people defend having an anteater for a dick?

Live in the civilized world, you savage degenerates.

First point is a yes, second point frankly has very little evidence either way.

We see similar effects in kids with traumatic injuries in the first few days of life.

Though anecdotally myself (cut fag with a broken dick because of it) and the cut population have on average noticably lower empathy.

An adult can do what they please to their own body, if they want to mutilate their own body in the name of God, they are free to do so. Doing it to an infant without their consent or even without a valid medical reason is barbaric and cruel.

I tried steroid creams but it comes back as soon as I stop using them


I don't have phimosis and I wash my willy every day in warm water.

>everyone that doesn't agree with me is an evil joo!

non-black people don't stink after a day without a shower

Euro degenerates hate God, and ignore what God asks of us
Jesus himself was circumcised, they should find an American wife who hopefully like Zipporah will make sure their son is circumcised


It's not Barbaric, you think God is barbaric? This is blapshmey!

>be uncut
>mom was a nurse, dad was veterinarian so they understood medical stuff well, thought it was unnecessary
>Now 34, has not been an issue one day of my life
>Actually only found out it was unusual in the past year because of Sup Forums
>married, had other partners before... not one girl even commented on it
>never had an infection, just pull foreskin back in the shower stream to keep clean, takes 2 seconds

I would not circumcise a child and I would advise anyone else against it just on the grounds that it's an unnecessary medical procedure performed on an infant.

>Jesus himself was circumcised

He was also killed by Jews. Are we promoting murder now too just because it was done to Jesus?

>live in the civilized world
>can shower daily
>circumcision is useless

There's your mistake, you were with harlots and whores their opinion shouldn't matter only the opinion of a girl who reads the bible.

Then as a professional internet doctor I say lop it all off, you were born defective

I wish they'd at least asked for my permission...

but why the fuck do americans name their children "dick" anyway?

like have you ever seen a guy named prostate? or balls? or a girl named clit?


Jesus said the law would not be abolished until Heaven and earth pass, this is something jesus himself said you should do. Likewise since the law would never be abolished the punishment for murder would be putting the murderer to death!

Its short for Richard

Are you a jew? Roman Catholicism outlaws circumcision.

It's a fitting name.

The harlots were a mistake.... but my wife is a girl who reads the bible and she doesn't care so....